@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar



Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

On what planet are liberals “the left?”

Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Overton Window, maybe, but that’s not a particularly useful categorization. Parties represent relatively fixed views, not directions.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Yep, pretty much. Liberalism serves the interests of Capital over people.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

I think you’re a bit confused on terms.

Social Justice isn’t really a “Liberal” topic. It’s a topic many US Liberals generally are progressive on, but that doesn’t make it “Liberal.” Liberalism is also not about reforming the economy but maintaining “healthy” Capitalism.

Liberal views are therefore views in line with Liberalism itself, and Liberal Parties like the DNC represent Liberalism and movements towards Liberalism, not movements towards the left.

Social Democracy, ie what Scandinavian Countries have, would be centrist.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Hexbear has had an established and more active community for a longer time than Lemmy.world. You can visit Hexbear yourself and check, it’s not illegal or anything.

Over time Lemmy.world may overtake Hexbear, but not for a while.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Yep, I agree, same goes for Lemm.ee and other “generalist” instances. Those attracted the most people from Reddit as they required the least knowledge before-hand of Lemmy and aimed at replicating Reddit in some ways.

More niche communities tend to be more active per user if they are well established, with Hexbear as a prime example.

Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s not that they don’t show downvotes only, you literally cannot downvote on Hexbear.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Enshittification isn’t what happens when something becomes popular, it’s what happens to disruptive tech and commodities that get increasingly fine-tuned for profit after competition inevitably floods in. It’s a product of monetization.

Lemmy is FOSS so that won’t happen, plus you can splinter off into your own walled garden instance like Beehaw if you want.

Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Aee you suggesting people on Lemmy.ml are paid by the Chinese government to spread propaganda?

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Liberal in the USA means Liberal economically, it’s just that economic Liberalism is more progressive than the alternstive, far-right populism.

Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Hexbear wasn’t federated to begin with for many instances, and Lemmy.ml hasn’t really changed as a result of Hexbear getting defederated by servers like Lemmy.world and Lemmy.ca, because Hexbear has a more secluded user-base. Hexbear intentionally tries to be careful with who they federate with.

Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Hexbear defederated blahaj.zone, actually. Here is the original thread going over why.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Who said that?

Lemmy.world is a predominantly liberal instance, not a predominantly Socialist instance. Most people here are liberals and just want to reform Capitalism into a healthier version of itself, rather than change Mode of Production to Socialism.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Why do you think Hexbear are not Communists?

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar


Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Have you by any chance read The Communist Manifesto or Critique of the Gotha Programme? Both are very short reads, and give some level of idea of what Marx is directly advocating for, as opposed to his general critique of Capitalism or his philosophical work on Dialectical Materialism. Marx was no Anarchist, he advocated for building Communism over time. This didn’t mean “waiting for the state to one day turn on the Communism switch,” that ignores his entire philosophy of Historical Materialism, whereby societal contradictions are worked out over time, as nothing is inherently static and everything is in motion.

None of this requires any of Lenin’s work to be read at all.

If you’re saying that a “True Communist” would somehow magically create Communism directly via revolution and not over time, then Marx was not a “True Communist.” At this point, you’re deeply silly, and simply redefining Anarchism as “True Communism” to win a game of semantics and label all non-Anarchists as conservatives.

Edit: oh, in another post you directly out yourself as a Soulist, and thus you disagree with Marx not only on his advocacy for Communism, but also his philosophy of Dialectical Materialism. At this point, you’re content to deny science and Materialism for the sake of pushing forward the idea that ideas create reality, which is deeply unserious.

Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Oh, it appears I was wrong. You reject all of Marxism, including his critique of Capitalism via rejection of the Labor Theory of Value. Money is a representation of Exchange-Value, it doesn’t simply exist in our minds. Recognizing income differences is not an anti-Materialist take, pretending these happen for no reason is a rejection of attempting to understand Capitalism itself, and reality.

This is Idealism at its peak, and is a complete misunderstanding of what Materialists mean when referencing Social Relations. If you genuinely want to understand Dialectical Materialism, please read Elementary Principles of Philosophy by Politzer. Materialists understand social relations.

Alice’s drive towards revolution is due to her material conditions, which are caused by the material reality of Capitalism.

You are an enemy of Marxism and Marxists because you reject all 3 pillars of Marxism: Critique of Capitalism via the Labor Theory of Value, advocacy for Socialism as a way to build towards Communism, and Dialectical and Historical Materialism. Pretending to be the “One True Communist” while completely disavowing history’s most important Communist in every major manner is just anticommunism.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Do you have any source for that? I would be curious to see.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Did that happen here, or are you projecting that onto others?

As for supporting cooperatives, you’d be a Market Socialist, so not a Communist, but not really liberal either.

