How to check the Air Quality Health Index and assess your health risks

As we enter another wildfire season, Environment and Climate Change Canada is advising people to pay attention to air pollution levels and check the Air Quality Health Index – especially on smoky days.


The Air Quality Health Index is at:

You can take a look at the ratings in communities across your province or territory.

A rating of 1-3 is low risk, 4-6 is moderate risk, 7-10 is high risk and over 10 is very high risk.

Environment Canada also encourages people to download the WeatherCAN app and set personal notifications for the AQHI in their region.


Guess this is just our lives now. Ignoring climate change and mismanaging wildfire prevention and now we live in a country where only May and maybe June are good months. Our summers now are almost completely covered in wildfire smoke. God knows the health effects we’ll all have later in life living through this every year. We grew up in a world where every day was warm and beautiful in the summer. We never worried about checking air quality and now it feels like our kids are going to live in a world where they need to wear gas masks outside.

TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

We grew up in a world where every day was warm and beautiful in the summer. We never worried about checking air quality and now it feels like our kids are going to live in a world where they need to wear gas masks outside.

Well we could have voted for people who want to fix this, but we didn’t (I’m using a royal ‘we’ for millenials here) – and now we continue to vote conservative, so it’ll keep happening.

Sadly I think our kids, while wearing gas masks, will be the ones to actually approach this both from a ‘left-wing’ side and deal with it.

I honestly don’t have an optimistic take for you here, and mostly agree with you. At some point the adults have to admit we took safe summers away from our kids, and their kids, and do things to slow (not remove) the issue, but we won’t


Personally, I like to check both Firework (for the forecast animation), and Accuweather (for additional local measurement data).

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