
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


It shows “blocked” but clicking on it works for me.


He is locked in California, a fairly progressive and leftist state i think , I am not entirely certain all that therapy is a good thing, i think i watched a documentary saying that psychopaths only learn from therapy how to be better manipulators and i feel like he sounds like psychopath even now.

With that said if he gets out of prison i think he should be allowed to participate in FOSS (when someone reviews his contributions), i can’t help but wonder if his reportedly unhinged behavior on the kernel mailing list was handled better (e.g. mandating he will go to therapy) the murder would not have happened.


I would argue that even having a project as source available is better then closed source and can still be pretty good, look at for example the FreeSpace 2 Source Code Project.

If anybody want to ask a game creator to make a game open source and he refuses, suggesting a source available license might still be a good idea.


source available can allow a lot of things including modification of the source code (and in particular adding quality of life improvements and updating the code to run on modern platforms). Some restrictions like not allowing selling or even not allowing competition (for example allowing the game engine to run only the original game , or disallowing the removal of monetization).

If you look at openage (age of empires 2 reimplementation) the game is not playable 25 years after release and that game is considered a classic, we could lose a lot of very good games or software.

Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men (

Our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's [when their gender is hidden]. However, when a woman's gender is identifiable, they are rejected more often. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists nonetheless.


Obligatory mentions of the replication crisis and the Hierarchy of evidence.

Bias against women exists (I remember hearing various “insights” about women IRL from men) but i think something else is going on, reportedly even people who report they are men get “discriminated”, maybe it’s just people who are extroverted show their gender and that slightly correlates with lower quality?

Also i remember reading some woman saying she does not show her gender online to avoid harassment, maybe that also correlates (younger woman not having that insight that not showing your gender could be a net win for the preferences they have)


Create proprietary software project , sell the software and give all the profit to starving kids in africa beside taking in a modest salary (say the US median salary) and call fair code, it’s more fair then hashicorp CEO getting something like 100K a month in salary and stocks.


Following the links and searching around, I found this: Andrzej “vosen” Janik, the lead dev, says in his FAQ:

There is a fork which seems more active (see 1 and 2)

It should probably at least be mentioned on the read me of the original project.


I have been with multiple different communities that had GPL and other licensed code stolen for profit in proprietary programs. In all instances, the FSF, SFC and EFF were all contacted and nobody cared.

at least the SFC did some enforcing that worked, but i got the feeling these organisations are too “nice” , If the case is a slam dunk maybe it is possible to get a lawyer who will work by getting a large percentage of the earnings.


Fundraising is skill, and it needs to be learnt, I have looked at a fairly large chunk of open source project that are successfully funded and i think that is what sets them apart.

I think it is important that users should have a very clear understanding of how you are doing, if you need X money to keep doing this, there should be a pop up saying you need X money on the software and it should be very hard to miss on the website and read me.

Will some people not like that? probably but you can’t please everyone and you shouldn’t let a vocal minority determines how things happen.


At that point, you’ve become a business. So yeah, you need skill to fundraise.

or a non profit, and not surprising running a business or a non profit requires the skills to manage a business or a non profit, iirc the software freedom conservatory and maybe the SPI say the can help with fundraising, but you need to be modest and consider you might benefit from learning from other people.

Fuck the companies, they will always take and never give anything back. They won’t give you money anyways, so might as well shut them down.

That’s just factually wrong, for example most of the contribution to the linux kernel are from companies, blender development fund is a good case study for this (see how much each corporate sponsors pays)


Calling it hate is an exaggeration , people are entitled to their opinion and informing other people by criticizing snap.

Another advantage not mentioned is that snap is a product of canonical (a for profit company talking about an IPO for years), flathub is managed by the gnome foundation (a US registered non profit, which should provide some legal protection).


paradoxically just because an organisation is a non profit does not mean it does not sell anything, it means that the people who “own” it are not doing it for a profit (e.g. voting members, board members , that is what is suppose to be legally guaranteed ), for example the wikimedia foundation (the creator of wikipedias ) sells access to data, MIT university for example is also a non profit.

and i feel like the profit incentive might cause problems for the snap store, flathub warns when an app is closed source so it might be risky to use it, snap does not do that and maybe that is because that could hurt profits.


My major problem has been the documentation of the project and how top contributors are unable to accept how bad it is. Discussions about improvements and attempts at improving it at regularly shut down or impeded. Coming back to the “harsh defense of perceived territory”, it distinctly feels like existing teams are supposed to be the only ones making changes to the things they own. Contributions from “outsiders” never exit nix review hell and are nitpicked to death.

I made a one time contribution to the nix docs, I also got the impression that managing documentation could be better but it did got accepted after a few changes.

With that said there are alternative projects that provide a form of documentation to nix.

wiki_me, (edited )

Talk about a blast for the past.

