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This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


I was able to solve the problem. Instead of downloading it from the Software Manager I installed it from the terminal instead.

When I installed it from the software manager it didn’t download one of the packages (org.gnome.platform/44) but when I did it from the terminal it did.

Thx though.

Edit: Yeah it was a flatpak.



Agreed. Once you start blocking culture to only those who can afford it you start losing culture once it becomes unprofitable.



I saw this video on here sometime ago and thought it brought up a great alternative that still lets people experience these things for free and lets artists still get paid:




I think they address that in the video.



How does it make the decision to recommend one post over another using the data it collects? Also does it treat all that data differently when ranking posts?

btw it feels really well polished so nice job.



So the attack happened in October 2023 but it was only revealed to the public now? Or is it that it was public back then but people didn’t pay attention?

Also the part where they say it has only ever happened as a precursor to a military invasion sort makes me think that this attack was some nation state practicing or signalling what they would do if they were in active cyber warfare which would be bad for the world if people in the competing nations didn’t have internet access, even if it was only for a day or two.



I was more thinking about all the services that rely on internet access to function. Like most economic systems would basically crash or grind to a halt.

There are a lot of products that don’t really need to be connected to the internet to do their job but are being connected anyways and would get bricked if access to the internet didn’t work. For example internet connected security cameras that don’t have cables connecting to where the data is being stored would be shot as well.

I mean the extent of the damage is really dependent on how the malware was spread which we don’t know yet so still mostly speculation on how damaging it could be.



So the company was aware but I was wondering on whether it was public knowledge released today or it was released back then but no one paid attention.

Also the report says that they don’t believe it is a nation state actor because it doesn’t match with any known malicious clusters but it’s likely that countries have multiple unknown clusters they can test with if necessary.


Deepfake of U.S. Official Appears After Shift on Ukraine Attacks in Russia (www.nytimes.com)

The fabricated video, which is drawn from actual footage, shows the State Department spokesman, Matthew Miller, seeming to suggest that the Russian city of Belgorod, just 25 miles north of Ukraine’s border with Russia, was a legitimate target for such strikes....


Any picture/video/text that is tries to present facts or events without sources should be dismissed (unless they are facts or events that you have previously verified for yourself). At least with a source you can reason about motives, resources, etc. to get a better picture of what is being pushed and why.


Danterious, (edited )

Tough choice GB but I’ll go with option B. What do I win?


Danterious, (edited )

Yeah I hope the best for you too. I was trying to lighten the mood but it is going to get dark before it gets any better.


Danterious, (edited )

I used the auto-generated title for this but realized that the actual title looks different so should I change it?


Danterious, (edited )
Danterious, (edited )

That’s a smaller population than I thought. I thought maybe a half a million at least but I guess not.

Edit: Source of picture - www.indexmundi.com/new_caledonia/#Demographics


Danterious, (edited )

Yeah from what I understand the situation there is complicated. A majority of the people that live in New Caledonia want to stay a part of France and that majority is made of mostly the Europeans and the other migrants.

However the Kanak are socioeconomically disadvantaged compared to the rest of the state and they feel like they aren’t being represented enough (due to a slim minority) on what they consider aboriginal land (even though other people have been living there for a long time too).

It is a weird situation.

Edit: added (due to a slim minority)


Danterious, (edited )

I can’t blame some New Caledonians for wanting to remain a part of France.

The people that are affected by the racism want to be independent and the people that aren’t want to stay a part of France. So the cost isn’t spread evenly, that’s why there is this huge problem in the first place.


Danterious, (edited )

It is the exploitation that’s wrong. That goes for animals as well as plants. If we can avoid that then things would be a lot better


Danterious, (edited )

Here is the archived version without the paywall:



I also liked this quote from it:

Most don’t offer their fellow citizens a vision of utopia, and don’t inspire them to build a better world. Instead, they teach people to be cynical and passive, apathetic and afraid, because there is no better world to build. Their goal is to persuade their own people to stay out of politics, and above all to convince them that there is no democratic alternative: Our state may be corrupt, but everyone else is corrupt too. You may not like our leader, but the others are worse. You may not like our society, but at least we are strong. The democratic world is weak, degenerate, divided, dying.


