
Meanwhile the guy who can actually do something about it right now has done nothing but continue to aid Israels genocide in Gaza by providing them weapons and instructing his UN ambassador to continue providing cover. Fuck Trump, but goddam can’t you people ask the bare minimum (oppose genocide) from your party leader?


I mean he did reportedly call for a cease fire today. Not great but better late than never.


Irrelevant. We have the biggest military in the world, and with great power comes great responsibility. We should have bombed their capitol and assassinated Netanyahu months ago. Biden is complicit in genocide.

@simplejack@lemmy.world avatar

What’s up with @lemmy.ml users and violent regime change?


never seen a site with so many homicide enthusiasts

@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

It is one of the larger servers for one. Some people after blocking lemmygrad.ml and hexbear.net also block lemmy.ml too. Not me bc I like the memes:-). Anyway it is how they want to be, I guess.


Why are you in favor of genocide rather than regime change? You act like it isn’t MORE violent to let Netanyahu remain in power.

@simplejack@lemmy.world avatar

Sanction Bibi and weaken what little political support he has left. Many many Israelis hate his ass. Let them remove him from power with the ballot box.

Want to remove authoritarians? Start by not supporting them, not by trying to out authoritarian them.


True, my answer was simply the most obvious one, there are certainly better ways to depose Netenyahu and israels genocide. But if Biden wants an easy answer, its to just fucking kill him and force israel to end their genocide.


They’re trying their hardest to spin any statement about preventing a second Trump presidency into you actively supporting genocide. No mental gymnastics are too difficult for them.

I’m not usually inclined to conspiracy theories, but to me this smells like a concerted Russian astroturfing campaign to bring Putin’s sock puppet back into office while sowing more division. What’s also interesting is that all they want to talk about is genocide, but only the one happening at the hands of Israels government right now. Putin’s genocide in Ukraine is conveniently ignored or denied.


Violent regime change? How about humanitarian intervention in a fucking genocide? The US has never been shy about violent regime change, and this is true of whichever party is in power. Here we have a clear justification for forceful intervention and you pretend to some equivocation? Do you have any moral standards at all, or simply political calculation?

@simplejack@lemmy.world avatar

There is whole lot of options between where we are now, which is giving arms to Bibi, and assassinating the leader of a country with democratic elections and nukes.

He’s hanging on to power by a fart and a prayer. His political career likely wouldn’t survive sanctions.


Have you not heard of aipac???

Get a fu king clue.


Yes I’ve heard of AIPAC. Expect more from your leaders.


Fuck Israel.


I feel like trump never really supported Israel. It’s never been one of his big campaign issues and his isolationist tendencies push him away from it. He likes netanyahu like he likes the Saudis because they kiss his ass, but like all the sycophants who surround him he’ll abandon them as soon as they start being a liability, and this war, even with his base, is starting to become a liability.

He’s the opposite of Biden in that way, Trump had no particular attachment to Israel and would probably be fine if it stopped but his party is pulling him into a hard-line approach. Meanwhile Biden has been a passionate Zionist his whole political career and is being pulled by the left in the party to a call for ceasefire.


I feel like trump never really supported Israel.

He’s not genuinely religious. I doubt he’s a believer but he’s definitely not a true-believer. He just knows the rubes mostly are. Convenient exploitation plus dog-whistle.


Why is the New York Times reporting on the feelings of a random far-right Israeli? Who pitched this story to them? This story says more about the Times’ view of what is newsworthy than anything substantive about Trump’s relationship with Israel or the right.

It just comes across as more “both sides” white-washing. If you look hard enough you can find a source for whatever message you want to put out and then just couch it in “some say”.




I’ll translate from mob-boss-speak: when Trump says “finish up,” he means “complete the extermination of the Palestinian people quickly, before the anti-genocide opposition can finish mobilizing to stop it.”


That’s incredibly speculative. What reason do you have to think Trump cares HOW the conflict ends? When has trump ever cared about anyone besides himself?


Well, for starters, Trump also said that Israel needs to “finish what they started” and what they started was a genocide, so…

He also said Israel needs to “get it over with” and that’s something you say when you want someone to complete an unpleasant task rather than abandon it.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

what anti-genocide opposition?

Biden hasn’t even stepped back an inch on supporting Israel even after all the protests, resignations, and blatant evidence of war crimes.


I’m talking about the anti-genocide protestors in Israel and elsewhere who keep getting threatened, arrested, censored, etc.

@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Ah I was confused because you said “mobilize” which made it seem like you meant opposition party.


I mean, surely there are some political parties in Israel opposed to the genocide.


“Donald Trump did not expressly direct him to reverse engineer financial statements, he ordered him to do so indirectly, in his ‘mob voice.’”


Uh oh, now Lemmy ml won’t know who to tell Americans to vote for.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, they’ll just up the pro-Biden memes thinking that they are somehow getting more Biden voters.


The point is they don’t want either, and act like not voting for either means they won’t get one of the two, which is false.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

First, this is a self-created scenario. Honestly, if it came to Bernie and Trump… would you be more scared of Trump winning or Bernie? If your answer is Trump, then ask the Democrats why they are more scared of having someone like Bernie win than they are of risking Trump winning again. That should tell you all you need to know about what and who you’re actually voting for. It is the same show different season, but you forgot to watch seasons 1-7 to see they all are the same story with new actors every now and then.


It’s not, there’s 2 candidates right now, one is trump.

There is no known democratic politician that if they replaced Biden, I’d vote for trump. It’s not gonna happen. Bernie, fuck it Hillary, any of em. Trump must not be president.

Trump is unlike any other president or presidential candidate in the modern age. Avoiding project 2025, insurrection 2.0 or any other maga shenanigans is the top order.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, no shit. There were the same two candidates last time too and Biden didn’t win more votes cause he was well liked. So same story and same characters, different season. They are taking a bigger risk this time around though, but hey… if Trump does win, make sure you blame everyone but the Democrats.


Not sure what you mean. I didn’t pick the candidates, I have 2 to choose from.

Just because something happened to us, the voter, twice doesn’t mean we have any more agency of change this time than last.


Are you a US citizen?

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I am and I live in Washington State. Are you?


Absolutely. Just asking. Lots of people from outside the US love to act like they know everything about our elections.


I don’t need to be from the US in order to understand US politics / political system better than the average US citizen.


But just some, not a lot.

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