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My open source "proof of useful work" captcha alternative (python)

Situation: You run a website and want users to have to do some amount of work in order to activate a function in your code. The “function” can be anything: creating an account, receiving some kind of in-game token/reward, dispensing coins from a faucet, whatever. Captchas are becoming increasingly both increasingly complex...


Not sure if you want to label it as a “captcha alternative”. In most cases I’m sure the captcha is used because they want a real person looking at the page (and the ads on the page). In this case it seems more like a way to keep either bots or people from doing nothing but consuming content (or hacking) without giving back something of value. Either way I really like the idea.

Other ways, in theory, I think you could do this kind of thing are torrent ratios (e.g. hosting one or moreLinux ISOs), general archiving (e.g. you get asked to return a random range of bytes from a file you’re supposed to be backing up), you run a weather station that reports temperature to the National Weather Service. You might think about a more general framework for just verifying if user X has been contributing something of value.


Hmm, don’t see anywhere in the Constitution where elected officials have a “right to life”. Your move NC.


I watched Dear Infidels and really most of the criticisms could also apply to Christian Nationalists.


And if somehow marijuana was the cure… or the cause!

The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning. (

Whenever AI is mentioned lots of people in the Linux space immediately react negatively. Creators like TheLinuxExperiment on YouTube always feel the need to add a disclaimer that “some people think AI is problematic” or something along those lines if an AI topic is discussed. I get that AI has many problems but at the same...


I’ve never heard anyone explicitly say this but I’m sure a lot of people (i.e. management) think that AI is a replacement for static code. If you have a component with constantly changing requirements then it can make sense, but don’t ask an llm to perform a process that’s done every single day in the exact same way. Chief among my AI concerns is the amount of energy it uses. It feels like we could mostly wean off of carbon emitting fuels in 50 years but if energy demand skyrockets will be pushing those dates back by decades.


Goddamn this makes me sick. THEY CAN BOTH BE GUILTY!!!

Why scientists fear a second Trump term, and what they are doing about it: Several federal agencies are working to safeguard research, including climate science, from future political meddling. (

The Washington Post has recently started asking people to register in order to access gift links. You can put in a completely made-up email address, as there is no verification of the email address.


Biden should start ousting conservative appointees and other officials any way possible and goad Congress into passing laws to restrict his ability to “drain the swamp”.


Any alt source? This just doesn’t render properly on mobile.


Sounds like these are at least some of the items they backed away from:…/fact-sheet-house-republicans-end…


My high school banned shorts. In Texas! Can’t wear fucking shorts to a school in hot AF Texas! Of course a school can ban certain phrases on t-shirts.


I’m just done “trusting” Republicans in general. Romney seems to be the only one left that has a moral compass (that doesn’t just point to “Nazi Jesus”). Even then I don’t believe he’d give a damn about the poorest among us as long as he could point to record stock prices and low unemployment.


I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised.

(LGBTQ+ exists)

Republicans: I can’t live like this!


I’m sure there’s no “conflict of interest”, “insider trading”, or “anti-bribery” training for her and I, an engineer with no direct reports below me and no power to make financial decisions, have to recertify those things annually.


This is a really odd take. I mean if voting is inconvenient on the reservations then why not mail-in voting? The reservations take up a very small portion of the land so administration should be relatively low cost. You’ll spend way more money trying to secure an online voting system (and of course they’re just going to cut corners).


Grabeth them by the pussy as thou would haveth them grab thine own pussy.


This. Sucks we can’t just say shit like it is but it’s just as easy to make it up. I’m not going to verify the claims myself but if OP said it was Vandelay Industries I might make the decision to not do business with them.

It’s a little late now since the accusation has already been made but it’s essentially legal to state verifiable facts without drawing conclusions from those facts. Still, doesn’t mean the company won’t come after you, just that they risk calling attention to the issue. Unfortunately I know of no remedy or repercussions for a company filing a baseless lawsuit.



I think it could be potentially easier to thwart malicious bots than “honest” bots. I figure a bot that doesn’t care about robots.txt and whatnot would try to gobble up as many pages as it could find. You could easily place links into HTML that aren’t visible to regular users and a “greedy” bot would follow it anyway. From there you could probably have a website within a website that’s being generated by AI on the fly. To keep the bots from running up your bills you probably want it to be mostly static.


