Silverseren, to world in U.N. official says he saw Israeli troops kill 2 Palestinians fishing off Gaza coast

Elder said he and his team were prevented from delivering their aid shipment and forced to turn back that day.

"We spent about eight or nine hours at military checkpoints. In the end, our truck, despite all the approvals, was denied access and returned ... Yes, we will try again. Obviously, we'll try again. But this is consistent with the denials that we and many other agencies have experienced," Elder said.

Israel has previously said that it allows hundreds of trucks carrying aid to enter Gaza daily, and the Israeli government has blamed the U.N. for failing to distribute it.

Sounds like we can't trust the IDF's numbers on aid trucks being let in if they're counting ones they initially let in and then forced to leave at a later checkpoint.

naonintendois, to politics in Where Trump's 3 other criminal cases stand after his conviction in New York

What happened to the immunity case? Last update says April 25th but that was a month ago.

jordanlund, avatar

Supreme court rulings are generally announced in June just before they go on break for the year.

Adanisi, to world in U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage avatar

Yeah, no.

It seems that these Americans have discovered that they can’t just ignore the rule of law in other countries.

Let them deal with the consequences. Let them lose that American exceptionalism.

Nobody gets a free pass for breaking laws in America, so these Americans shouldn’t get a free pass for breaking laws in other countries.


I agree, but on the other hand 12 years? This sounds more like a 12 days crime…


The full story is that Turks and Caicos Islands has struggled against gun violence for years, so it passed much stricter gun laws in 2022. American tourists were violating this law by bringing guns and ammunition in their bags, but the courts in all of the previous cases recognized that prison was a harsh punishment for lapses like this, so they’d reduce the sentence to a fine. But it just kept happening, and perhaps in frustration, in February an appeals court ruled that the lower courts could not exercise that kind of discretion.

Given that those courts had been lowering the penalty to a fine, it seems unlikely that they’ll sentence people to long prison terms. (Any prison time does seem like an overreaction, but it also seems that the country got frustrated and wants to send a message about following its laws.)


yup. look at Haiti to see what lax gun controls lead to.


Please be trolling or bot. How could a sentient being write something this nonsensical…


Which word did you have trouble parsing sparky?


Loose ammo can creep into all kinds of nooks when a box spills open. I’ve found rounds tucked into the fold of a range bag years after the spill.

It’s exactly why my range bags and my travel bags nexer mix.


Are we talking about gummy bears or explosives?

If you let ammo lose around the house, you have MUCH bigger problems than travelling


Somebody goes on a hunting trip. Among other things they pack ammunition. The cardboard box of ammo breaks open and 100 rounds spill all over the inside of their bag. A year later they go on a different trip and bring the same bag with them, and there’s a loose round in the folds of the bag they don’t know about, but the dog sniffs it out.

That’s why I have separate bags and cases specifically for traveling with ammunition.


honestly they should be securing their fucking ammo better. cardboard boxes aren’t meant for travel. the packaging it’s sold in isn’t meant to stand up to abuse. stop pouring casings around your luggage and you’ll have an easier time with this.


Loose ammo can creep into all kinds of nooks when a box spills open. I’ve found rounds tucked into the fold of a range bag years after the spill.

this is why you don’t pleasure travel with your bang bang kit. spent almost a decade in the military, travelling CONSTANTLY, from training to war zones and all over for technical stuff - never ever tried to bring ammo onto an aircraft.


That’s exactly what I’m fucking saying.


so you agree they didn’t have an excuse. cool.


I’m saying that people screw up and explaining a simple way to avoid the same mistake.

Here on Lemmy saying that you have bags just for carrying ammunition will get you labeled as a baby-killing MAGA extremist because you’re so into guns you accessorize with custom luggage for your murder-toys.

I’m explaining that those ammo bags and cases are there specifically to avoid accidents just like this - not as a tacticool fashion statement.


Here on Lemmy saying that you have bags just for carrying ammunition will get you labeled as a baby-killing MAGA extremist because you’re so into guns you accessorize with custom luggage for your murder-toys.

or you know, you could be one of the 2 million people on reserve, guard or active duty. I had bags for both and even with that, never, ever brought home live or blank ammo. it’s a sensible precaution if you’re around lots of loose ammo, but also, if you take the time to check your shit it really isn’t rocket science.


