
Please proceed, Mrs. Alito.

Seriously though she’s just exposing more and more how the Court is an absolute sham that isn’t even close to impartial. It actually convinces me that long terms are a bad idea for everyone – including the judges’ family.

The Supreme Court must be impartial, and that binds not only the judge but their immediate family as well. It’s unrealistic to expect people to show political impartiality for that long, and the way that it should work is that judges effectively give up their right to free political speech while serving. They cannot be allowed to express political opinion whatsoever.

With that in mind, shorter terms with a much larger body of justices feel appropriate. There also needs to be a new check on the Supreme Court so that their word isn’t final – the very idea goes against our idea of Checks and Balances. 2/3 of Congress, or a simple majority of Congress plus the President should be able to override the Court.

Anyway, what I remind myself when I get pissed about this – reform will happen. These cretins have made it inevitable. The only question is when, and each time they spew their vile hate, the justices and their spouses bring us closer to reform.

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