
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


No, not that easily. Your phone could have 2 flash storages and do all the android stuff in there, with hardware TPM, A/B root, verified boot, rollback prevention, not rooted etc.

Ironically this is not even enforced by those shitty banking apps, GrapheneOS is way more secure and will probably be blocked by some apps soon, as they are not a “google certified OS”, replacing the old SafetyNet.


SafetyNet is deprecated and replaced by “Google Play Certification” checks. This means any custom OS may be blocked. Its pretty horrible.


Damn, interesting. Only works with Google Tracking at root level, but at least it works… for now.


GNU like Gnu, I dont see the problem?

Edit: oh damn english people cant pronounce that?

Here, has lots of spoken examples


That dude is totally wrong. SUSE is a german company.


  • z one
  • b oo ze
  • z one
  • v a cation

By accident, here is a video about bavaria and SUSE


“Lainus Torvolds”


Paw r sh [german low e]


The german low e can be found ≈ the same in “v a cation”


LiMux, Munich already had perfectly fine systems running Linux but M$ corruption made them switch back


Microsoft News, ironic


Yep but 200% sure not Desktop Linux

boredsquirrel, (edited )

I wish them the best, but their model is not as good as Fedoras.

There is no

  • rollback reset
  • rebase
  • git-like transparency

And they compensate that by advising users to not install any RPMs which is pretty hillarious. I will do a longer writeup on that


(Sorry corrected the comment)

Yes, they have rollbacks for one previous version.

But the whole point of rpm-ostree is that you can be bit-for-bit the same as the upstream OS. If you do rpm-ostree reset you will go back to the latest but untampered system of Fedora.

On OpenSUSE microOS (and the others, please invent a name), you either install and immediately snapshot the system. Then you can fall back to an untampered but very outdated system. Or you need to reinstall afaik, which makes it not better than traditional distros.


I just want a OLED black mobile version.


White, so that brightness can be low


Yeah that may be true. On Florisboard I experimented a bit with light gray but havent bothered as much.

And as I said, OLED with lower brightness is basically grey


new URL Paste Suggestion feature that allows users to quickly access URLs copied to the system clipboard

Lol I hope this can be disabled, wtf? There is no need for apps to read the clipboard, if the system can send it the content via a portal.

proactively block downloads from URLs

Using Google Safebrowsing?

For users of tab-specific Container add-ons, Firefox 125 lets you search in the address bar for tabs that are open in different containers.

Nice, Containers are the single best thing about Firefox.

allowing users to reach the first option in a group of radio buttons where no option is selected with the Tab key rather than reaching every option

That is not an improvement but a bug fix

Easily find program name from context menu/without terminal?

I occasionally need to know the names of programs. I asked here about “Run as Administrator” being added to the context menu (like in Windows), and the response was basically “can’t be easily done”. an example is if I wish to edit a config file it cannot be done without accessing the terminal. Knowing the name...


KDE Plasma.

Really, GNOME is not a good Desktop for poweruser tasks like that. Either oversimplified GUI or terminal.


Thats normal, Flatpaks have that too. And the location is horrible.


GUIs are good for the sole reason of presenting you the available options. A CLI is empty.

boredsquirrel, (edited )

Thats also GNOME. Apps having random names, sometimes different package names and different displayed (and translated!) Names. It sucks> extremely.

If you right click apps, instead of showing you the entry (like in Plasma) you can only open it in gnome software.

Some stupid names to make stuff easier:

  • nautilus: files
  • totem: video player
  • epiphany: web
  • loupe: new, extremely minimal but secure image viewer; eog being the old one
  • evolution: email and calendar
  • evince: pdf viewer
  • cheese: webcam (but there is a new app that replaces it)
  • seahorse: password managee

Yeah please dont run random apps as root.


Honestly. The Fedora change proposal sounded kinda odd for me, but really?? GNOME sucks?

GNOME lacks support for so much, so that either straight to Terminal with all the complications, or random Extensions (arbitrary code!) that will break on updates, or just “dont use it”.


I mean in this case it is very reasonable. Dont run apps as root.

See my konsole entry, the app runs as user, but a specific profile that launches a root shell.

I am also currently updating my linux desktop entries help page


Is it highly customizable on par with GNOME?

Lol, thats its principle.

boredsquirrel, (edited )

This is very easy in KDE but Desktop entries work the same on all Desktops.

See this post where I mentioned how to do this with running Konsole with root.