North of 95F your body will start having trouble regulating temperature and hydration, ventilation, and shade become critical. On a bike you can only reasonably control hydration (can’t depend on strong wind, moving at a constant speed, or staying under building and foliage shade) so basically 9 months of the year you’re putting your health at risk to commute by bike. Riding a bike to the nearest bus stop and going from there might be the best middle ground.


Well, same sex couples, and by extension their children, are more likely to get harassed by bigoted fucks like Rep Rosendale so I guess there’s a sliver of truth in there.


And if they say the President does have immunity before the election then Biden would be free to exercise that new “freedom” to suppress the opposition or find some other way to hamstring the new admin.


So the DoJ is Joe Bidens puppet and he’s using it to persecute Trump for checks notes failing to turn over classified documents? Not insurrection or treason? Embezzlement? Russian collusion? Campaign finance violations? If every single indictment is a farce, why not drum up murder charges so he’s guaranteed to serve time?


Hate to give him such credit but he’s shaping up to be even more brilliant than Hitler was. Hitler rode the wave of real economic strife (700% rise in prices) while Trump is riding a wave of ignorance.

Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending: In a second term, allies said the former president would look at funding cuts for the World Health Organization and green energy (

Classically, Congress held the power of the purse, able to both bar and require spending. This imposed a significant limit on Presidential power. With a bought court supporting him, Trump would have significant ability to essentially chart power as a king.


After watching part of the Netflix documentary Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial I’d say there have definitely been war crimes committed.

Just Google “IDF power targets” and keep a barf bag on standby.


Doesn’t seem very unusual unless that’s trying to say runoff elections are no longer a thing (most votes doesn’t mean majority).


Once again Republicans misunderstand/misrepresent history to suit their own needs.,_one_vote

In short, none of this is meant to say that a person can’t express more granular support in an election, so long as it doesn’t give certain citizens greater influence than others. A ranked ballot is still “one vote” per race, in IRV at least, so my vote doesn’t mean any more than yours.


We can’t have the VP out-racist the Racist-in-Chief.


Black VP contender touting the positives of Jim Crow and a black Supreme Court Justice wanting to revisit a landmark desegregation case? The GOP is a cult, straight up!


There’s enough of them to make a difference and they actually show up when it counts. I don’t know how taxes on churches work in other countries but they’re basically tax shelters in the US.


And we all know as much as possible is going into Trump’s bank accounts/legal fees.


At least he won’t be President on 7/11 and less able to hamstring security.


Seriously though. If something happens please save every scrap of footage and every tweet or post regarding the event. Join conservative groups if you feel so bold. Don’t let them get away with the rhetoric that the event was spontaneous and Trump didn’t organize it in any way or that it was a false flag op.


This is exactly what antifa has planned! It worked on Jan 6th so why not do it again! Don’t take the bait!


Do you have to be a Floridian to file a report?


I would, and think it was a good idea both times.


It’s based on Puppeteer which has been around awhile. It’s pretty useful for automating UI tests.


So THAT’S how he weasels out of the debate. Oh, I tip my hat to his long-game.


Too dumb to read about it themselves and also too dumb to consider false instruction would actually help Trump.


The majority? Absolutely! Too bad that’s not how we elect Presidents.


Ditto. Running antix on my netbook and I think icewm had the lowest resource usage of the defaults.


If this guy isn’t their pick it sounds like Texas hasn’t even broken a sweat on its journey to fascism.


I’m just glad to see they’ve moved on from chemtrails.

Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?

Hi there folks, I’m still learning about Linux and have yet to dip my toes properly in any arch based distro. Have for the moment fallen in love with the immutable distros based on Universal Blue project. However I do want to learn about what arch has to offer to and plan on installing default arch when I have time. But have...


ChatGPT response for what risks pregnancy carries (summarized by me):

  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia
  • Placental abruption
  • Postpartum hemorrhage
  • Infection
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Mental health issues

So yeah, no risks here.

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