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billiam0202, (edited )

You know what is a terrifying thought? If media companies thought they could make more money peddling lies and conspiracy theories, they absolutely would. Truth only gets published because it is currently more valuable than lies.


Oh man, I would take back everything I ever said about Sporkfoot if she actually started a roid raging throwdown in Congress!


The fuck you talking about? We have lots of jokes:

  • Orange man bad (because, and I can’t believe I have to explain this, fascists are bad)
  • Two scoops
  • Mr. 6’3" is somehow shorter than 6’1" Obama
  • Billions and billions and billions and billions and…
  • Tiny hands
  • Accordion hands
  • The only two adjectives are “beautiful” and “perfect”
  • hamberders
  • covfefe
  • Drawer full of “medication”
  • Salutes North Korean generals
  • Lived in a gaudy gold-plated New York penthouse and shat in a gold-plated toilet, but is totally a man of the people and not one of the “elite”
  • Went bankrupt selling steaks to Americans
  • Went bankrupt selling alcohol to Americans
  • Went bankrupt selling gambling to Americans
  • Twice-divorced, thrice-married, slept-with-pornstars-and-paid-them-to-keep-quiet “man of God.”
  • 2 Corinthians
  • The army “rammed the ramparts” and “took over the airports” in 1775
  • “Dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”
  • Won’t wear masks because it would smear his makeup. (Oh wait, there’s that one joke again. Silly me!)

But I guess you are right about all of that being one joke- that Donald Trump was ever or will ever be fit to be President.

billiam0202, (edited )

White he was occupying the White House (you know, the 75% of the time he wasn’t golfing) Trump would take two scoops of ice cream and make sure everyone else got just one scoop.

Hence the name “Donny Two-Scoops.” Bonus point, that’s also why Jr is named “Half-Scoop.”


Oh Jesus fuck, how did I forget that one?


I had “Diaper Don” on my list, but I guess I just forgot it.


I’m not updating my list until my next Sorosbux check clears. The last one took too long to arrive.


George Soros is a Jewish man who has spent lots of time and money fighting Soviet influence in eastern Europe.

Of course Republicans hate him.

billiam0202, (edited )

Ted Cruz? edit: Removed flaccid Wolverine, added Tucker Carlson.

Rand Paul?

Kyle Rittenhouse?

Ben Shapiro?

And if you’re playing on hard mode, Charlie Kirk?

That’s the backpfeifengesicht men’s division.


I’d punch his fucking stupid-ass mug before I’d punch his stupid ass-mug.


Also the deadline is what, Friday? Sounds like another delay tactic so he can scream about the rigged courts not accepting his bond if the deadline passes and James starts collecting on the debt.

Laura Loomer: Letitia James, Kamala Harris, And Fani Willis Are ‘Ghetto Black Women’ (

On her Rumble show, Loomer Unleashed, conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer interviewed white nationalist Peter Brimelow whose organization, VDARE, is currently being investigated by New York Attorney General Letitia James. During their conversation, Loomer went on a wildly racist tirade in which she called Letitia James, Vice...


What about her trying to hit on a guy at a bar while drunk off her ass, talking about her “big tits and Ashkenazi IQ”? 😂


What a stupid question.

Undoubtedly, violence would solve America’s divisions- but is it the best way to do so? The real questions are, how long would that take, who would ultimately be the losers, and would it even be “America” when it all ends?


Do you really think a VP packs and reviews everything that’s moved from his white house office to his home personally?

Given that’s more or less what Trump did, of course Conservatives assume Democrats do it too.


And that’s the real difference. The law is about “willful retention” not “possession”.

Biden is not in trouble, because he cooperated and turned everything over that was found.

Trump is in trouble, because he lied repeatedly about having documents and where they were stored, so much so that even his lawyers wouldn’t swear that everything had been turned over.

Biden literally could have Alzheimer’s and it wouldn’t fucking matter, as long as he didn’t “willfully retain” any documents. Any talk about his memory is a distraction from the point that Trump actively tried to keep national secrets.


The website admitted that by later adding accurate context to its story, it “significantly diminished” its news value

I’m inclined to believe that “added accurate context” couldn’t have been all that accurate if it “significantly diminished its news value.”


We can’t name a prison after him? Or a port-a-potty?


On the other hand, designating your state full of obese and old people as a COVID haven has one pretty serious drawback.


The neat thing about Capitalism is that when you’re born, you’re already playing it!

…and you already have a status condition, “poor.”


Holy goddamn shit, that’s not even the funniest part of that! They estimate $3.6 billion in revenue by 2026? What fucking super-adderall-DMT-coke-meth-unicorn-fart drug are they smoking?

billiam0202, is a pretty common placeholder text in publishing, to give an idea of what a font/page layout would look like.

In other words, they thought it safer to use random placeholder gibberish for their presentation, than use Trump’s actual shitposts.