Danterious, (edited )

I mean sure but if you get hacked (which will eventually happen to someone if this is rolled out) just having the information stored in the first place becomes a risk. So I think it is better to not have it in the first place.


Danterious, (edited )

I guess my question is progress towards what? I mean no one’s gonna stop you its your own computer do what you want.

For me though it just isn’t worth the risk.


Danterious, (edited )

I just read your profile and can’t believe you guys have been on lemmy for 3 years. What made you guys join before lemmy got popular?


Danterious, (edited )

I’d go for a SearXNG instance, since its a meta search engine, its gonna work unless all other search engines shut down.

Also nice benefit of being FOSS and of no charge.


Danterious, (edited )

I mean it is a common sentiment that has been measured:


Beyond that if you are insinuating that it is a coordinated campaign of people doing this, I mean yeah that’s probably true to some extent. But the reason why they are targeting that is because they know it is a weak point.

So posting an article showing that the cost of living is going down would make that kind of sentiment less justified.


Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (www.theguardian.com)

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....


I made a post about this sometime ago about this split in expectations. People know that the economy is fine, actually great, for businesses they just don’t think its good for them.




Any hardened version of Firefox, like LibreWolf, would be my main choice.



Seems like you have a better idea than I do about privacy so I’m probably not gonna be much help. However make sure that you use extensions that you trust or use as few permissions as possible because that also can be another vector where information can leak.

Oh and there was a post on here sometime ago about a website that show what kind of information it can get from your web browser so you could use that to check how much info you are leaking on the web at least.


Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men (www.researchgate.net)

Our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's [when their gender is hidden]. However, when a woman's gender is identifiable, they are rejected more often. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists nonetheless.


Unrelated question but why did you not upvote your own comment?

on lemmy.world it automatically does that for you.


Danterious, (edited )


Edit: It most like was a federation problem on my end.



I think that in the long term that there is one thing going for the truth: It is more coherent and more predictive of what is to come next.

If a country does a campaign that tries to fabricate a story from scratch if they aren’t very careful there will be some form of incoherence eventually if there is any slip up. That’s why its always easier to just frame the truth in positive or negative lights instead because it removes the need to try and create coherent stories.

And yes I know that there are people that believe incoherent truths about the world but that is mainly because it doesn’t actually affect most of the actions that they take on a day to day basis so they don’t have an actual incentive to improve their understanding of the world. If they need to make decisions based on that information they will make bad decisions until their understanding of the world has changed or they are out competed by people with more accurate beliefs.


Lies take consistent effort to keep straight and eventually they’ll fuck up, Spin is easier and more effective for changing values, and people tend to have more accurate beliefs if they are actually useful to have them.

Edit: grammar



But how do you verify if that information is actually accurate?

Like for example if a whistleblower says that their organization has something that can do xyz is it possible to verify that through zero knowledge proofs?


From what I understood after I watched it and looked into it a bit more is that individuals have roles within the organization and are able to decide their own actions on how to fulfill that role. The actions are informed by the collective understanding of their goals and norms that are formed during their frequent meetings (which are very different in vibes from regular corporate meetings).

This is how I understood it works for most decisions but there a few decisions that fall back on voting which after the vote occurs the individuals are expected to carry out whatever was voted on.

So like it says in the video it is a largely informal structure but one that seems to work very well.


just changed it. copied this link from somewhere else.


Then how did the two doctors get it?

Edit: Just read the article more closely and the grammar behind it isn’t really clear.

Two doctors and six staff members from the Regional Poultry Farm

This could mean either

A) The doctors and staff members are from the poultry farm.


B) The doctors are from the hospital and staff members are from the poultry farm.

I assumed B but I could be wrong.


I don’t know I think that it is giving a bit to much credit to these organizations. Yes they are big and powerful but they are still run by humans who both give these organizations their power and also are the weakest links of most organizations.

This is why most new systems don’t come into power until the old ones become weak enough. Like capitalism was a thing during the times of feudalism for many years without necessarily replacing the main system but eventually as feudalism and the monarchy grew weaker eventually capitalism and meritocracy in some sense won out.

I mention this because yeah I agree that some sort of push back and fighting is going to be necessary but that alone isn’t going to be the main driving force. The external conditions also need to be ripe and to me it seems like we are on the verge of something new occurring.

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