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Or a job. EVE seems to be populated primarily by oil barons and trust fund kiddies.


Fully blocking only if you aren't using uBlock Origin, which you just have to update the filters on.

Complete waste of effort.

Alphabet needs to be broken up.


At points they've updated multiple times per day.


IF? Are you paying attention to what's going on with Chrome?

Google is introducing a bullshit system that will ultimately let them control what the browser can and can't display.
They are working to eliminate ad blockers entirely.

Their entire fucking goal is to lock down YOUR FUCKING BROWSER so they can send you any ads they want, at any time they want, without them even having to be served through a website. They also want to push their "security" bullshit so that if you're using a non-Chrome browser you get excluded from the internet.

And right now the overwhelming majority of browsers are Chrome based.

The EU will likely not let this happen, but the US has no balls when it comes to carving up shitbags these days.


"I have my ad blocker set to not block ads and Google isn't complaining about me blocking ads."



Nah, not dumb at all. YouTube's being super dicks about it but the uBlock Origin team seems to only be about half a tick behind with getting updates out.


That will absolutely include government accounts.

Google would get instagibbed.


Yes, shithead, the IT professionals tasked with setting up government computers do in fact know how to install a fucking browser extension.


For that pun you can fucking bee-low me.


Elon literally wants an underclass of peasants that owe him money so he can ship them off to Mars and act as his indentured servants.


The man is a fucking idiot.


It's all about PayPal, isn't it?

Holy fucking shit.

PayPal is Musk's Obama burn.

PayPal shitcanned him because he's a fucking idiot so he takes that money, gets SpaceX going and memes Tesla to success by sheer accident. At the point everyone's thinking he's "Rill Loaf Toony Sturk" he's STILL fucking boiling that PayPal canned him because he's actually terrible at everything. He then proceeds to start sniffing his own farts, building rescue submarines that would never work, calling people "pedo guys", impregnating every woman that will take the payoff to have his moron seed implanted in them, moving to Texas and wearing a fucking cowboy hat to show how much of a REEL MAYUN he is (despite the fact that fucking nobody wears a cowboy hat in this state outside of actual cowboys and people that want to announce that they're fucking idiots to everyone).

He renames Twitter to X so trigger his nostalgia balls and then a few months later announces he's going to replace banks with X. Which would also, theoretically, replace PayPal.

He really is nothing more than a little bitch that happens to have money.


Hey, weren't you fucks whining about how games get released too early and now that one's being delayed you're whining about that too?

"Gamers" are cunts.


Sounds like you're a braindead "Gamer" cunt.

Shut the fuck up and Dorito yourself in the Mountain Dew hole so nobody has to listen to you.


It's a fucking parody account.

Use brain more.


It's a fucking parody account.

Feel shame.


It's the same fucking people, you dolt. Learn how numbers work.


I left waaaaay back when they decided that everyone had to have their shitty launchers and logins and basically turned into Autodesk.

I deal with one Autodesk at a time. And it's Autodesk.


You know what else isn't there yet? Unity, Unreal, Source, CryEngine... literally every commercial game engine requires development if you're actually looking to push hardware limits. They're just toolboxes.

Godot is no different, except that developers are going to be much more likely to release their changes publicly.


You are a highly original comedian.


Literally nothing. They have not created multiple games that dozens of companies have tried and failed to replicate.


You've very obviously never play LITERALLY ANY FUCKING GAME that has existed in the past ten years then.


Yeah, sure, it was that one thing that one time in that one game that people laughed at. That was it. It totally wasn't the success of microtransations on mobile devices, with people paying real money for five second clips of MIDI versions of popular song or anything like that.

Come the fuck on.


And yet every asswipe with an internet is whining about how Starfield is too much like Bethesda's other stuff.

So are they getting too far away, or are they doing the same thing?

Get with the other dinks and figure it out.


So you can't read. Cool.


Such incompatible opinions are indicative that one or both camps are full of shit.


It's called a joke you braindead gimpsimper.


Has Bethesda ever C&D'd a mod? This isn't even the first conversion of one Bethesda game from one Bethesday engine to another.

EDIT Happy Bethesday, everyone!


You're reading the sentence wrong. Because it was written stupid. Maybe? I think?