You recognize the injustice of it, but still some individuals, who have not wronged anyone with their acts, should receive lengthy prison terms because you don’t like the perceived policies of the us.

Also let’s point out that there is absolutely zero evidence that these people are ‘ignoring’ the law. It seems they are just idiots who made dumb and careless mistakes. You just need to paint it way to justify the completely unjustifiable position of thinking individuals should be punished for the actions of their state.


No, this has nothing to do with the US.

If I go to the US, I have to obey US law or go to jail. Similarly, if a US citizen goes to another country, they have to obey THEIR laws. If their laws say you go to jail when you break them, then what are you crying about?


This is the only objective point to illustrate. Laws aren’t monolithic across countries. We wouldn’t have countries if they were.


No one is saying they shouldnt have to follow the law because they are Americans. People are pointing out that this law is clearly unjust and ridiculous that someone would spend over a decade behind bars for making a dumb mistake. the law isn’t just regardless of what country it is. This is one of the times I have zero problem with the us throwing it’s weight around to protect it’s citizens around the world: to save them from ridiculous punishments for making a mistake.


this law is clearly unjust and ridiculous

Don’t crime, don’t do time. Isn’t that what conservatives love to tell everyone?

SOVEREIGN COUNTRIES DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOUR OPINION IS, they have laws, you obey them or fuck off.

Idiots chose to visit these countries, and chose not to clear their bags of sensitive items that are literally prohibited in those countries.

they fucked around and are finding out.


Don’t crime, don’t do time. Isn’t that what conservatives love to tell everyone?

So do you say the same thing when some young black person goes to jail for a small amount of marijuana? I’m pretty liberal can see the injustice in both of these. I’m not sure why people have such a hard on for seeing these otherwise innocent people going to jail for a stupid mistake. It’s like being a conservative and cheering on black kids going to jail for possessing pot.

Why do you want to see them in jail so badly? Have you asked yourself this?


two points here:

one: it’s not the same as the black kid; these people are electing to travel out of the country. that kid is living in his environment. when you leave our nation for another, you accept the rules of that nation will apply to you. if you don’t want that, DON’T SPEND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO TRAVEL THERE.

A better question: if these travelers are such freedom loving gun enthusiasts, why don’t they patronize countries that invite their tourism? HUH.

And two:

Want to travel? You don’t get to bring your own rules.

Try taking a small amount of marijuana to singapore.

Do I agree with their laws? NO. Do I fuck around and attempt to find out? No. I have better things to do with my life than languish in a jail or be executed for pot.


Holy shit, you’re actually trying to argue that it’s unjust to be punished for intentionally breaking a law, but perfectly fine to be punished with 10 years in prison for making a mistake.

You’re very blatantly playing the role of the racist conservative gleefully cheering on the imprisonment of a person from a group they don’t like, regardless of the justness of the reason, and you have no idea.

Do I fuck around and attempt to find out? No.

Again, you keep trying to paint it as them intentionally breaking the law. There is no indication of this. It seems just dishonest at this point to continually frame it this way. They didn’t “attempt to find out” they fucked up. Why is this so hard for you to admit?


You’re very blatantly playing the role of the racist conservative

lol put down the bong son… jfc, get over yourselves


You’ve made it clear the reason you have a hard on for these people being punished is that they gun owners and you don’t like gun owners. I’m just holding the mirror up and you don’t like what you see.


You’ve made it clear the reason you have a hard on for these people being punished is that they gun owners and you don’t like gun owners

oof, another swing and a miss. you’re so damned close tho kid… tell you what. I make a distinction. I actually have a ton of respect for many gun owners; unfortunately, too many are fucking idiots who don’t keep their weapons and ammo accounted for.

And I despise those fucks. They’re the idiots getting children killed, supplying criminals with weapons and pissing off our neighbor countries with petty bullshit like this.

