
Pro Life!


And as always, it’s more complicated than the headline. Governments and oil companies are suing over this because EPA has instituted new rules that will require many oil companies to use calculation methods that will vastly over estimate their emissions, even though there is legitimate proof that their -actual- real-world emissions are lower than the emissions factors that have been written into law.

There is a fee associated with these emissions estimations, and it will be in the millions for many companies, while their actual emissions, should they have been allowed to base their estimate on real-world data, could have resulted in no fees at all.

The emissions factors were poorly designed because EPA has tried to push this through in record time in case the next administration aims to shut it down entirely. Had the regs been implemented better, it could have been really great–but our discontinuity of government is not great in every way, and this is just the latest example.


Vastly overestimate? You mean against their self-reported and self-serving emissions monitoring numbers? What a crock. has a very well researched (and entertaining for this sort of topic) video. You show us all this “legitimate proof” of actual real-world emissions and we’ll see who funded it and when. Oh, and it better be current because we have satellite emissions tracking of the entire world which show JUST how full of shit industry numbers have been. Methane is 80x worse as a greeenhouse case than carbon dioxide. We’re leaking it globally at MASSIVE rates. We should be making it so expensive to have emissions that every petro company on the planet seals those leaks. At least when it’s burnt it’s mostly CO or CO2 and H20 emissions.

Go ahead - let’s see who is defining the “real-world data” estimates, who funds that research, and maybe then I’ll consider believing the “softening” paragraph at the end that this is somehow just a thoughtless over-reach because the current administration couldn’t afford to wait. This isn;'t government overreach, this is a planet dying from greenhouse effects and in the midst of the anthropocene extinction (i.e. human activity killing species all over). If we don’t curtail the petro industry, then WE. ARE. FUCKED.


I want to reply to this, but people who type words in all caps are just too annoying and emotional to bother. It never fails that they just get pissed off and even more entrenched in their opinions lmao


Except you did reply to this. With ad hominem attacks of being emotional and annoying. Instead of with any kind of counter argument. All supposedly because I used some caps for emphasis. lol

Show us the facts - I don’t care about opinions (including my own). But… here’s some info for you. Perhaps I can change your position…

No? Still think regulating this is an overreach? I’m not even saying we can magically get to net-zero carbon immediately. I use NG for heat and gasoline in my vehicle. I’m no hypocrite - I am making investments in efficiency and will eventually be all electric with a large solar setup. This takes time and money and not everyone can do that. Oil and Gas have their place in the transition to renewable power.

We must regulate an industry that we continue to prop up with 100s of billions in subsidies and which get super special treatment by our lawmakers due to outsized lobbying and coushy jobs waiting in the wings for enablers after leaving government. On its face, the regulation proposed looks to correct for decades of (self) under-reported emissions. They’re being asked to play fairly. But listen, if you can show where those regulations are “poorly designed” I’ll most certainly read it if it comes from a neutral 3rd party who isn’t paid by the NG companies or their lobbying proxies. Like I said above, the climate town video actually does a great job explaining - certainly better than I have. So there - is it that you won’t respond or that you can’t?


People who downvoted this are retarded. I’m just explaining the reasons for the lawsuits, which are being carried out by hundreds of professionals who have been working in industry and government for decades. Sorry if the truth is too tough for you to accept.

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