joneskind, avatar

Go woke go broke?


Everybody in this thread is talking like this is a good thing, but it’s really just a scam to try to weasel out of paying for their defamation.


Of course! All of this was astroturfed by wealthy benefactors who only kept dumping money for the purpose of getting policy out of it.


Damn fox news went bankrupt?

magnetosphere, avatar

Idiots who go broke failing to scam other idiots are the biggest idiots of all.


Womps and Preyers🙏


Couldnt’a happened to a nicer hovel-ship of wild-eyed spit-frothed tin-foil-hatted hate-sowing conspiracist shit gibbons…. May all memory of their molding entrails fuse with Andrew Breitbart’s in the subterranean oubliette of America’s spastic attention span.


in the subterranean oubliette of America’s spastic attention span.

Well thats some mighty fine cursifyin’.

Mighty fine.


Oh yeah, they felt that, I reckon, and they’ll keep feelin it too. Not often you encounter such distinguished swearers out in the wild west. Now if you’ll 'scuse me, I got myself a tense shootout unfolding like a poker game over here, hope you don’t mind.


Awwww… anyway.


OH NO So what’s a good way to cook edamame for people who aren’t used to eating it?

cedarmesa, avatar

I steam mine with shank of oligarch. *Chefs kiss

seaQueue, avatar

Funny how fast divisive far right sites are dropping now that the Russian money pipeline is shut down due to sanctions.

cedarmesa, avatar

Russia has cut back to only funding republican congressmen. Austerity is a bitch.


The sanctions from 2 years ago?

seaQueue, avatar

There’s a bit of a lag time while money already moved is exhausted. Note how many Republican (and other divisive far left/right) orgs are suddenly running out of money now that they don’t have a constant infusion


There are plenty of billionaires in the US funding this. They are declaring bankruptcy because of losing their case against Georgia election interference. Blaming every instance of American fascism on Russia just removes the blame from the actual perpetrators.


¿Por qué no los dos responsables (perpetrators)?


Sanctions haven’t done shit to the Russian economy.


Russia having to spend money on their war?

seaQueue, avatar



Good. Gateway Pundit is a name I recognize well from all the shenanigans that happened a few years ago. May they rot.


They forgot to sell “anti-woke” toxins to put in and on your body along with merchandise to advertise what a moronic and shitty person you are.


lol @ “lawfare”. Is that some new snowflake term for “consequences”?


Ah, SLAPP suits. (and then some, it sounds like)


Yep. SLAPP suits are the generally non-politically-motivated end of it, that randos like me or presumably you might face if we piss off a large corporation; there’s also politically motivated lawfare like what Trump fans claim is being waged against him, but that’s rare in first world countries, think Bolsorono regime, not Biden regime


“We accused specific private individuals of serious crimes without evidence and now they are suing us! This is persecution!”


Happy for them, I wish them many more bankruptcies in the future

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