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Thats a huge release.

  • KDE Plasma 6
  • KDE and GNOME Wayland only
  • testing images for COSIC (well not officially Fedora)
  • atomic distros now are less broken (can update grub)
  • LUKS screen on the atomic distros now supports non US layout
  • Anaconda webUI only on Workstation?

What DE is the question.

I recommend GNOME with the dash to panel addon, or KDE. You can also use LXQt, but it doesnt yet have Wayland support. If it has, you can install it with Wayfire, Kwin or even cosmic comp.


Both yes, and Mint is better because no snaps and vanilla GNOME afaik.

But still based on Ubuntu LTS, I would recommend Fedora 39, wait a few months until Fedora 40 is more tested. If you go like that you will not have bleeding edge updates and suffer from bugs.


KDE poorly also doesnt have the “clone panel to all monitors”, you need to configure it seperately for every new one, which is pretty bad.

But you could just create the “default panel” and call it a day.


For sure, but you could.

As others said, Mint is just desnapped Ubuntu LTS at that point. So I would rebase to Kubuntu. Oh, forgot that was not a thing on the traditional desktops.

Really, try Fedora atomic KDE, it is awesome.


They are not. But the store is proprietary and snapd doesnt allow other stores. You could patch snapd to allow other stores though and the format is open


Lets hope so

boredsquirrel, (edited )
  • proprietary server (snap store), unlike flatpak
  • snapd only allows one server (but it is foss so you could just patch it), unlike flatpak
  • nonexistent security on snap store, multiple times malware, unlike flatpak
  • no sandboxing without apparmor and specific profiles, so not cross platform, unlike flatpak
  • the system apps are also requiring apparmor, so not cross platform
  • they lack granular permission systems afaik
  • they concur with flatpak, which is horrible as we need a universal packaging format, not 3
  • seemingly no reproducible builds?
  • no separation between all, opensource, verified repo, unlike flatpak
  • they pollute the mount list with all the loop devices

And people complain abour resource usage etc, but that is just separating apps from the system. Flatpak does the same.


Yeah but this is just because they are sandboxed and use their own libs.


Some formatting messed up, use a linebreak between words and —


You may want


For codeblocks

And code for inline code

Btw the “\” is the escape symbol which you can use to deactivate styles


You can compile a small custom kernel with just the needed drivers. Also an LTS kernel. This is likely exaggerated


Tbh I am fully behind KDE as flagship desktop. Dealing with GNOME users problems all day in the forum, KDE is just better for usability?

GNOME is reduced over the amount that makes sense. KDE could use a bit of reduction, but not as much as GNOMEs. People need the Terminal or random extensions for basic things, this is not a good experience.

On the other hand, GNOME and KDE both have really nice features, GNOME with their Microsoft integrations being particularly powerful (their account system works at all, unlike KDEs which I think nobody uses. But when using Thunderbird, which has standalone Exchange support, you dont use that account system anyways so it doesnt matter again).

Also GNOME has like all their apps on Flathub. GNOME Boxes is particularly crazy, having sandboxed virtualization. This means you can mix match GNOME Flatpaks on a KDE desktop without any problems, KDE even handles the theming for you. On GNOME on the other hand… it actively breaks Qt apps, its insane.

So I think GNOME has some great apps (snapshot, decoder, simplescan, carburetor, celluloid …) but you can install them anywhere.


True. KDEs virtual desktops are also basically unusable for me, idk I just dont see them so they are not used.

There are pros and cons. Its simply a tie, I stay with KDE because the lack of some things (like close buttons with the hitbox in the very edge) would annoy me.


Yeah okay. I dont deny that I would also prefer maintaining and QA-ing GNOME over KDE, as its just so much smaller.

But stuff like “there are no right click options for zip” are pretty crazy. Or the total lack of templates by default, for stuff like text files.


Their Plasma 6 overview is great, just needs the panel displayed or even an app menu and it could be similar to GNOME.


