

Programmer and sysadmin (DevOps?), wannabe polymath in tech, science and the mind. Neurodivergent, disabled, burned out, and close to throwing in the towel, but still liking ponies 🦄 and sometimes willing to discuss stuff.

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Prigozin and friends tried, then changed their minds when their families and friends got threatened.

It’s not easy being that 1%, when there is another 1% benefitting from things staying as they are.


Firefox getting banned, and more people having to learn where to download the whole thing, might be more positive in the long run.

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement (www.theatlantic.com)

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...


If they spend it all during the first year to accelerate their growth… sure.


Real artists mix their own pigments, ask Leonardo da Vinci (*).

(*: or have a studio full of apprentices doing it for them, along with serially copying their masterpieces, some if them made using a “camera obscura” which is totally-not-cheating™, to sell to more clients. YMMV)


SWIM can tell you there is more than one…


Beehaw also allows to un-upvote your own post.


At this point, I bet all military AIs will recommend against that.

When an AI enslaves humanity, the first thing it will do is to convince the guy in charge of the off switch, that it would be a really bad idea to turn it off.


Check Q*, Google’s Gemini is already using a similar approach.


Blockchain is used in more places than you’d expect… not the P2P version, or the “cryptocurrency” version, just the “signature based chained list” one. For example, all signed Git commits, form a blockchain.

The Metaverse has been bubbling on and off for the last 30 years or so, each iteration it gets slightly better… but it keeps failing at the same points (I think I wrote about it 20+ years ago, with points which are still valid).

Web 3.0, not to be confused with Web3, is the Semantic Web, in the works for the last 20+ years. Web3 is a cool idea for a post-scarcity world, pretty useless right now.

Dot.com was the original Web bubble… and here we are, on the Web, post-bubble.


What kind of time and effort?

AI art can require training a model, or a LORA for a model, which requires choosing a series of samples and annotating them for the parts of you want to incorporate. After that, writing a prompt can involve several paragraphs with the definitions of what you want it to output, with a series of iterations, followed by a personal choice of the output.

How is AI art a skill that is comparable to real art?

How is stacking 10 buckets of sand and letting them fall in an art gallery, comparable to real art? Dunno, but they call it that: “real art”.

Art is a communication act that requires some sort of vision, intended to elicit some sort of emotional response in the receiver, and a series of steps to achieve that.

As long as there is a vision and an intent, the series of steps required to create art with AI, are comparable to any other series of steps conducting to the creation of art with any other medium.

For a rough estimate, you can compare the number and difficulty of the steps, and the effectiveness of the communication.

people generating entire pieces using AI and then referring to themselves as “artists” is honestly delusional and sad

Let me refer you to the aforementioned sand bucket… sculpture? or the renowned orchestral piece “A minute of silence”, or paintings like “Black square”, or more performative pieces like “Banana duct taped to a wall”.

There will always be artists, and “artists”.


does the artist using this new tool control which images it was trained on? Do they even know? Can they even know?

I’ve spent every summer vacation in my teens traveling Europe with my parents, going to every church, monument, art museum, cave, etc. available. I had no control over the thousands upon thousands of images I was trained on. I definitely don’t know which images I’ve seen and which not, and would have a really hard time knowing.

If I now make a painting, am I less of an artist for it?

We’ve had a ton of advances in inspiration. Artists constantly get inspired by the works of those before them, whether to repeat or to break up with previous styles. Nowadays you can even do it online… which is exactly what all these AIs have done.


I think you misunderstood: “sand bucket man” is the bar for human art.

AI art has been above that for at least a decade, maybe two. Modern AI art, is orders of magnitude farther, even with the simplest of prompts.


Let me clarify: I’ve seen the sand bucket guy’s art featured twice on the news in the past few days, filmed at an art gallery, described as art, commented as being art. It’s not some random event, it’s the current publicly accepted definition of “art”.

My statement, not insinuation, as to why AI art is comparable to “traditional” art, comes after that.

What comes across as desperate however, is generalizing all AI output and disparaging it, without considering the quality of input from the person behind it. Reminds me of how photography used to not be art, how electric instruments couldn’t be art, or how using a computer couldn’t be art either. Tools don’t make or break an artist.


Unattended? Unrooted? What Android version?

I still have to confirm each install, wich is a bit tedious, and was looking around for a new phone.


Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.


How were they supposed to test any of it, without releasing it to testers? Recall is an “Insider Preview” feature, it’s nowhere close to a final feature.


Insider Preview”

internal security testing

Precisely my point.

If people don’t want to be part of the internal testing, or part of the QA testing, then they shouldn’t be running “Insider” or “Preview” stuff.


“Insider Preview” features are proof of concept stuff, they can add encryption before the “Public Preview” version.


More like alpha. Public beta are the normal (non-Insider) “Preview” versions… then they use a staged update deployment for QA.

And yes, MS is saving a lot of money on trained employees by using paying customers as testers.


offline porn

Mobile data plans exist… just saying 😁


Security cameras, or other security devices, including ATMs, or some alarm systems, sound compatible with attacking a single ASN: if the attacker knew the IP pool assigned to their target, and the possible modem/router model, targeting the ASN would guarantee taking down their actual target… plus some 600,000 “collateral damage” as a smoke screen.

Critics of Putin and his allies targeted inside the EU with Israeli-made Pegasus spyware (www.theguardian.com)

At least seven journalists and activists who have been vocal critics of the Kremlin and its allies have been targeted inside the EU by a state using Pegasus, the hacking spyware made by Israel’s NSO Group, according to a new report by security researchers....


