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I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that. (

Imagine your friend that does not know anything about linux, don’t you think this would make them not install the firefox flatpak and potentially think that linux is unsafe?...


Yes but surely you’re aware that even the most new-user-friendly distros and their tools aren’t necessarily aimed at new users.

That warning is a perfect example of how Linux developers choose which hill to die on. They post a warning for an app that everyone knows can deliver bad times to two camps of users; those that know and don’t care and those that don’t understand the warning. If we could quantify the helpfulness of that warning, odds are that it saved 0 users from malicious action from that avenue of attack.

Never expect Linux as a whole to be “helpful” to the new crowd.


Which is why I said “linux as a whole”. Many distros will try to undo the nerdery and neckbeardism that is built into the parent distros but as a whole, linux is going to always be less welcoming to a new user than someone that’s used to useless warnings and repeated password entries for elevated privileges. Being safer and being new-user-friendly rarely go hand in hand.


I appreciate titles that let you know you don’t need to waste time watching it.


Being a woman is bad, so doctors think wanting to be a woman isn’t bad. That’s why body identity disorder is a disorder, and being trans isn’t.

Can I ask if you meant “wanting to be a woman is bad.”? If so, culturally, is being trans in the opposite(a culturally recognized female wanting to be male) more accepted?


Thanks very much for taking the time to help.

However, not every trans person is going neatly from one gender box to another. Maybe they like a few certain things picked up from their assigned gender, maybe they’re nonbinary, maybe they’re gender non-conforming (think of feminine gay men and butch lesbians for examples of cis people like that). Trans people deserve to have at least as much range of gender expression as that!

This really stuck for me. Straight people really do the exact same thing. We pick and choose how we’d like to be perceived every time we get dressed and go outside. Where (at least in the US) I and my friends grew up getting army stuff for presents, girls got dolls and toy kitchens. The gender training is quite strong from the beginning and I can only imagine how bad one would feel when they get a kitchen for their entire lives and they just want to play with some GI Joe stuff. On top of being shoved into a container you don’t fit into, it seems culturally, we try to punish the people that don’t fit our social container for them.


If you don’t mind me asking, do you feel the surgeries are necessary to feel as at peace with yourself as you can or do you feel that the steps you’ve taken to this point might suffice in giving you a chance at a happy life? If you feel the surgeries are a necessary step, can you put into words why? Unlike society forcing things on you, it seems at the point of surgery, it has less to do with that and more with changing you for you. I struggle to understand what causes a person to feel that way.

I’m definitely not asking you to justify your desires and I understand if you’d rather not speak about it to me, I’m just wondering if you can help me understand the necessity of something that seems like such a drastic measure to me. The reason behind it must be very powerful.


A better comparison would be if you had a third arm, or if you were short one arm due to a genetic anomaly or injury. You may feel social pressures that you may not fit in or maybe you feel body dysmorphia about your body being different from other people you identify with. You likely would want to seek care to more closely align your body to one that is socially expected.

This was very helpful, thank you. I also understand better regarding gender-affirming care. That seems very hard to receive currently, at least in the US. Perhaps it’s being politicized by those in power but I see more comments about not being able to receive any care than I do about successful treatment.


This was incredibly helpful, thanks for the explanation. As I learn more, it’s helped me understand better why people choose such a hard path in their life. It’s been very hard for me to understand what could make a person face such hostility but I’m starting to get it.


Could you share what you consider better options at the same price point?


I see. I went a bit pricier and am running a refurbed EliteDesk 705 G4-Mini for one of my linux desktops but I’m also running linux desktops with a Pi4 and 5 elsewhere. All three have been working great but as you mentioned, running linux on ARM takes away a lot of software options, unfortunately.


With the prices on the Pi5 your potentially getting into the price range where it might make sense to look at the Beelinks mini PCs, based around a 12th gen Intel.

Wow, wish I had known about that before. That looks amazing! I ordered one and will give it a shot. Do you happen to know of a community based around mini-pcs? If not Lemmy, forum, etc. I use places like Tomshardware but would love to see things like the Beelink when they pop up.

18+ What are the differences between the 'base' of various Linux distributions?

