@wolfeh@lemmy.world avatar

This comments section has turned into a “hate the vegans” thread, and isn’t really doing anything productive.

If someone makes a statement or comparison about animal cruelty that you don’t agree with, disagreeing is fine… but throwing insults and making disingenuous “but plants feel pain tho” arguments is completely counter-productive.

Thread locked.


Great news. How long until horse cock transplants?

@wolfeh@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not sure when they’ll be taking a Chance on those. (Ba-dum, pssh.)


Awesome. Seems like this is the key here:

Several biotech companies are racing to develop a supply of cloned pigs whose DNA has been genetically modified so they won’t be rejected by the human body, spread pig viruses to people or cause other complications.

The eGenesis pigs are bred with 69 genetic modifications to prepare organs for human transplantation. The changes protect against a virus known to infect pigs as well as delete pig genes and add human genes to make the organs compatible with people.

I recall some groups trying xenotransplantation in the past, but the patients’ own immune systems always rejected the transplanted organ after only a short time. Glad to see that we’re starting to find solutions to this.

NocturnalMorning, (edited )

How is this uplifting news? You killed an intelligent animal. I will never find this anything but grotesque that people think that our lives are more important than everything else’s on the planet.

We’re a really dumb species sometimes. Probably why we got climate change bcz we forgot we are actually part of the ecosystem, not above it.

Edit: Downvote all you want. I’m aware that this isn’t a popular opinion.


It’s actually interesting because your point on ethical considerations was actually raised in the article itself. It’s an important thing to think about and discuss, no matter which “side” you’re on.

I will say, on the kidney side of things…you do have two so I suppose there’s a chance they let the pig live. I just skinned the article but I couldn’t find out that info unfortunately.


I’m glad the point was raise bcz I think it’s important to consider that these animals are thinking, breathing, feelings beings just as much as we are.

The fact that we have slaughter houses full of them is a crime against nature in my opinion.

I tend to get a lot of hate when this comes up bcz people aren’t willing to think of species other than humans as of equally deserving of life an autonomy. I honestly don’t understand why it’s a controversial opinion considering mu opinion, is be kind and stop being cruel.

But then again, we can’t even do that for our own species, so why should I expect we can view other species as deserving of respect.


You’re getting hate, because you’re inadequate. You could write a comment saying that it’s sad that they took the pig’s kidney and probably killed it, that we shouldn’t exploit animals, because they feel pain, have emotions and intelligence just like us. But no, you decided to attack some imaginary enemy from the very beginning, and now you’re blaming people for a perfectly normal reaction to your hysterical behavior.


The uplifting part is that someone’s child or father or mother or auntie or uncle didn’t die when they otherwise would have.


I don’t find it uplifting to kill an animal so a human can live. That’s not uplifting to me.


I think it would be if it were your child they were saving.


Absolutely not. There are treatments for these diseases that don’t involve killing, abusing, or maiming other sentient creatures.

Just because I place equal value on the life of other species, doesn’t make my opinion wrong.

I would venture to say, that the hate I’m getting says more about the people replying to me than it does me.


I think you’re playing the victim here. Nobody said they hate you. We’re having a conversation.

What’s the treatment for renal failure that’s as good as a new kidney?


Haha, I’m playing the victim him here. Classic. Every time I make this comment I get people calling me an idiot, a weirdo, stupid, etc. Look at the comments around yours. You aren’t the only person responding to me.

And this isn’t even the first time, or second for that matter that I’ve had this conversation.


Well, sorry that other people can’t have a civil conversation. I am doing, though, or at least I hope it’s being perceived that way by you.

You didn’t answer the question about the treatment you mentioned for renal failure.


A new kidney is the current treatment. My position is that we should be researching ways to treat renal failure that dont involve using animals as objects to grow organs. Its unethical in my opinion, hard line for me.

It is a waste of research dollars that could be better spent elsewhere on an actual cure/treatment.

My question to people that think this is okay would be to put yourself in the shoes of the animal. Would you be okay being an organ host yourself? My guess is most likely no.

Well, pigs have the intelligence of a small child, and they are aware of what you’re doing to them. I don’t support my tax dollars going toward research like this. That’s my position.

We can research ethical ways to treat the disease, we just don’t want to, and I think that’s very sad for our species.

Edit: To be clear, this is where I differ with most people. I view all lives as equal. A humans life is not worth more than anything else on the planet, no more, no less. It is a fundamental disagreement that most people don’t share with me. I get called names quite often when I share this opinion.


A humans life is not worth more than anything else on the planet, no more, no less

So it’s an equal trade, a pig life for an equally valued human life. One of them is going to die regardless.

And from certain points of view, since that pig would not have been born if it weren’t for this, that is one more life created in this process. It may have been a short life, it may not have been the highest quality, but if we’re valuing all lives equally and believe that life is a good thing, the fact that that pig existed at all, regardless of the circumstances of its birth, life, and death, is something to be happy about.


I don’t understand why you’re trying to argue with me on this. We shouldn’t be trying to use pigs to grow organs that’s my stance. You’re not going to change my mind.

Let’s flip the situation, hypothetically, I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t volunteer to be used as a host to grow organs.

If it’s not that big of a deal, then why don’t you volunteer to do it.

@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

Fun fact! Killing animals to sustain human life is the only reason we’ve made it this far.


Gee thanks for that enlightening statements.

@FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar


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  • cm0002,


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  • NocturnalMorning,

    We can cure these diseases without killing animals, and save children. That is a false dichotomy on your part.

    I do appreciate you calling me a weirdo tho for having empathy for intelligent species other than humans. It speaks magnitudes about you, not me.



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  • NocturnalMorning,

    but I’d bet thousands that if the doctor came to you and said that person’s best chance for not only surviving but living is one of these genetically modified pigs, there will be one more dead pig.

    You’d be wrong. This is a deeply deeply held conviction of mine that we are not more worthy of life than any other species on this planet.

    cm0002, (edited )


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  • NocturnalMorning,

    Why didn’t I answer your question

    Because I’m not here to debate with people. I voiced my opinion on the subject, and that’s about all I care to do.


    This is a deeply deeply held conviction of mine that we are not more worthy of life than any other species on this planet.

    This seems strange to me. So in your opinion, pig lives are just as valuable as human lives?

    What about the life of a fish? An ant? A mushroom? A rose? A bacteria?

    Are they all equatable to a human life?

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