In general, use polkit instead of sudo, every desktop has a GUI dialog that pops up.

<span style="color:#323232;">pkexec APPNAME

And add this as a desktop action, following the guide.

<span style="color:#323232;">[Desktop Entry]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Type=Application
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Exec=konsole
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Icon=utilities-terminal
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Categories=System;TerminalEmulator;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Actions=root
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Name=Konsole
</span><span style="color:#323232;">GenericName=Terminal
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Comment="$GenericName"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[Desktop Action root]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Name=root
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Icon=folder-root-symbolic
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Exec=pkexec konsole

In the specific case of Konsole you could use a profile instead.

Be aware that nearly no program should be ran as root. Also not Konsole. The program is ran as the user, and can enter a root shell, but never run random apps as root. Not even many terminal apps are made to be ran as root, for example use sudoedit instead of sudo nano for editing files.

To view and change system files in KDE, type admin:/ into the location bar.

Running apps as root doesnt work with Wayland, and for a good reason.


Not sure if all apps, maybe some work, maybe they use XWayland. Dont do this.


So watch the video :D

They specifically mention this issue

boredsquirrel, (edited )

  1. The internet is an integral part of modern life—a key component in education, communication, collaboration, business, entertainment and society as a whole.
  2. The internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.
  3. The internet must enrich the lives of individual human beings.
  4. Individuals’ security and privacy on the internet are fundamental and must not be treated as optional.
  5. Individuals must have the ability to shape the internet and their own experiences on the internet.
  6. The effectiveness of the internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide.
  7. Free and open source software promotes the development of the internet as a public resource.
  8. Transparent community-based processes promote participation, accountability and trust.
  9. Commercial involvement in the development of the internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial profit and public benefit is critical.
  10. Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.

It really is crazy if you see the hype for the “sovereign tech fund” for GNOME, that was literally just 1mio€.

It is so insane how people can waste so much money.

When donating, nowadays I am often very certain that giving money to homeless people will always be better than giving it random “nonprofit” “charities” that will simply sustain their 1st world lifes as “operation expenses”.


I dont think Mozilla makes degoogling hard. It is very easy to keep track of the changes and simply flip some switches.

But it is of course ironic that their product is useless.

People used Firefox because Internet Explorer sucked. Now they get ads for Chrome everywhere, have Android and whatnot devices, and Edge is working okay.

People are using devices as appliances, they dont expect needing to repair something they bought new.


Yes, the result is: FF is the only thing we have. I tried to manually ungoogle Chromium, it sucks. Brave is shady, Vivaldi too.

Use Torbrowser, Librewolf, Arkenfox, Mullvadbrowser and contribute and donate.


Arkenfox, Librewolf, Torbrowser, MullvadBrowser.

Those switches. It is not easy but it is possible, unlike on Chromium, where after applying even policies it constantly pings Google.


To make my system less secure lol


Android relies on SELinux for its app sandbox. On Fedora the Waydroid package has some SELinux rules, but not sure if they are as good.

Daniel Micay answered under a Waydroid issue and at least on Android I fully trust his knowledge.

I dont know about exposed root, but Waydroid uses LXC containers and not rootless Podman/Docker.

The best solution would either be:

  • only run it on Fedora (no Problem for me)
  • harden the SELinux policy when needed
  • switch to a rootless container
  • or on other Distros, use a VM where you can fully control the environment

Good tips! I do the same, also for rsync.

Ask it to explain everything, you dont need to pay to have a permanent prompt saved (here “if I ask for a command, when writing to a file always do that in one command, dont describe beforehand but explain every argument”)

I think GPT 3.5 is okay, but makes some errors and has hallucinations. Sometimes the script is also wrong or has flaws.

Its basically a syntax translator, which is great!


Wtf dude did you read the post?


There is no KDEnlive community yet but


And maybe in the future



This is one of the dozens of things where I honestly think, Fedora+KDE would be a better workstation.

In KDE, showing app entry details would show the exact command ran.

If you want to find what app that is, search for the launcher in

<span style="color:#323232;">/usr/share/applications
</span><span style="color:#323232;">~/.local/share/applications
</span><span style="color:#323232;">~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications #I think

Or do flatpak list --installed or rpm-ostree status


That is even outdated on normal fedora


They have subsets, for verified, floss and both.

See this repo of mine


GNOME Software is way more aligned with them than KDE Discover. The permissions are completely illegible at least on Plasma 5. The themed colors will likely not appear

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