Might be worth mentioning that that is a project that maintains the source code release of descent 1+2 .

steam , wikipedia.

wiki_me, (edited )

the distinction between big and small companies is artificial , a big company can still have a small product with low profit margins, and both big and small companies can be managed by the same mutual funds and pension funds (vanguard , blackrock, fidelity etc).


You realize that the owner could be a truck driver for texas? that’s what mutual funds and pension funds do, they manage assets.

and taking a fixed price is like having a grocery store where all the products have the same price, businesses do a cost benefit analysis (estimating stuff like costs and expected income), having a single price does not make sense.

Redlib: Open-source, privacy-focused frontend for Reddit without Reddit's ads, trackers, and bloat. A fork of Libreddit. (

The purpose of this post is not to endorse the use of Reddit (, but rather to inform users of a privacy-friendly approach in case they need to utilize the platform....


Isn’t this a lawsuit waiting to happen?


My country has non profits that lobby for citizens , I wonder if there is enough motivation in the community to set something like that for FOSS, I don’t think existing non profits (FSF, OSI) will want to deal with that kind of stuff .


How is that not a security theater? , you just need to :

  • publish a good snap
  • change it to malware after it is approved
  • profit

The extra cost added to override this is fairly small, i don’t think it will help.


At least this prevents impersonation of well-known publishers or their software



verifying the submitter is a member of the project

That’s a different requirement as far as i can tell (When you do that you get the “plus” sign next to the name on the store).

the software name does not conflict with a well known name,…

It should conflict, the point is that some random dude can create a package and people could use it.

They can review and check that the URL in the manifest used to build or install the package is from upstream, but that can later be changed, it would be better to have some system where you need to whitelist URL’s i think.


Phrononix’s forum is known for having some of the most toxic individuals in the open-source ecosystem

I think the quality of a discussion platform correlates with the quality of it’s users, and the forums are not as good as reddit and lemmy.


I think that could be said about a lot of specialized communities , you can do a wikipedia search , that’s better then just repeating the descriptions of software whenever they are mentioned.


Yeah it’s easy to fall into a negativity bias instead of doing a risk benefit analysis , the company could be investing money and resources that could be missing from open source projects, especially professional work by non programmers (e.g. UX researchers) which is something that open source projects usually miss.

You could probably figure it out by going over the contributions.


Their fiscal host is confusingly “Open Source Collective” and not the “Open Collective Foundation” .


Would be really useful to steal a few features from the steam store:

  • show ratings based on review in last X period of time (month/year etc)
  • show the highest upvoted reviews from that period (sort by usefulness)
  • filter by how many hours they used the software (opt in of course).

You can download a csv of the market share from 2009, it shows it reached 3% for the first time in jun 2023, there might be some kind of rapid growth in popularity here.


it’s basically the non profit software in the public interest that is governed by a board elected by open source contributors. From it’s website:

Donations to SPI that are not marked for a particular project will be distributed to the projects that are currently affiliated with SPI as needed, and/or used for SPI’s own expenses.

Maybe there is a place for non profit where donors elect a board of director that decides how to fund things, giving non programmers a way to influence the development of FOSS (and non programmers could have a lot to offer).

There is also tidelift which does something similar.

Distributor of donations?

Does anyone know of a way to distribute donations to multiple open source projects at once? I would like to donate more frequently and broadly but because of the large number of different projects it would be laborious and inefficient to donate small fractions of what I can afford to each of them manually. What would be helpful...


Non profits might be good candidates, in particular the software in the public interest is governed by a board elected by open source contributors. From it’s website:

Donations to SPI that are not marked for a particular project will be distributed to the projects that are currently affiliated with SPI as needed, and/or used for SPI’s own expenses.


There is a link to the bounty on polar at the end , it’s 20 dollars.


What do you “can fund” ? , it’s already funded, and iirc from reading the polar website 50 percent goes to the project and 50 percent to the bounty hunter.


Part of the reason is that people are still finding out about it, Project has no marketing so it grows organically, in the last year the number of contributors grew by 25 percent.

Another problem is that it still needs polish in term of ease of use, for example it takes me forever to search for packages using the nix-env command but using the website it takes less then a second, That’s a basic feature that still does not work correct, Plus their documentation is still not great in my opinion, I actually helped improved it and the improvement they made is still not really good IMO.


If you want to just make money, yeah it’s probably not a really good investment, what i am hoping will happen is that people that really care about creating the type of products purism make will get voting rights and help manage the company better, maybe even create a non profit that will slowly buy the company and manage it (something like how the green day packers was bought by a non profit).

it’s a very hard goal, i am even surprised they made it this far, but just complaining is probably not going to really help make a true Linux phone a reality.

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