
These numbers are inflated due to our population and government and health sector office pc using linux

So just like Windows numbers being massively inflated because of corporate computer fleets?

These office pcs just require a chrome browser and all the work is done on the browser Nobody here cares what os they use in their office pc.

Right, so again, the mostly the same with Windows for both office and personal use.

I don’t see anyone here switching to linux on their personal pc other than the IT students who are forced to install kali linux.

What are you expecting exactly? Is the choice of each person supposed to be formally announced? Are we supposed to real into a populated areas and declare like Micheal Scott “I declare: I’M USING LINUUUUUX!”?

People here buy desktops only for gaming/content creation, which means most households here doesn’t need/require a desktop.

You just described the entire world. This is far from unique to India. Most people I know don’t have a desktop and maybe have a laptop, and I live in North America.

Not to be conceded, but I’m guessing this post is in response to my comments from a couple days ago?

I really don’t understand your point. It’s like you’re saying “the users in India don’t count because they’re not using Linux the way I do”.

Does that mean that all the workstations at CERN don’t count? Or that the systems up on the ISS don’t count?

To me (and I’m certain most people in general would agree) the ISS story is very important, because they were originally running Windows on those systems, but it kept crashing. They switched to Linux to get more stability out of those systems and have been using Linux ever since.

Also, does the story of the City of Munich switching to Linux not count either? It’s supposed to be a major win, btw. A city government switching away from Windows and choosing to go with Linux is huge. I see it the same way with India. The more often people are Linux in the wild, the more normalized it is and the more mind share it generates. And mind share is huge in getting people to make a certain choice. It’s the reason why product ads are everywhere. The more often you see a product/brand, the more likely you are to say to yourself “that’s the thing I’ll buy”.

Before anyone says Munich switched back to Windows, they didn’t. Microsoft made an under-table deal with some officials with the at-the-time in power government to switch back to Windows if they set up a Microsoft office in Munich. Then a new government was voted in a few months later and said “hell no, we’re continuing with the Linux rollout” and that’s where we are today. The City of Munich is a Linux success story.

Ultimately your post was just stating some facts and then waffling on about how it doesn’t count.

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