
The problems with nix/nixos documentation are:

  • documentation isn’t sexy so not many want to do it
  • documentation is difficult to be written by beginners because… they’re beginners
  • nix/nixos maintainers undervalue documentation efforts - I’ve tried to get in pull requests, but they just stall (not reviewed, nitpicked to death, simply not merged, etc.)
  • it isn’t generated from source code

Also, the very top heavy decision making process harms the community. Some person with hundreds of commits can push through nearly any change (good or bad) relatively quickly, unless other frequent contributors are really really against it. However, fresher contributor with a great change is forced to go through a never-ending process and few stay to actually finalize it.
Pushing to master was not seldom for a long time and IINM it isn’t possible anymore. But maintainers can simply (and do) create a PR, make a change and merge it.

These difficulties just make me want to fork nixos. For documentation, at least there’s


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