As for the question of Reform or Revolution, it’s pretty clear by this point that Reform might as well be impossible. Revolutionary Leftists would certainly love reform if it worked, but you can clearly see what happened to Allende the last time a Marxist won democratically. You can even see last night’s attempted coup in Bolivia against the Social Democrat Arce.

As such, the majority of Socialists are Revolutionary, so you have more fringe views.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, your beliefs about Marxist beliefs are wrong, and your beliefs about your own reality are wrong. Avoiding actually engaging with the points I made by replacing them with a “no u” and attacking me personally is again deeply unserious behavior.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Here’s a good reddit thread over on r/asktransgender.

Chasers are dangerous to the trans community and turn people into fetish objects, rather than recognizing them as people. It ignores the desires of trans individuals who wish to be seen as the gender they identify with and explicitly chases trans individuals for their being trans.

Ie, a transwoman is pursued for being a transwoman and not for being a woman.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

What part wasn’t serious?

Cowbee, (edited )
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

How did I completely misunderstand both Marx and your own arguments? Saying “no u” and calling me a clown isn’t how you win an argument.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Seems to me like you just have no way to address the arguments I raised and just resort to endless ad-hominem as a frustrated way to deflect, but whatever. Have a good day.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Uphold Lemmy.world Thought

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

If by “here”, u mean lemmy, then yes. They were hexbear ppl.

I meant here as in this thread, otherwise your comment wouldn’t make sense in context.

Socialism is the transitory state to communism. I believe in the communist utopia and I believe that this cooperative kind of market socialism will lead us there.

Socialism is only a transitional state towards Communism if you restructute the state entirely to eliminate the tendency for Market Economies to liberalize as competing elements monopolize. Coops are good within Capitalism but certainly aren’t the road to Communism themselves.

I would disagree there. I would love to explain why, but I’m really tired right now to type much stuff out. Ik it’s a cop out. I’m sorry.

That’s fine. If you want to read more, Luxemburg’s Reform or Revolution is a great essay on why the vast majority of Socialists and Communists are revolutionary.

Eh… Most socialists where I’m from have such views. MLs are in fact the rarity in my experience offline.

You likely live in an area with more liberals than Socialists, so the views of Socialists will trend towards those that fit the nicest with Liberalism, or pose the least danger to the status quo historically. That doesn’t make you a liberal, but at a global scale Marxist-Leninists make up the vast majority of leftists.

Additionally, not all revolutionary Socialists are Marxist-Leninists. Anarchists, Ultraleftists, Syndicalists, Council Communists, and many Market Socialists are Revolutionary. Again, reading Luxemburg is a great path to understanding why that is.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes it does. The Liberals in the US support Liberalism. Calling someone a Liberal means they support Liberalism in the US.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Both sides in the US support Capitalism, but the far-right is far more populist.

I am not trying to blur the difference between the Democrats and Republicans.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

To be clear, being a chaser is transphobic.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Liberal = Liberal, yes.

Liberalism is the dominant ideology of Capitalism, Capitalism the the dominant economic structure.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m not “pushing” anything. Liberals are Liberals, pretending Liberals aren’t Liberals is goofy.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Because the US doesn’t use the term differently, US Liberals view themselves differently.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

No, I’m saying liberal politicians use the word correctly but view themselves as progressive, same with liberal citizenry. Nobody calls themselves a Liberal but is actually a Socialist or anything.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Because chasers undermine the expressed gender identity of trans individuals for the sake of their own sexual pleasure. Calling it “transphilic” is just semantical wordplay that dismisses the inherently predatory nature of chasers.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

No, chasers are people that specifically fetishize transwomen or transmen for being trans.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

You don’t understand how undermining someone’s gender identity by focusing on them being trans over them being their expressed gender is transphobic?

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Fetishizing is also phobic.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Did you read the original reddit thread? Chasers are dangerous to the trans community. It isn’t about being attracted to trans individuals, it’s about specifically seeking them out for being trans and fetishizing them being trans.

Can you not see how this may look if you are the trans person in this relationship?

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

I wrote a lot more than 1 sentence in the beginning and linked a good thread with a bunch of trans individuals discussing said topic. They aren’t adding anything, just playing semantics with philic vs phobic.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m not stupid, I know it means “fear of.” Do you think Homophobes are “afraid” of gay people? What abiut transphobes? In the context of bigotry, phobia is used to refer to invalidating or undermining ones sexuality, gender identity, etc.

Literally talk to a trans person, or just read through that thread, it isn’t difficult.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Talk to trans people about how they feel about lumping anti-trans views into the “transphile” category because rather than being hated outright, chasers simply prey on trans individuals and undermine their gender identity in a sickeningly fetishizing way.

Just touch grass.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Base building, charting planets, roleplaying, bounty hunting, going to NG+, making different decisions in questlines, and more.

The game is actually pretty good.

@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Would like to know too! I use a proprietary OS for now and want to jump ship with my next phone.

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