Agree on the looks. Even though GNOME is literally a “no blur” macOS clone, which I also dont find really inspired

boredsquirrel, (edited )

Yes it is MacOS with the dock hidden. And without window buttons. And they are not on the left and not damn colorblind unfriendly.

I mean the top bar is the exact same, the app drawer, the workspaces. The quicksettings. They just removed even more stuff.

Edit: there are many things about them that are different, but the overall design seems similar to me. I think GNOME is way more usable and makes more sense. But still, having a top bar already is kinda odd and I think using that already makes you “macOS like”.


What is different? I think GNOME diverged a bit more, by removing window buttons, desktop icons, the dock etc. And they dont use blur and transparency at all.

But with dash to dock, blur my shell and some decoration manipulation changer it is very similar.

Not that I dont think this makes sense (I dont, as having a dock but also a top panel wastes space) but it is not really a unique workflow


Yep. And removing the maximize button doesnt even make sense, apart from “looking better”. Not everyone can easily double click I guess

Are there any discrepancies between the resources an OS uses when running in a virtual machine vs being ran directly?

I recently found out about a Linux Distro named Q4OS and I wanted to test out their claim that it only requires 256 MB of ram when using the trinity desktop environment. However, when I used the live cd in virt-manager with 256 MB or ram, it just kernel panicked at boot. So I then tried it with 512 MB of ram. In addition to some...



Note that many modern Desktops may only use as much RAM if they have as much.

Anyways, use LXQt, it is based on Qt6 now, will have Wayland support soon, and can be used with Wayfire or even tiling window managers, maybe even the one from COSMIC!


I dont think it uses below 256MB but lets see? It is a moder desktop and soon with LXQt 6.1 you can install Wayfire, Kwin or other compositors and should be able to just select the different compositor in the login menu, and have Wayland.


All these distros are very similar. You just use dnf instead of apt, thats its. And repos get synced automatically.

If you really really want to stay on the apt side (I wouldnt), you can use the OG Lubuntu, which was a driving force in LXDE and LXQt development. But you will want to run unsnap to remove the bloat and make it as small as possible.

LXQt uses less RAM than XFCE and it is now fully based on Qt6. XFCE is based on XOrg which is not maintained since forever. LXQt is really close to being Wayland ready, which is also faster and more efficient than XOrg’s spaghetti code.

But as Ubuntu progresses too slow to get the latest cool stuff, I would recommend Fedora. It really is nice.

Box86/box64 is frickin dope rpi400 (

I have been messing with my raspberry pi 400 and stumbled across box86. This program converts x86 calls to arm. And it works pretty well, i got the orginal pvz (disk verison) running through wine and box 86! The game is slow on cutscenes but gameplay is suprisingly playable and was more playable then my first pc lmao!...


But Tenacity had its last release 5 months ago. Audacity too? I had the feeling they diverge a lot


I just recently did something like that

Checkout my github repo under "desktop entries

It should be systemctl start bluetooth


Duplicate message, are you… by accident… using feddit? 😂

boredsquirrel, (edited )

Damn good find! So, this image could be pulled in using bluebuild, then adding rpm-ostree using dnf, and doing all the stuff like that?

Thinking about it, the image will be very different from Fedoras, being a mutable minimal CentOS. So all the linking and making immutable would need to be done.


I will look over it and add an acronym legend at the end




I know an anarchist server somewhere


Ok then lets go! I hope I can get something going in a few days

What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

I’m working on a some materials for a class wherein I’ll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we’re including a section we’re calling “foot guns”. Basically it’s ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers....


I tried to install an OS to a USB stick. This is Kubuntu specific.

You need to create a GPT partition on the stick, then you should be able to just use the installer and install on another USB stick.

I went through it, selected the usb stick… was not sure if everything was right and went a menu back, was correct, went forth again, past the install target selection and installed.

Well… turns out the Kubuntu installer (Calamares) selects the first disk always. And that selection seems to reset to default when going a menu back…

I deleted my complete normal disk, with like everything I had.