What I’d like to see happen: responsible people keep their privileges - but what I’m certain is going to happen is that everyone is going to be punished because the fucking morons can’t stop leaving their pewpews in their fucking unlocked cars.…

so… you do you sport, will probably block you so I don’t have to explain shit after this.

Adanisi, avatar

“Gun owner” is not an immutable attribute. Its not a skin colour. Comparing dislike of gun owners to racism is ridiculous.


One can only commit an injustice against a person if it’s an immutable characteristic? That seems dumb in and of itself.

Ftr, possessing drugs is not a immutable attribute either.

But if that’s your hang up, the logical next thought would be “what if I take race out of it” and it’s just a conservative cheering on someone doing serious jail time for possession of a small amount of marijuana.

Adanisi, avatar

Then that’s a different issue and should be handled according to what a person does/possesses and why on a case-by-case basis.


You avoided an important question in my post which undermined your whole point.

I stand by my point, their desire (and probably yours) is to make a gun owner suffer because you don’t like them, justice and objectivity be damned. It’s just like a racist conservative.

Adanisi, avatar

I can’t take your argument seriously.

People are (rightfully) glad that reckless idiots travelling to other countries carrying literal explosive devices have been arrested, and your takeaway is there is… racism directed towards gun owners?

You’re delusional.


our takeaway is there is… racism directed towards gun owners?

You and I both know this is not what I saying, why the dishonesty?

Adanisi, avatar

You’re drawing parallels to racism because some people aren’t up in arms that these idiots with explosives have been arrested.

That’s pretty damn close.


because some people aren’t up in arms

Holy shit, more dishonesty.

Adanisi, (edited ) avatar

People are glad that these people have been arrested for carrying explosive devices and you’re drawing parallels to racism because of it.

That’s your argument, and it’s absolutely ridiculous.

And it’s very funny that you’re calling me dishonest, when earlier in the thread I mentioned that nobody was being punished for actions of their state, and you claimed you never said that. I then pasted you saying exactly that and you went off talking about something tangentially related.


That’s your argument, and it’s absolutely ridiculous.

No, what’s ridiculous is you lying by claiming I said they are racist, and then turning around and lying and saying that I’m on people for not being “up in arms” about it, when all I’ve been doing is pointing out the injustice of the prison terms. I’m not even up up in arms about it. I just think it’s wrong. But, don’t worry, I won’t lose any sleep if these people do jail time.

You keep flailing around trying to make my argument ridiculous, but all it does is reveal that you’re uninterested in actually thinking about this, but instead just making up reasons in order to claim I’m wrong.

mentioned that nobody was being punished for actions of their state, and you claimed you never said that

Yeah, because I said people want them to be punished because of actions of their state, not that they were being punished for actions of their state. At first I thought this was probably just a case of poor reading comprehension, but in light of your current dishonesty, I’m not so sure anymore. And, besides, even if I was being dishonest, that doesn’t preclude you from being dishonest.

Adanisi, (edited ) avatar

You can write walls of text about how “that’s not what I said” all you like, but it’s clear to anyone reading what you’ve said that you tried to compare racism to people being glad about these morons being arrested.



You also tried to claim you didn’t say “unjustifiable position of thinking individuals should be punished for the actions of their state”, when you said exactly that in your previous message, when referring to people traveling with bullets they brought in their own luggage.



If anyone’s being dishonest, it’s you.


You already quoted it, anyone coming here can see that what you claim I said I didn’t. Screen capping it was entirely unnecessary. but good effort.


Yeah say that again keeping in mind that the US regularly has killed civilians in the past, sometimes by mistake, sometimes as expected collateral. Sounds a bit hollow, then.


Why do so many people think it’s a good argument to say that because the us does some bad shit, otherwise innocent people should spend a decade in prison for making a mistake? It’s makes zero sense.


Being an idiot doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the law. Who the fuck packs ammo to go to a different country?


Noone is saying they’re exempt from the law, only that it is clearly an injustice that someone go to jail for a decade for making a dumb mistake.

Do you really think the intent of the law is to send people to jail for accidentally carrying some ammo?


Tell me how you “accidentally” carry ammo in your luggage?


