7eter, (edited ) to opensource in Trim, Crop, Mirror and Flip videos with Footage


<span style="color:#323232;">ffmpeg -ss [start] -to [stop] -i in.mp4 -c copy out.mp4


<span style="color:#323232;">ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" out.mp4


<span style="color:#323232;">ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf vflip -c:a copy out.mp4


<span style="color:#323232;">ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "transpose=1" out.mp4

… Not gonna lie - its nice to also have a GUI for this!

helenslunch, to opensource in Trim, Crop, Mirror and Flip videos with Footage avatar

All my homies use LosslessCut

some_guy, to opensource in Trim, Crop, Mirror and Flip videos with Footage

But can it rotate?

mark, to opensource in Trim, Crop, Mirror and Flip videos with Footage avatar

Nice! I was looking for something like this the other day. Also great that it’s available on Flathub.

Who are these people downvoting these posts? 😆

kawa, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux avatar

Normal people won

Kusimulkku, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

I really like single click but since this is just about the new default then I don’t really care

gnuplusmatt, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

No one wins no matter what they choose. Those of us who have switched over to single click either now need to adapt or make the tweak.

I guess this a good default for bringing over Windows converts


Unless they’re overwriting our settings to defaults we really don’t need to do anything. This is for new installs.

LainTrain, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

Double click to open files/folders Single click to highlight file/folders Hover to focus on window


Zangoose, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

Ok but when do we get to change the drag and drop behavior so it just moves the folder instead of opening a menu

ricdeh, avatar

Please do not change that, I love being able to copy via drag and drop instead of just moving because this way, my clipboard is not polluted unnecessarily


I’m fine with a menu being there, just give me the option to make it go away by selecting a default or something.

That single problem makes dolphin unusable for me because there isn’t a basic setting to make it behave like basically every other graphical file manager on any operating system.

(Edited grammar for clarity)

debil, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux
highduc, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

This truely is the darkest timeline

Pantherina, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

For all those single-click fans:

  • how do you quickly rename a file?
  • how do you even drag-drop instead of opening stuff?
  • how do you select files?
  • how do you live?

Saying “well kids use web stuff and Android and dont know what a single click is” is basically neglecting the use of a mouse. I love at least 3 buttons, hovering and fast clicks.

  • Ctrl + Click, F2
  • Just drag and drop the file
  • Ctrl + Click

I prefer single click, but I agree that there are situations where double click is more convenient


That sounds way worse than double click haha. I have set F2 to Volume (the rest is the normal F keys)

optissima, avatar

Volume what? Mute?


Dont know, I think F1 F2 are up and down, F3 is normal again and would be mute.

I am weird and didnt like sticky Fn keys like it is preconfigured on Thinkpads


I don’t use KDE but I suppose the click is detected on button release, not during the press. It should adress all these questions.


This is the only way that makes sense.


Q1: Select (see Q3) + F2

Q2: Same way as double-click people. A file only opens if I click, not when I press the mouse button and drag the file around.

Q3: I draw a small selection frame over it, or press the control key when clicking (I have the hand there any, especially if my next input will be Ctrl+C/X and Ctrl+V

Q4: I just do. Sometimes I relax by playing shooters with the “invert mouse” option turned on :D

I have never had a cell phone or smart phone in my life, single-click was the default when I switched to Linux, I gave it a try and I liked it.

bufalo1973, avatar

Select: click on the + sign.


Single click is so much better. Vastly superior.

How do I live? Without carpal tunnel.


Okay okay I give it a try


Same, but I use double click. Send like single click is a lot of mouse dragging.


Nope, not really. If you have a list of files you single click on the name, not the icon. That selects it. No dragging.

  • F2
  • Click and hold
  • Many ways, usually I just drag a box around the files. If there’s many in different places, ctrl + click
  • More convenient without having to double click everything lol
CrabAndBroom, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

I never thought I’d see the day

GunnarGrop, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

A day of sorrow indeed… No, joking aside. I gather most people use double click anyway, so this is a good change for that reason. I’ve never really understood it myself (the primary function of the left click being “select” when everywhere else it’s “open” or “go to this thing”?? Alien stuff).

I’m just glad KDE listens to it’s users and adapts to them. Looking forward to the release!


Its only open on things not meant for file management like web browsers, or when people use their monkey extensions as input device, instead of a mouse with 3 buttons and a scroll wheel ;D

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

At least, like everything else in KDE, you can set it the way you like it (unlike some other environments that will remain nameless).

knolord, to linux in KDE Goes and Does It (Double-Click By Default, That Is) - OMG! Linux

I personally also welcome this change, as I have changed that setting anyway and of those people I know, they also changed that behaviour immediately. But as long as you can change it and it isn’t forced on you to only use one method, it’s great.


Single-click and the little plus icons on everything in Dolphin are the first things I switch off after install for sure.


That and the bouncing icons when an app is loading... always thought that looked tacky.


I love the bouncy icon


Girlfriend went from KDE to Windows and switched File Explorer to single click hah

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