No Backup no mercy. Luckily did one only a few weeks before. The first since half a year! Damn… had my uni stuff on Nextcloud, a lot of personal stuff synced to my phone with syncthing.


On “immutable” Fedora, yes :D dont know if I needed to add some enforcement variable.


I mean if you actually want to overwrite the main SSD this is okay. Calamares is very nice too.

Kubuntu stays on Plasma 5 forever so I highly recommend against it. There are many bugs that will not get fixed, the fixes are only in Plasma 6.

I recommend Fedora Kinoite. Use Flatpaks, layer the packages you dont need. Add rpmfusion and layer libavcodec-freeworld to get video playback working.

I broke all KDE distros, Kubuntu included. I wouldnt use anything other than Fedora Kinoite, nor want to maintain that mess. Have a look at my latest post for some explanations.


Yes it is stable. Stable means you ship packages that dont change. Which in general is a really bad idea if you want your issues to be solved.

The timing was just really bad, as Plasma6 now is perfectly usable. Bad decision if you ask me.

At least on Fedora Plasma6 is really good.


It is a very experimental repackaging of Fedora, ripping out SELinux and replacing that with Apparmor, which will be way less secure as it is not the focus. They add a ton of custom stuff but the Distro is still mutable.

If you want that amount of tweaking, I recommend Bazzite. There you will have reproducible bugs and rollbacks.


I also used and broke KDE Neon. Especially the transition to Plasma 6 must have been horrendous, as there where tons of people with completely broken systems.

But yes I suppose it is a good distro? But I switched away from it too.

boredsquirrel, (edited )

Fedora Kinoite, the best :D

Literally the only KDE distro I can recommend. KDE needs updates at good pace, as they introduce tons of features with their breakages.

Meanwhile Fedora is pretty tested. There is Rawhide which is super rolling and testing.

Then you have the current release, the old supported release and (with 40 currently) the upcoming branched prerelease.

If you always stay on the old release, i.e. Fedora 38 (you should upgrade to 39 now) packages are a bit more stable.

And the atomic model is the best. I want to write a more detailed post about it, but is worlds better than OpenSUSE microOS or the other experiments (VanillaOS, EndlessOS) which you can also see by the tons of variants/images there are

These are literally all different variants of Fedora, which you can install and enjoy a tailored experience.

You should try Aurora which is the “special ublue variant” with the KDE Plasma desktop.


No content? Can you maybe explain what this is?


Why? Why not an extra bar like all other browsers? I suppose that is possible too? But idk.

I would really like to get some shortcuts for some sites.

Also, I think tab groups are way more important. SimpleTabGroups is constantly losing its state, containers, pinned bookmarks, its a total pain.


No this is actually working perfectly, on Wayland.

Drag, i get a miniature transparent window, move to other window, place next to a tab and that needle appears, done.

So dragging a tab to another window works. But true, dragging a tab and it immediately becomes a window doesnt. But that is quite aggressive UI wise, so I think its fair to not add it.


Yeah these are 2 separate things, both important.

Horizontal tabs, in the hidden “compact” mode dont take up lots of space, less space than vertical ones.

A sidebar would conflict with vertical tabs I think. Like in Brave, where you can add just a few sites.

Tab containers are way more important than groups and a killer feature of FF.

How to make it so frequently used sites don't constantly require 2FA? [SOLVED]

EDIT: After reading all the responses, I’ve decided to allow cookies to persist after they close the browser, which I expect will make it so that 2FA doesn’t kick in as often, at least not on their most frequently used web sites. I may also look into privacy oriented browser extensions that might offer some protection, such...


This. Delete all, keep a few. Goodness enumeration


You can just use pass edit path/to/entry


I wonder if you could just encrypt a storage which is then used by pass unencrypted. So you have double encryption using something like gocryptfs.


You cannot give people arbitrary permissions. People are often incompetent. But you dont need to rely on big brother to have control?

No, a Linux desktop is free from single corporation control, is compliant in its privacy settings and often works way better (like KDE) than Windows or MacOS.

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