Can I ask that you first explain to me why you think this mother, while travelling with her daughter, was intentionally trying to smuggle 2 rounds of ammo out of Turks and Caicos? If you can come up with a reasonable explanation for this, I’d be happy to answer your question.


You first.


Obviously not a good faith question.

Adanisi, avatar

This isn’t punishment for actions of their state lol, this is punishment for their own actions.

The state didn’t tell them to put bullets in their luggage.


This isn’t punishment for actions of their state lol, this is punishment for their own actions.

Yes, I understand this, and it’s not what I said at all. Not even remotely.

Adanisi, avatar

You just need to paint it way to justify the completely unjustifiable position of thinking individuals should be punished for the actions of their state.


Let me break it down for you:

Top level poster was saying noone in the us gets a break, so these people from the us should not get a break.

They think that because the us has bad policies, these people should be punished.

Their position had less ( or even nothing ) to do with whether these actions should be punishable because they themselves are bad, their position is about them being punished as some kind of pay back for us policy.


Nope, this is a deliberate mischaracterization of the argument.

It goes like this:

1 - you’re not supposed to fly with loose ammo.

2 - many countries prohibit you visiting with ammunition.

3 - if you break a foreign nations laws, that nation can and will imprison you.

not calculus, it’s pretty fucking simple.


I can easily follow that logic and I get it. The whole point is that the poster is arguing they deserve to be punished by arguing that people would be punished by the us system. What the us system does or does not do has zero bearing on whether this is just.


ok, think of it this way then:

they went out of their way to patronize a country that does NOT invite firearms-tourism. why weren’t they smart enough or patriotic bang bang enough to travel someplace they could bring their stuff to?

tsk. poor decision making by them, poor judgement by the gun lovers in this thread who would see them skate on their crimes.


I couldn’t care less why they weren’t smart enough. I’m okay with them being punished for it, but in these cases a fine seems more reasonable than a decade in prison.

by the gun lovers in this thread who would see them skate on their crimes.

I’m for pretty strict gun control. You are exposing yourself here: this isn’t about being reasonable, it’s about some vengefulness against gun owners. Get out of your black and white thinking and taking sides and be objective.


how’bout, no?

you do you mate.


Nobody gets a free pass for breaking laws in America

You might want to check your notes on that one…

Modern_medicine_isnt, to world in U.S. governors urge Turks and Caicos to release Americans as Florida woman becomes 5th tourist arrested for ammo in luggage

I say, keep them an extra week, and let the US gov pay the fine for not noticing on departure.

fluxion, to world in Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday

Netanyahu told “Face the Nation” on Sunday that a hostage deal would delay the Rafah operation, but said Israel would still move ahead with the operation at a later time.

Gee that sounds promising

UpperBroccoli, to politics in Supreme Court allows camping bans targeting homeless encampments

Judge a society by how it treats its weakest members. And judge hard.


Yes, I’m sure some of those judges are hard right now


I know I should be used to it by now but it shocks me that there are likely millions of christian conservatives who would yell at you for this, even though this sentiment is literally echoed exactly by Jesus.

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

That verse swings both ways. God isn’t counting all your good deeds for the ‘least of my brothers’, but none of your transgressions against them.


Conservative (and let’s be real, also neoliberal) Christians hate that verse. There are so few places in the NT where Jesus explicitly says “you will go to hell for this,” and that’s one of them. They get extremely uncomfortable if you make them think about how they believe they will one day have to stand in front of God and explain why they ignored this verse.

So naturally I advocate bringing it up to them as much as possible. There actually are a lot of deeply Christian people who are disturbed by the dissonance there, and for the most part the messaging just isn’t happening. Like, what is the biggest Jesus advertisement campaign right now? Probably the Protestant Buddy Jesus “He gets us” campaign, which doesn’t really say much of anything.

AbidanYre, to politics in Where Trump's 3 other criminal cases stand after his conviction in New York

At what point can Cannon be charged as an accessory after the fact?

jordanlund, avatar

So far, nothing about what she’s doing is extra-legal.

hoshikarakitaridia, avatar

I would agree with that from what I’ve seen. She absolutely killed the case and what she is doing is highly unusual in it’s totality and the appearance to an outsider is pretty grim, but she would have to do something without any legal basis or similar. Just being elected by the guy that has a case pending in front of you is not enough. There is precedent for this.

