cod, avatar

Hey, mod here. Guilty as charged, I honestly haven’t played much in months so it’s been hard to come up with good posts. I do read everyone else’s posts though, but not every day. I’ll try to comment more frequently and check in more often too.

As for the monthly games thread, that’s been the other mod, I’ve been patiently waiting for a new post for a while but haven’t seen one from him. I might take over that duty if the most recent post hits 3 months without update.

If there’s anything you’d like from this sub I’d love to hear it!


I really liked the “Essential Games List” on Reddit, maybe we could do something similar? Or maybe best recently patient games? (games that are 1-2 years old)

Basically, I come here for game recommendations, so I’d really like a rotating rec list. Once/year would be plenty for me, since I just throw them on a wishlist and pick them up when I need games to play.

cod, avatar

That’s a great idea. I’m definitely going to look into doing that essential games list.

As for the recently patient games, I just made a post about that last night! It seems to be well received.

Blaze, avatar


Good to see you are still around!


I’ve recently become addicted to realm of the mad god


I just hope they haven’t abandoned it completely. But it would be nice to hear from the mods about the issue you raised. Would be a pity to lose such an active community.

As for games, I started Earthbound, finally

Blaze, avatar

The most active one hasn’t been around for a month, so I’m a bit worried they might be gone.

But that’s not an issue per se, someone else can take over


Like the old super nintendo rpg featuring Ness? Gosh why the rush? Seriously tho that’s a neat one. I played not many years ago for the first time. It’s wild seeing so much of what I love in games so old. Even if we owned a super Nintendo back when and I logged absurd hours…

Super Mario RPG was major for me, I got it because it said Mario. Hated it for the first few nights, loved it for years. Equally realized rpg was a genre of games.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

theyre just being extra patient


Picked up MW5 Mercenaries the other day and liked it so much I picked up all thr DLCs for it too. Not sure that was the best move as a few early mechs have some annoyingly powerful equipment


Faster Than Light. It’s so addictive and such a nice chill game

LoreleiSankTheShip, avatar

One of the few games I always come back to


I’m playing thronefall.

Difficult but super fun. Only made it past level 3. A bit too preoccupied to play further.

Also playing on a steam deck!


The news of KSP 2’s death has got me playing KSP [1] for the first time in years. It’s still abyssmally optimised, but nonetheless fun as ever!


Got roped back into Tarkov because of the PvE mode. (I got the EoD edition on sale a while ago)

neidu2, (edited )

Never noticed until you asked, but yeah, I don’t think I’ve seen such a thread in ages.

I put Factorio on hold for now, as I’m waiting for the DLC. In the meantime I’m playing Project Zomboid with a few friends.


Mind selling me on the dlc? Never played factorio but I am susceptible to automation games. Currently on minecraft create mod and shapez.


Automation games and never played Factorio???
Screw the DLC (for now), you need to get started with Factorio ASAP. I started with Factorio in 2017 after I mentioned to a coworker that I liked Minecraft with mods that allowed for automation such as Industrialcraft, Buildcraft, and Immersive Engineering. I have played some Create, but when I did I found that it wasn’t mature enough as a mod.

The DLC is mostly aimed towards end-game stuff. Whereas the base game is completed once your factory has launched a rocket with a satellite on board, the DLC picks up from there, allowing you to build automated space platforms, visit other planets each with their distinct differences.


Jumping on this to second it and also be shamelessly elitist. Factorio is the automation game. Nothing tops it. You may think other games look more beautiful, exciting, or engaging, but they are not. Factorio is also one of the cheaper automation games out there with one of the best developers in the industry. Definitely give it a go!

Quazatron, avatar

Still playing Skyrim. Can’t seem to put it down.

I’ve modded it a bit and started over. I’m picking up more hidden details that I missed the first time, and I’m abusing some game mechanics to be all powerful. Muhahah!


Hey, if you’re into checking items off a list, Legacy of the Dragonborn might squeeze some more hours out of skyrim for you. It’s about creating a museum with everything in the game. You have to get pretty much everything, from a leather armor set to daedric weaponry, and store it in the museum. You can still keep the cool items by making replicas for the museum instead(and you can always take the item back from the museum also). It’s been a while since I played so maybe some things have changed in newer versions, but after finishing that mod I pretty much put down skyrim - nothing else to do at that point (other than mods with new quests, or skill/perk overhauls)

Quazatron, avatar

Thank you, I’ll check it out.


Playing Disco Elysium for the first time and it’s really good. Reminds me a lot of Planescape: Torment. Really a breath of fresh air after Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 had fun gameplay, but my god did the writing suck. There were a few good bits, but overall it was garbage. The 4-options-only dialogue system blew anyway, but the options were always “Yes”, “No”, “Meh/Sarcastic Yes”, and “Tell me more!” It was terrible.

At least in Skyrim you were a nobody that everyone wanted a piece of, you lack of internal motivation was understandable. The conflicts were between the groups were rooted in a history you woke up in the middle of. There were literally chaos gods (daedra) fucking shit up. For the love of god Bethesda, please just make the next Fallout game an actual RPG.

Oh, and I also need to circle back around to Dave the Diver now that the Godzilla DLC is out.

Tregetour, (edited ) avatar

Started playing Rain World. I’m getting huge ICO vibes.


I’ve got 50% completion on Marvel’s Spider-Man. The swinging mechanic and combat are great and never wear out their welcome. What gets old is the unending cycle of finishing two missions then running into someone who starts yet another collect-athon with, “Help me find my lost pigeons strewn about the city,” or “Fight five groups of enemies in each New York neighborhood”.


I was playing AC Valhalla and Jedi Survivor, but then my game pass expired and I didn’t like the games enough to renew it. So now I’m back to Red Dead Redemption 2.

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