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enbyecho, to world in Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals

Article says larger bugs are ok

And all the smaller beneficials? A huge number are the same size or not much bigger than thrips. They will be caught by this spray.

enbyecho, to world in Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals

They are if the stickiness is tuned so that larger, predatory insects are easily able to escape the glue.

Most beneficials that go after thrips are not that much bigger than them. The study doesn’t seem to mention this (tho I’m still looking for the full text).

enbyecho, to world in Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals

Well at least one person agrees with me.

Thrips are a pain in the ass but if you use pesticides you kill the beneficials that eat them, for example Minute Pirate Bugs (Orius insidious).

enbyecho, to world in Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals

It’s literally in the post. Not even in the article, it’s in the synopsis. Why didn’t you read that before commenting?

Can you be more precise? When you say “it” is “literally in the post” what exactly is “it”? Serious question because yes I read the article.

I would surmise that you are referring to the line “while bigger beneficial insects, like bees, are not trapped by the drops”.

The problem here is the word “bigger”. So great, it doesn’t trap bees, that’s something of a step forward. But it will trap other non-targeted smaller insects.

enbyecho, to world in Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals

No pesticide that physically traps insects is specific to one kind. It’s not really possible. It may not capture bees, but it will capture other smaller insects than thrips that do no harm. For example green lacewing larva.

enbyecho, (edited ) to world in Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals

Thrips aren’t beneficial.

Um. No kidding. Did you read the article? (Edit: that I linked to)

This year again, we released green lacewing larva in the Public Garden, the Boston Common, and Commonwealth Avenue Mall. As generalist predators, the tiny larvae (Chrysoperla rufilabris) provide a vital service by eating aphids, small caterpillars, beetles, thrips, mites, whiteflies, mealybugs, and even insect eggs.

Edit: My point, which seems to be completely lost on most people here is that no physical means of trapping insects is going to only target the problem insects. You will always capture more of the insects you didn’t mean to harm. Source: me, having tried sticky traps and various oils in commercial farming settings.

enbyecho, (edited ) to world in Sticky trick: new glue spray kills plant pests without chemicals

97% of all insects are beneficials, meaning they are completely harmless or predate on the insects that eat your crops.

But sure, kill them all because bugs ewww.

Edit: Apparently this isn’t so obvious to people. Ok, let me explain:

No pesticide can be precisely targeted. You will always capture or kill more insects that are beneficial than are not. In the article it mentions that the sticky spray doesn’t capture bigger insects like bees. That’s certainly progress over other types of physical traps, but not all insects are very big. Key beneficials like lady bugs, green lacewings, various spiders, pirate bugs, etc are very small. They will be trapped by this spray. If it traps a thrip, it will trap those bugs (and the study abstract says this - “small anthropods”). This isn’t mentioned in the article but I can speak to this from personal experience farming. I’ve tried various options and the results are always the same - you may get rid of some thrips (and boy do I have thrips) but you also wipe out the insects that will eat the thrips and you end up in a kind of arms race. The more beneficials you kill the more pesticides you need.

enbyecho, to politics in US State Dept issues worldwide alert amid threat of violence against LGBTQ+ community

“Areas of particular concern include Texas, Alabama, Arkansas and several other US states”

enbyecho, to politics in Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden

Hey, I’m all for an armed socialist revolution. Maybe a few guillotines.

Until we get that organized tho, you’ll just have to vote so that we can actually organize it.

enbyecho, to politics in Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden

If Biden can’t win in a landslide, it’s because Joe Biden sucks, not because the youth are entitled, bourgeois, ignorant, lazy, or any of the other insults being thrown around in this comment thread.

I don’t think “kids these days” are entitled, lazy or ignorant but to a degree both these types of things can be true. Biden is unappealing, yes, but everywhere I turn are people arguing that both parties are the same and that Democrats have done nothing for them. In these cases, when pressed it turns out they just don’t actually know one way or the other. It’s a generalized sentiment of “politicians bad” and many are surprised to learn of even a handful of things Dems and Biden have done that they support.

So I guess you could argue that Democrats suck at marketing. But I’d also argue that many of us suck at understanding politics.

enbyecho, to politics in Senator Katie Britt is back at it, pushing a bill to launch a pregnancy tracking federal database

What I want to know is what is she doing out of the kitchen and speaking in public.

enbyecho, to politics in Biden says US won't supply weapons for Israel to attack Rafah, in warning to ally

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

the prototype will have been demonstrated to be successful to the ruling class and that future should scare the shit out of you

This prototype was proven “successful” time and again. This country was founded on genocide and authoritarian, racist control. I don’t fear that it will become that because it has been that and in so many ways is that still. As I see it Democrats may be participants and supporters of that but it’s given the options, there’s no question it’s the better of the two in that it allows some progress. Republicans want full-on fascism because they simply don’t believe in democracy or the compromise necessary to support democratic principles or any kind of shit toward a progressive or socialist future. And I’ll take the thin veneer of that over nothing at all.

I get that you are willing to let it all crumble. I felt that way in 2016 and you know what? It was so much worse than I imagined it could be because I had way too much faith in our “institutions” and the strength of our laws. I despise HRC for her right-wing neocon ways but I think often of how much better things would be if she had been able to take the office that she won.

Shame on us for being afraid to defend our value

It’s not a question of are we defending our values, it’s a question of how. I believe that both participation within our system and active protest against it are critical. If we don’t have the former we don’t have a foundation for the latter. If we break things so much that a Republican administration gets into office, we are taking so many steps backward we may never move forward again in our lifetimes.

Now is the time to wield our power, now is the time to shut this shit down.

I admire the sentiment and support you in that. Our conversation has softened my view and given me insight into the necessity of standing firmly on principle, even in this instance. I don’t fully agree with it but I can definitely respect it.

enbyecho, to politics in Biden says US won't supply weapons for Israel to attack Rafah, in warning to ally

Cool so what me and other people who have had enough genocide and think similarly are going to do is loudly tell Biden (which we are doing) that we want to vote for him, but we can’t unless he stops the genocide of Palestinians

That’s a fair point and I don’t have a great counter to that not least because that pressure is working. In fact my only argument is a bit of a future hypothetical – that there are two consequences of this, namely: (a) it’s causing a lot of younger voters to not want to vote; (b) it’s causing a lot of problems for Biden with some voting blocs because he is not toeing the Zionist ‘party line’. IOW, it could endanger his election prospects.

And that comes down to a difference of opinion: Your red line is Israeli genocide, mine is a Trump administration and all that comes with it. For me anything that makes a Trump administration more likely makes more genocide more likely and about a dozen other things that are going to set us back decades, including more federal and possibly SCOTUS judges and, crucially, more baked-in support for Israel and Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

I appreciate that for you this may be a chance you are willing to take. I have trouble understanding why anyone would feel that way given the systemic issues of undermining US support for Israel that mean we cannot “stop the genocide” anyway. But thank you for having this dialog.

enbyecho, to politics in Biden says US won't supply weapons for Israel to attack Rafah, in warning to ally

At this point you are just making shit up to justify your nonsensical position.

We can’t eliminate the US military industrial complex. We can limit the harm by putting pressure on an administration - and, crucially it is working to some degree. Do you honestly think you are going to be able to affect any change whatsoever if Trump gets elected? REALLY?

enbyecho, to politics in Biden says US won't supply weapons for Israel to attack Rafah, in warning to ally

Netanyahu just told Biden to take a hike. Thus, “full stop” disproving what you have said.

I am sorry but I will not vote for a candidate that behaves this way.

So you vote for genocide, just domestically.

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