
Yep, you continue to be wrong in ways that I have already explained which you obviously do not understand, and in more baffling ways that would require even further in depth explanations from me which at this point you quite clearly would also misunderstand.

You often do not even understand how to make relevant criticisms and simply assert something false or irrelevant about one point I make and use it to argue against some other point in a way that I have already shown to be false or failing to even grasp the concept being discussed.

You are in this latest post just outright contradicting yourself within the span of two adjacent sentences as opposed to separate posts.

Obviously you are someone who plays games and has opinions about them and has no actual programming or tech industry or video game creation experience, as opposed to myself who does have actual experience making games and has worked in the tech industry for a decade.

Again, you have no idea what you are talking about and have basically been wrong about literally everything you have mentioned.

DRM still is not DLC. Yes. They interact. That does not mean they are the same thing or necessarily must coexist. DRM is not /content/ it is /content management/.

Their interplay or relationship is irrelevant to a discussion about MTX, which you still fundamentally fail to grasp is a system with definable attributes, which I again have already defined more than sufficiently, which you again are either forgetting or ignoring.

You insist on relying on astoundingly vague and unspecified concepts of ‘good’ DLC vs ‘bad’ DLC which is obviously not possible to legislate or regulate because it is not well defined.

We absolutely do not run the risk of banning any kind of DLC if MTX is regulated against.

Again, as I already stated, in a world where say games were not allowed to, within the actual game itself, offer access to the player to additional content that applies specifically to that character’s avatar as either a cosmetic or a functional in game item, where the actual digital code for said items is already present to all players without additional download, this would 1) lessen impulsive purchases 2) reasonably result in many games moving there stores for MTX to a program or website not actually in the game itself.

Then, if you combine that with my other theoretical restriction of being able to purchase additional DLC for a specified game only every so often, or put a cap on max spending on DLC in a time period, what this results in initially MTX individual items to be sold as bundles, and at the very least highly incentivizes game companies that rely on MTX to make reasonably priced bundles, while also not seriously affecting non MTX games that semi-regularily release DLC that contains more substantial things than just items for the individual player.

While this would not entirely destroy the ability of MTX games to sell more content, it would seriously dampen the exploitative power of their predatory business model to harm those susceptible to it.

In the world of preventing addictions and similar things, there is never a full proof solution, but there often are very effective harm reduction techniques.

Not that you have any understanding of such policies as you apparently still cannot grasp that addiction literally is a self regulation problem, but also simultaneously that it is and MTX is somehow unique and special and different than other addiction problems and should be addressed by methods which are very, very well known to be very ineffective for all other addiction problems.

I cannot believe that I have actually wasted my time repeating myself due to your inability to string together consistent concepts from my differing posts.

You are just arguing for the sake of wanting to be right and have absolutely no ability to realize you are incorrect, uniformed, and also just at this point unable to make a coherent argument.

Ciao for now.

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