
I’ve fallen into a deep gaming rut lately. What game(s) helped “get you back into” gaming and rediscover the magic of video games?

I, like many gamers, grew up playing Pokémon Red and Nintendo 64 and was obsessed with Nintendo products. I graduated to a PS2 and PS3 and became super into Metal Gear Solid and Call of Duty and Fallout. Also spent a ton of time with the Guitar Hero series. I loved the escape gaming brought me and it genuinely helped me relax....

Dishonored 2 wont launch

I recently built a new computer and am going through and playing all the stuff I couldn't before. I was particularly excited for Dishonored 2, as I loved the first one. Unfortunately when I try to open it in steam it acts like it's going to launch and then just doesn't. I've uninstalled reinstalled, I've tried run as admin, I've...

I recently decided to play through the first Dishonored game

I had played Dishonored 2 about a year after it was first released, and it was a lot of fun. I love stealth games and I really liked the take it had on the genre. So a couple months ago when I saw the first one had a steam sale I decided to pull the trigger and I’m glad I did. Man, this game is good! I’ve played through it...

Is FF16 really linear like FF7 Remake was? What is the structure of the game?

I've seen footage of wide open areas in the game, but I don't know if that footage is misleading or not. The game has a menu-based map, so does that mean each area is small and linear like the bog section in the demo? Or are you able to explore and find new areas on your own? How does the structure of the game compare to the...

Are there no other major fast-paced COD-style multiplayer FPS anymore?

I've always liked the CoD formula, but unfortunately paying 70€ for the latest MW2 to play something so basic seems not worth it, especially when said game will be abandoned next year. I tried searching on the Steam store, but it feels like there are no serious alternatives on this market. Anyone has a good suggestion that...

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