Welp thinking about Jesus’ butt wasn’t on my list today, but here we are I guess.


Nailing the goodest pupper to a cross makes you understand Christianity better?


“Creationism is not a scientific theory. Next question?”


The fun thing about reality is, it doesn’t care what you want to be true or not.

The science indicates that the earth is rapidly warming, caused by greenhouse gases released by humans, and that one of the severe environmental effects of that is rising sea levels due to melting polar ice.

Florida can’t wish that away, and will have to deal with it sooner or later.


Hmm, I think there may be some overlap between “people whose brains have been damaged by improperly-ventilated gas stoves” and “people who think the government wants to rip their gas stoves out of their house and leave them to freeze.”


Oh really? And when did you get a degree in medicine, you sack of fascist shit?

Biden vows to reopen Baltimore port, rebuild collapsed Key Bridge (

President Biden vowed Tuesday to rebuild Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge after it collapsed into the water when a cargo ship rammed into it, echoing what some Maryland officials said earlier but adding that he expects the federal government to foot the bill....


…this is a joke, right? I don’t know anything about bridge engineering or shipping, but what kind of bumper could stop a couple-million-pound ship, even if it was unpowered?


homelessness did in fact spike to record levels in 2023 after the end of that chart when Covid aid ran out

Hmm, surely the fact that the House went to the fascists who stopped funding COVID aid programs because they literally don’t believe it exists had no effect on the homeless population, right?


Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t saying you did. But there’s plenty of people who would say that’s Biden’s fault, when the problem (as was predicted at the time) was caused by Republicans in Congress. Just like how ending COVID stimulus programs threw millions of children back into poverty.


Wow, TIL. That’s amazing!


Just ask Clarence “Harlan Crow’s sugar baby” Thomas.


Rape Enablers/Pedophiles United By Lowering Income, Christofascism, and Nazis.


Sounds like he wants Israel to finally solve the Gaza “problem.”


She went from awesome fucking to fucking awesome. Quite the character arc!

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions (

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....


No, the filibuster is just a rule the Senate made up and it only takes a majority of the Senate to change their rules.

House Republicans had a bad day: Most of them voted against a sweeping funding bill. One threatened to overthrow Speaker Johnson. Another Republican resigned early. And Santos caused turmoil in N.Y. (

Friday began with House conservatives holding a press conference to trash the $1.2 trillion spending bill their leaders negotiated with Democrats, sparking some fears about its prospects....


“I know Trump was the worst President we ever had, but why does that mean I should vote for Biden?”

Motherfucker, the fact that you even had to ask that question means you don’t deserve the responsibility of participating in the electoral process.


Unfortunately, picking and choosing who gets to participate in democracy isn’t democracy.

That’s not necessarily true- direct democracy isn’t the same a representative democracy, for example. Also, a very strong case can be made that the US functionally isn’t a democracy, since one political party wields outsized amounts of power compared to “the will of the people.” A “true” democracy wouldn’t allow a President who lost the popular vote, or require a party to get 60%+ of the popular vote to get barely 50% members in Congress.

And yes, I realize the idea that requiring voters to be informed on issues and government opens the door to suppression of voters for illegitimate reasons. I don’t know what would be a more ideal solution, but I do know that this

We’re stuck with morons among us.

is a big chunk of the problem. A functioning government requires an invested and educated populace, and too many Americans aren’t.


Which, coincidentally, also applies to Black Conservative woman Candace Owens.


Depends on if the House rule is “any Rep can move to vacate” or if it’s “any Rep of the majority party can move to vacate.”

Though it seems if we wait a few more weeks, that might be the Dems anyway lol.


Who the fuck would listen to him? He’s got all the charisma you’d expect a snot-nosed faux-crying-at-trial murderous teenager would have. Playing the “victim” of the “woke leftist mob” only gets you 15 minutes- just ask that dipshit AR-wielding ambulance chaser and his mustard-covered wife in Missouri how famous they are these days.


Spending millions to avoid billions in taxes is a good ROI, until the guillotines and pitchforks start appearing.


RTFA. The bill requires municipalities to provide encampments.

And provides funding for the municipalities to create said encampments, right? Surely it doesn’t require those blue Demonrat controlled cities municipalities to fund such encampments on their own, right?


‘Man-made famine’ charge against Israel is backed by mounting bodies of evidence

Major Asset Seizure Likely as Trump Can't Afford Bond for NY Fraud Case (

Less than a month after New York Attorney General Letitia James said she would be willing to seize former Republican President Donald Trump’s assets if he is unable to pay the $464 million required by last month’s judgment in his civil fraud case, Trump’s lawyers disclosed in court filings Monday that he had failed to...


How could they? Trump can’t even keep his lore straight.


Fortunately, one will have to receive his posthumously.

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