I’ve been using linux desktop for a year or so now. One noteable thing i keep seeing is that one person will say I dont like XYZ distrobution because of its base. But I am still a little unsure what is meant by it. I am assuming the main difference between each base is the choice of package management(?). But what other...


When they say base, they’re talking about the distro it’s built off of(Debian, arch, slack, fedora, Ubuntu, etc.). As an example, Mint is built on the Ubuntu base, Bunsen is built on Debian, etc. These are often called flavors as they’re not considered distros but rather something built on top of a distro.

The major visible differences in distros are the package managers and tools provided for it but they also have different goals. Debian aims for rock solid stability, fedora puts FOSS first, Arch is designed to take up your free time by making you build everything from scratch and pointing you to a wiki when you’re stuck (I kid).

The flavors then customize the experience, usually muddying the distro goals in the process. For instance, someone might take a fedora base then pack it full of proprietary software and release it.

I wouldn’t say what you use is irrelevant but you can truly make every base look and perform the same if you do some work. People that don’t like a particular base usually don’t want to do that work, they want to use it. I’m one of those people. Where I used to love tinkering in Linux, now I just want to get it up and running so I can do my stuff on it.


Well, in fairness, I didn’t name it.

schwim, (edited )

I agree. I used Debian for a very long time but found a move to Sid for fresh packages to be a frustrating experience so I just moved to an ubu based system.


You can easily fine tune what requires a password in Linux by editing the /etc/sudoers file.


Debian stable will always prioritize stability and provide you older versions of applications. Even Debian Sid(their testing/rolling release version) gives you less than bleeding edge versions of apps. You can always install your own versions by downloading from provider or building yourself but if you’re wanting more current software, I’d consider another flavor of linux.

You can always install other themes, icons, etc. to get the look you want, Debian is just the underpinnings of the desktop. Using XFCE there is no different than using it in another distro.

The size difference is because of preinstalled applications, as you suspected. Some call it bloat, others just understand that Ubuntu is trying to cater to “set it and forget it” user.


Can I ask what you consider “spamming ads” to be? That could be relevant to suggesting alternatives.


As a brand new user, you don’t need to use any commands to install librewolf. Open “Software Manager”, type “libre” in the search bar and install the first result.


Sometimes, the repos(machines where the software is stored) has a hiccup that causes installs to stall and fail. When that happens, I usually give it another try in an hour or so before bothering to troubleshoot. It pretty much always resolves itself when this happens.

SUVs made up 20% of global emissions growth and 55% of car sales globally in 2023 (

This is just insane. Not only are cars themself mostly unnecessary, if the right infrastructure is provided, but SUVs also use more resources to run and be produced then small cars, without any advantage over them. So an obvious waste, which could easily be cut to reduce emissions....


Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding this but weren’t the SUVs already calculated in the countries’ bars? Of course something globally combined that burns fuel is going to be significant. I imagine sedans and coupes wouldn’t be very far behind. This smacks of a “Statistically, everyone has one testicle” type of thing.

Are we just picking out things that we can add to the graph? Like, can I choose farts or barbques?


That would be my uneducated guess as well. Taking everything like processing, shipping, storing, growing the feed and all it requires into account for meat production, I would be shocked if it weren’t higher than passenger vehicles combined.


Or perhaps you begin arbitrarily counting other things twice in your calculations. Then they look better.

My point isn’t that item X doesn’t pollute, just that the graph in question is less useful in it’s nature and aimed at being alarmist.


Man I got so excited about beeper but it just fails to log in to anything I try to set up. FB, sms, anything at all, it successfully logs me in and then hangs on the spinning wheel of death


“Proton does not require a recovery address, but in this case the terror suspect added one on their own. We cannot encrypt this data as we need to be able to send an email to that address if the terror suspect wishes to initiate the recovery process,…"

I love that proton kept referring to the user as the “terror suspect” repeatedly so we would know they’re really the good guy here.


Thanks very much for the clarification to the context, I really appreciate it as someone who had no idea.

What email provider do you use for sign ups?

I used to use Protonmail, however the verification steps become tedious when creating unique emails for sign ups. I’ve switched to Tutanota despite it contravening their one account policy. What do you all use for one off emails (for sign ups etc )? Or do you prefer one of those 10 minute email sites?