Mind you even then, recusal is probably the only thing that would happen anyway. Removal is super unlikely. I would say winning the lottery levels of unlikely.



Chainweasel, to politics in Major news organizations urge Biden, Trump to commit to presidential debates

The lines are already drawn and we know what we’re voting for with each side, this is just about generating ratings and revenue.

Diplomjodler, to politics in Rep. Mike Turner says there is a "chaos caucus" who want to block any Congressional action

If there were any reasonable Republicans, they could get stuff done simply by making deals with the Democrats. The fact that this isn’t happening shows that there are no reasonable Republicans.


If they're caught making deals with Democrats, they end up losing the support of the so-called 'moderate' GOP, so their actions will fail anyway


I’m not sure that’s so true. I think there’s probably still some “reasonable” Republicans holding office, but they don’t have reasonable constituents. They know as soon as they try and break ranks they’ll be called a traitor on Fox News that very night.

They whipped enough fear among the white nationalist crowd and lent them enough credibility where that kitty turned tiger, and these “reasonable” Republicans find themselves unable to do much but hold onto its tail.

FunderPants, to politics in Supreme Court allows camping bans targeting homeless encampments

So then where are people supposed to sleep when nothing else is available, how can it possibly be a crime to give yourself shelter and sleep?

negativenull, avatar

It is now illegal to sleep while homeless


Legally? Prison.


There’s also death. Don’t forget about death.


So poverty leads to slavery via the 13th amendment.

That’s dark.

I can’t believe the billionaires aren’t yet worried about their safety. This environment is the stuff of revolutions.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to world in U.S. halts avocado and mango inspections in a Mexican state after 2 USDA employees attacked, detained avatar

My grocery store just sent me an email saying that avocado and mangos are their top picks this week.



You mess with the grocer, you get… exploser

smnwcj, to privacy in As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts

It's concerning how this pseudoscience is getting so much traction, and we'll be left with a bunch of nonsensical privacy regulation. Granted I'm happy to err towards too much privacy regulation, but can imagine other privacy issues getting less traction.


Maybe this isn’t pseudoscience anymore… I must admit I need to see these stuff working in person to believe it but according to the video this is definetly interesting at least or it could open a new era in human civilization.

marcie, (edited ) avatar

It isnt pseudoscience, theres some papers out there on locked in syndrome and they have a system that is very good at reading thoughts with something like 75-85% accuracy. Requires very sophisticated and large equipment to use though, and it has to be trained on each person individually (through things like yes/no answers with blinks or focusing on saying one word, so its not some sort of thing that can just be automatically done, it requires a great deal of consent and concentration on part of the staff and the patient). Its very possible this could be downsized and made more available in the decades to come, its still in the early phases.

Beaver, to politics in White House perplexed by Netanyahu claims that U.S. is withholding weapons avatar

Make his words true already.

He is going to support Donald Trump no matter how much you bend backwards for him Biden.

Linkerbaan, avatar

The AIPAC money to Biden is flowing faster than ever. Israel has both sides in the pocket.

Beaver, avatar

It is relevant more than ever to support BDS and the No Thanks App

nkat2112, avatar

I was not aware of this app! Thank you for sharing this!

givesomefucks, to politics in The $64 million mystery: How a wave of anonymous donations is fueling the 2024 presidential campaign

“There’s much too much money that flows in the shadows to influence our elections,” Mr. Biden said. “Dark money erodes public trust.”

I don’t agree with Biden as much as I’d like to.

But I 100% agree with that statement

NatakuNox, to politics in Gov. Kristi Noem banished by 2 more South Dakota tribes, now banned from nearly 20% of her state

They banned her because she’s a racist asshole that thinks the drug issue in tribal lands is because of native American failures. And totally not because of hundreds of years of genicide, land cofiscation, and 80 years of failed drug policy by the US.

samus12345, avatar

Isn’t it strange how groups of people who are disenfranchised always seem to be of weak moral character? What an amazing coincidence!

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