The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!

Please don’t forget to use the spoiler tag as soon as you start talking about a storyline.

krzschlss, avatar

Signalis (on Switch)

The music, the sounds, the visuals create a perfect mood. I’m not far into the story, but for now it’s very intriguing. One of the few games where I don’t mind the backtracking. Despite the retro look, the game is very immersive.

There is some clunkiness tho. Might be better on a PC.

If you like sci-fi with a bit horror, ambiguous storytelling, gloomy atmosphere, try it.


This game has been on my steam wishlist for quite a while. Looks like it’ll scratch that old school resident evil itch.

krzschlss, avatar

I wasn’t a big fan of the old RE games (could never get used to fixed cameras), but Signalis works for me. Still haven’t finished it, free time seems precious commodity these days, but come the next weekend I’ll hopefully definitely will have the time to continue the game.


For what it’s worth, I found the PC vers clunky also. I wanted to get into it more than I did unfortunately.

krzschlss, avatar

It’s not game breaking. the clunkiness shows in combat situations, but you can just do ‘dark souls run past the enemies’ in most cases. I like this game for the atmosphere and story mostly.

Aielman15, avatar

I found the game very rough around the edges, and had to look at an internet guide to tell me where to go in the last level, but it’s a game really worth playing for the atmosphere and story alone.

There’s a great video essay on YT that takes a deep dive into the story and symbolism of the game, which I really recommend watching after finishing the game, if you’re into that form of content. A complete story breakdown of Signalis.

krzschlss, avatar

Still not finished Signalis… struggling a bit with free time for gaming. Just wanted to say, I do play games for story and/or atmosphere. Like watching a movie, and I do like my movies to have a story or atmosphere.

I hated the gameplay (for being very easy) and the story was meh on Death Stranding, but the mood and the feel of that game won me over, so I finished it and even went back to try 100%ing it.

My job makes me having social interactions for most of my day, so a game that gave me the feeling of isolation and loneliness like Death Stranding 2 or 3 hours before sleeping was kind of pensive at the time. Few weeks after finishing the game, Covid happened, and since then I had few instances of isolation IRL, and it wasn’t nearly as introspective as Death Stranding. So I look fondly on that game even tho all the gaming aspects of it were boring IMO. Just the atmosphere was great.

So yeah, I can consume any media if the atmosphere and/or story is enjoyable or challenging (in a positive way)

I will check the video, I like video essays.

Aielman15, avatar

I can relate to that. These days I find myself gravitating more towards calm/introspective games that let me sit back, explore at my own pace and relax.

Wish you a good day, and I hope you are enjoying the holidays :)


I just started Returnal yesterday evening. I have a PS5 Dualsense as PC controller and let me tell you those haptics are really something.


I played it on PC and loved it even without the fancy DualShock features. I bet they’re awesome.

I love how fast and responsive the movement is.


Yeah, movement is great. It’s also hard as fuck, at least for an old fart like me (I’m 46).


I tried to get GTA V to work in VR with the Real mod but it looks like Take 2 has patched it out and threatened to sue the modder if they continue to update it.

I don’t understand why they would do this. They don’t want players revisiting the game again to play in VR? Would that be bad for business or something? I seriously don’t get it.


I got addicted to a cabure game , I wish they have expanded the scope of this since it is sooo good, Oh yea it also has beatem up and really good story.

avater, (edited ) avatar

still Avatar and since I got Alan Wake 2 in the Epic sale I started to replay the original. The free remaster you got with Alan Wake 2 unfortunately has some nasty visual bugs on amd hardware and too often shatters my immersion with glitches and black screens, but since it only ups the assets I’m fine with the original which is still an awesome looking game and perfectly playable in 2023.

Duenan, avatar

How are you finding Avatar?

It looks intriguing for sure though I have heard comments that it’s sort of the typical Ubisoft hunt the icon type game with in Avatar world skin.

avater, avatar

I really like it and since there are no Icons or compass it’s really not that type of game. I have the impression that most of the people just repeat the nonsense they heard somewhere.

Yes they are outpost but you don’t have to clear them like in FarCry, you can simply follow the story or some some nice written side quests or just explore the world on your ikran. The traversal through the world is amazing and really well done by massive and on top of that you have an unobtrusive gear and skill system for your character.

So overall the game is really good and gets really amazing if you’re a fan of the movies or the world.


ULTRAKILL, the first layer of Act III is finally out!


Binding of isaac online, its so fun being able to Play it with your friends without local multiplayer reliably


I just finished Yakuza 3. I have loved 0, 1, and 2. 3 was tough simply due to the lack of music cues. There is so much time spent listening to “ambient_beach.mp3” or “bustling_small_city.ogg” that it was getting tedious. The story is great and it shows off a side of Kiryu that hadn’t been developed and was great fun to see. The gameplay was so-so. Stiff and of the era. I’m currently taking a short break before I dig into Y4. I’m really excited to get up to LaD and that game style, but I am enjoying the story to get there.


A lot of Spider-Man remastered. I played it when it first came out on ps4, then lost the disc. The remastered version has the dlc though, so that will be new. Also a bit of ark survival evolved to date my creative gaming needs, and some terraria with family.


FINALLY getting into Hollow Knight in earnest. I have to say: holy shit this game truly deserves all the accolades it was given. Absolutely adoring it.


Just finished playing metal gear solid peace walker and now I’m play through MGS 5 again ! Love all the MGS games.


If you could recommend only one for someone new to the games, which would it be?


I would recommend MGS3, personally.


Not MGS2??

Turn off the console, right now.


Probably part 2, because it’s got the best evolution of the originals gameplay, without going too crazy deep into mechanics like the later games do.


MGS3 (first game chronologically and best standalone game) or Ground Zeroes which is basically an introduction to MGSV.


I would say MGS 2 or 3 or hard to choose . If you want something in the modern day go with 2 or if you want cold war ear go with 3 . MGS 3 is longer and has a lot more cool unlockables too . MGS 1 is amazing too but definitely shows its age . If you can’t tell I’m a huge MGS fan lol .

Here’s my collection of MGS games !


I’m still salty about MGSV not having a proper narrative or ending


I started playing Zero Sievert again and have been thoroughly re-addicted.


Damn. this look like lots of fun! Going to add to my wish list for now.


I like how the moment-to-moment is still strategic and tense, but its not as brutal as something like tarkov. (By default when you die, you keep what you went in with)


I’ve been playing the original Doom for the first time over the last few days, and just beat it today. It was really good and I can see why it was such a big deal at the time. It was a significant improvement over Wolfenstein 3D in every way, not just technically, but also in terms of level design and story.


Trying Sea of Thieves for the first time. Been interesting.


On the PS5 I’m busy leveling my characters in TMNT shredder’s revenge and try to complete every objective in story mode. I have 3 objective left and they’re all not getting hit a single time while getting through the stage. They seem to be impossible for me, but will keep trying.

On my steam deck I’m playing dead cells. I haven’t completed a single run yet but having lots of fun. Trying to time dodges and not face tanking everything is my biggest thing to do while playing it. I just love going at it at the enemies.

This week beaten Mario RPG for the first time ever. Fun game, bit short and easy. Post game though, the rematches with the bosses are really something else. I don’t know yet if i want to go through all of that but who knows. Getting the 30 and 100 consistent jumps on a enemy is so hard to do. The first 10 you get much leeway to do them but after that you really need to time them. 28 is my highest yet…

End of this week i have 2 weeks off from work and i will begin playing Baldurs gate 3. Got for cheap on my xbox. Looking forward to that.

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