I use forwarders on a domain I own that point to my primary acct.


This would be more suitable for 911, not a group of anons to discuss how it impacts your relationship.

schwim, (edited )

Anyone have an eli5 explanation of how AITA works? What patterns could be captured and how would that lead to identification or data siphoning?


Thanks very much, I believe I understand that part now, like a fingerprint to associate to site components like pulled in js, css, etc. I still don’t understand, though, how they associate that to a particular user of a VPN. Does each request done through a VPN include some sort of identifier for each of us or is AI also doing something to put these requests in a particular user’s bucket?


Could you explain how separate emails would increase security risk? I ask because I’ve used separate emails for absolutely everything and it has only ever helped me with security( if I get a Microsoft security notice to anything other than, I know it’s not legitimate).

I don’t mean in lieu of 2fa, strong pass, etc, I mean in conjunction. I don’t see how it could hurt.


My gym does this. I carry one my old phones in my console with nothing but the gym app on it. I turn it on when I park, it connects to wifi while I’m walking in, I scan the code then turn it off and throw it in my bag.


Freetube with sponsorblock enabled foils all of it.


Freetube with sponsor block is a godsend.


I do this for part of my reg forms. I split the reg process into two parts. First, supply email only. This element uses an obfuscated id. Once they do that, the link sent to their email leads to the rest of the process, using no obfuscation. This should keep from breaking password managers.

Regarding login bruteforcing. I give them 3 shots then a cooling down period.

This process has resulted in a 0% success rate for bots so far. We will see how it holds as the domain sees more traffic.

Comments no longer visible with youtube frontends?

Are comments no longer visible for anyone else using the youtube frontends? I can no longer see comments with either invidious, piped, or viewtube, and I’ve tried several instances of each. With invidious there’s just nothing there below the video description. With viewtube I get an error message. And with piped I see...


I forgot about the epidemic of gas station explosions due to people sitting in their cars.


If it is of concern for you, you’re going to lose your shit when you find out the risks involved when you actually drive your car.


Can you perhaps share some statistics of explosions caused by getting in a car? No? How about an article of someone blown to smithereens by getting in there car? Not that either?

What you’re feeling better about is the theater of inferred safe practices. The fact that in spite of driving being the top cause of accidental death, you’re ok with but although there is no factual info backing up your fear of getting into your car should give you pause.

schwim, (edited )

Not that it didn’t happen, just that they are so rare, you had to find a 4 pixel video of one and are completely unable to provide any statistics due to it’s rarity.

I was going to link a vehicle accident to back up my claim but, well, I had problems picking one from the 6 million that occur annually.

But you go ahead and worry about the static electricity while fueling so you can hop in your car and hurtle down the road around the oncoming rockets that are infinitely more likely to end your life but you are, for some strange reason, more OK with.


Luckily there’s no sticker on our car about the risks of driving, so we know it’s safe.

You seem angry. Maybe 4 1/2 hours of vehicle crashes will soothe you. Dont worry, they are high-resolution.


“Stickers tell me when to worry.” - You


“Fear everything except for the most likely cause of death.” - You


Since you’re struggling to keep throwing other elements into this discussion in hopes of legitimizing you calling me an idiot over an anonymous comment section that has angered you:

I’m fully vaccinated because the risk of death without has been proven to be significant. I wear a seat belt because the risk of death without has been proven to be significant. I don’t drink and drive because the risk of death when doing so has proven to be significant. I get in my car when fueling because the risk of doing so is so minuscule that there are literally no published statistics regarding the practice.

You seem to be doubling down on the “I’m having a problem winning this with logic so let’s find something else to get this guy on” and super light on any stats, so I’m going to concede you are the winner of this online comment battle(Congrats!). Also, I did find a video showing some static electricity fires so I thought I’d give you that as well. It seems you were right all along.


I just watch the filler from the side mirror. When I feel the click of the disengagement, I hop out, give a ground pat to the pump and replace the nozzle.


You keep saying you’re done but yet here you are, still engaging.

I win because I’ve commented last. Yay, me.

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