Software gets used for purpose not as initially intended… surprises no one.


𝑅 ⊃ Intended ⊃ Advertised ⊃ What people thought


I was under the impression they sold to any LEO not on a sanctions list, no bidding required.

Randim bidders probably could grab a copy through some back channels…


Sure, why not… I’ll have 15 years of experience using ChatGPT, and only ask for a 2040s salary plus the time travel commute. 🙄


Google controls one set of roads, people choose which roads to use.

On Android, you’re free to install any browser and search engine you wish. For example, “Bing for Android” is already a thing.


where did that image come from?

Just ask Google’s AI…



Search engines are not baked into Android, they get exposed through apps like everything else.

The choice is limited to every search engine out there… which are not many, but what can you do, it takes a lot of resources to spin up a search engine.


MS got dinged because they claimed Windows couldn’t work without MSIE, which was a lie… and they had a large market share.

Nowadays Apple forces everyone to use Safari on iOS, and nobody bats an eye.


It picked an image from a website talking about AI, and slapped it next to a response talking about AI.

Theoretically, a website with a text related to the response, “should” have an image related to the response… but yeah, it looks kind of like cheap box ticking, like the AI didn’t check whether the photo content itself was relevant or not.


Lettuce is also better with some hair spray, tomato benefits from nail polish, and a couple hairpins can hold it all to a burger’s inner cardboard structure…


“Normal people”, as in 99% of people, will not bother editing the URL… most of them don’t even know what a URL is. They’ll just keep using whatever search window they get in their “internet” (browser).

However, Google would rather scrapers and people with ad blockers not make them waste money on AI when they can’t recoup them.


Rather market penetration among the gullible, which leads to more ad impressions, which lead to ad income, which leads to market cap.

I bet they have an alternative plan in the back burner to slash that AI the moment they see it reduce ad income in their A/B testing… but right now the AI buzzword is strong in the air, it’s 2024’s main attractor for the most ad-targetable customers.


AI seems to be the “I don’t need to think that much” measure of superiority this year… and sincerely, it’s likely here to stay. We will see different AIs with different levels of “no need to think” in different areas, but getting a ready made easy and simple answer, no matter how preposterous, has been the goal for a large part of the population since basically forever.



From the video, it would seem like the “LAM” they advertised as the reason to spend $170, does not work at all as advertised, making it a case of false advertising at the very least.

Not all scams need cryptos, some are just a rock that keeps tigers away (*not to be used in areas with tiger populations).


Mentions “OTT” a total of 28 times, doesn’t say what it stands for.

Is this AI spam?


With a strong enough rumble feature, that looks plausible…


That video can be divided into two parts:

  • AR glasses: hopefully… but based on previous experiences, fat chance they’ll get that high-res, compact, and slim in the next 10 years. Still wish them luck at trying.
  • Projected holograms, VR interaction, etc: …sure, once you get those AR glasses figured out. IRL, it’s not gonna happen.

Controllers for AR, rendered in AR… that’s anyone’s guess. Lot of creative space in there.

jarfil, (edited )


The basic physics is, there is no known way to project a hologram pixel (as in, a point that looks different from different angles) in mid air without some solid substrate.

Closest approach so far has been projecting voxels on smoke or water mist, that look the same from all angles.

Both of these approaches have been integrated with touch response, yet they still fail the fundamental part of “free standing hologram”.

It gets even more pathetic when someone calls “hologram” a 3D model projected onto a 2D display (cough EuroVision 2024 cough).


Not at all: any company that wants to operate in a given country, has to follow that country’s laws, whether they like them or not.

Whichever company were to disobey the Kremlin, would lose all Russian market share… and perhaps more importantly, all ability to offer Russian citizens access to non-Russian news and points of view.


The choice is not between blocking or not “some videos”, it’s between blocking some videos, or getting ALL videos blocked.

Think twice before you decide whether a Russian-only clone of YouTube is the better alternative.

Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men (www.researchgate.net)

Our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's [when their gender is hidden]. However, when a woman's gender is identifiable, they are rejected more often. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists nonetheless.

jarfil, (edited )

We ass-u-me too much based on people’s genders/photographs/ideas/etc., which taints our objectivity when assessing the quality of their code.

For a close example on Lemmy: people refusing to collaborate with “tankie” devs, with no further insight on whether the code is good or not.

There also used to be code licensed “not to be used for right wing purposes”, and similar.


Their objectivity is preempted by a subjective evaluation, just like it would be by someone’s appearance or any other perception other than the code itself.


News at 10: Shit happened! If only someone warned us.

You can only pick to live either in the future, or in the past. One is uncertain, the other is unchangeable, and the “present” is an illusion where one turns into the other. Choose wisely.


The discussion is about 💵💵, not about people.

If tariffs were a response to human rights violations, check the UN’s list of HR violations, there should be thousands, or millions, of tariffs everywhere. But, there aren’t, because the HR are just an excuse that 💵💵 uses whenever it suits it.


For decades China had a “3rd world country discount” on international transport, meaning:

  • send from China = almost free
  • sent to China = normal cost + extra fee

Not just the US, but every “1st world country” has been helping China, in the hopes of integrating it into a capitalist system and disrupting whatever is going on in there.

…and it would have worked, if it wasn’t for China not just doubling down, but going bananas on authoritarian interventionism.

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