What I THINK they're trying to say is that the models and plugins were ported from FO3 and FNV, but only New Vegas has the ability to be played at this time, albeit without quests or NPCs. So you can run around but not much else.


"But OMG black dwarf in LOTR cleeeerly Amazun iz woak shit lawl amazonbad!!."


Literally every game mentioned here had massive asset and code reuse. Doom 2 was basically a modpack for Doom. Add a couple of weapons, a couple of enemies, some more levels, job done, call it a sequel. The fact that the weapons and enemies changed the gameplay so much was probably more of an accident than anything else.

GTA 3, VC, and SA are basically the same engine with some changes here and there. A lot of asset reuse. All were buggy as shit on launch. Sometimes with the same bug that was never fixed.

FNV was FO3 with different color filters and fewer buildings. It's why the game was mainly story-driven rather than action and had less in the way of exploration. You do the best with what you have.

It's always easier to follow up than it is to lead.


Doom 2... a glorified Doom modpack made by a team of several people. Of course it only took a year.


And it was broken and buggy as shit. In many ways it still is, with loading screens being an appropriate roll of the dice as to whether or not they'll crash to desktop.

It's far from an example of what can be done quickly and is, in reality, a total indictment of that kind of stupidly short turnaround time.


In other words, you've seen fucked up systems because people treat their Linux system like literally every non-Linux system they've used.

Which is a Linux problem, not a user problem.


Yes, by the shit-tier decisions of the distro developers.

  • Random shit
  • Untrustworthy

So github is untrustworthy now.

And again you're arguing in favor of walled gardens. Fucking hypocritical imbeciles. Anything to keep your precious fucking OS free from criticism, right?


But I thought the open nature of open source meant it was safe because someone has checked all code everywhere!

This shit has become tedious.


The only games that do the whole "blinded by the sun" thing worth a damn are the Fallout games, and it makes sense because you've never seen the sun in your life.

Everywhere else it needs to piss off.


It's especially annoying when racing games do that shit.

What's really fucking stupid is that they'll make it so it takes forever for your "sight" to adjust when going from dark to light but driving into a tunnel is near-instant perfect night vision. That is how neither vision nor camera works. Not only that, but you can always see further into tunnels than you possibly could in real life.


Putting on my "that guy" hat here...

The quality has nothing to do with it. Even very high end lenses can exhibit chromatic aberration under certain circumstances. Have a look at any sports broadcast. Once you see it, you can't stop, and the lenses on those cameras are decidedly NOT low quality. Or price. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1314025-REG/canon_uj86x9_3b_p01_dss_uhd_digisuper_86_broadcast.html

That said, even low-end lenses from the past decade or so have far less chromatic aberration than top-tier glass from decades back. I have an old Canon telephoto that produces crazy color fringes on anything and everything if I'm not careful, but my new cheapass Lumix zoom only does so in pretty extreme situations.

It's definitely a good time to be a photography nerd.


Welcome to PC gaming. New here?


You don't pay much attention do you?

Here's an eight year old thread where a bunch of REEL GAMERZ MAN whinge about the same shit as now.

"Can it run Crysis" stuck around because Crysis was built for hardware that didn't even exist yet, but was scalable enough to be played on then-current gen. It wasn't because poor performance was rare.

Go to literally any major release's Steam review page and you'll see review after review shitting on the performance. Almost like there's no way to fix shit you don't know is broken.


Do you even fucking know what that word "optimization" means, or do you just throw it around because Jim Sterling told you to?


You clearly never played CS1 on release.



Or... here's a fucking idea... it's a CPU bound game and not GPU bound. FUCKING WOW, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that the simulation game may not be graphically amazing but will wreck the shit out of any CPU with its simulation routines?

Only everyone that's ever played any sort of in-depth simulation, that's who.


By "people" you mean "the kind of wankers that fellate Gamers Nexus."

Cities:Skylines has always had a frame rate that takes the strugglebus to work.


For you. On a 40 class GPU. On a game that isn't CPU bound.


Just like Crysis was a poorly put together hackjob too, right? You know, like in that post where you used Crysis as an example as a game with poor performance on launch. And of course the CryEngine is known to be a buggy cooked piece of shit, right?

Oh, wait, no, it's quite literally the opposite. Weird.


Lower resolutions and graphical settings exist.

You have no point.

Shut the fuck up.

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