marco, to technology in X runs ‘timeline takeover’ ad promoting anti-trans film avatar

Wondering when X will block the site if you have an adblocker …

OldWoodFrame, to fediverse in Pebble, a startup that tried and failed to take on Twitter, finds new life on Mastodon | TechCrunch

At first I thought this was about the Pebble smart watch from 2012. Pretty confused how that becomes a Mastadon instance.

ericjmorey, to technology in Healthcare startups scramble to assess fallout after Postmeds data breach hits millions of patients | TechCrunch

GoodRx is not covered under HIPAA. It’s the reason why it and companies like Postmeds exist, to skirt limitations on data collection and selling imposed by HIPAA. The fact that the data leaked is more of an issue for profitability of those companies than a privacy breach for Americans. The people who are using these services in a desperate attempt to access affordable healthcare have no legal expectation of privacy already.

Butterbee, to technology in Healthcare startups scramble to assess fallout after Postmeds data breach hits millions of patients | TechCrunch avatar

“startup” and “healthcare” should never be mixed. At least in the way we have been talking about “startups” for the last years. Silicon Valley butt out.

Sharpiemarker, to technology in Cybersecurity investor Ballistic Ventures seeks $300M for new fund | TechCrunch

Sorry fellas I’m all tapped out. I’ll shake out the couch cushions and see if we can come up with a spare million or two.

ultratiem, to technology in Amazon's iRobot purchase sucks up formal competition concerns in EU avatar

lol. Amazon itself should be “sparking concerns”


What they should be is broken the fuck up. No company should have their hands in so many different pies.


Honestly, it doesn’t matter that they’re doing all this other stuff. But, because they also own the online store too, that gives them the power to be anti competitive. If they didn’t, none of these other businesses would likely work

wagoner, to technology in Amazon's iRobot purchase sucks up formal competition concerns in EU

Why does this fucking company have to own everything? Rhetorical question.


Daddy Bezos needs another rocket.

I_am_10_squirrels, to technology in Apple cuts off Beeper Mini's access after launch of service that brought iMessage to Android

This was predicted on the post about Beeper

admin, avatar

I’m just curious as to what Beeper’s response will be.

MostlyBlindGamer, avatar

Something something monopoly, something something gatekeepers. They don’t need a war chest big enough to sue Apple, they just need to convince the EU to do it. I’m sure they saw this coming from the start.


Apple will respond with something something RCS coming soon I guess.

MostlyBlindGamer, avatar

No doubt, but MagSafe turning into the Qi 2 standard is… interesting. It may or may not be part of a broader shift.


The status of Apple as gatekeeper in the messaging app ecosystem is not yet clear. Remember that iMessages is not really popular in Europe, and Europe wont name Apple as a gatekeeper because of imessage’s popularity in the U.S. The EU does seem to be inclined to define them as gatekeeper, but that is not yet final. and if Apple implements RCS that might get them out of the hook. see section 5.4 of this document…/DMA_100013_215.pdf

MostlyBlindGamer, avatar

You were absolutely right! It’s been a while, huh? WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are gatekeepers and WhatsApp is supposed to open up based on the Signal Protocol. I guess we’re settling on that.

Stillhart, to technology in Apple cuts off Beeper Mini's access after launch of service that brought iMessage to Android

I am Jack’s COMPLETE lack of surprise.

Powderhorn, avatar

I think I need a macro for that.


Right? I tried it out with a friend of mine that has an Apple device, I have Android, and we were joking about Apple shutting it down within a few days. Lo and behold it took only 3 days.

shreddy_scientist, to technology in Apple cuts off Beeper Mini's access after launch of service that brought iMessage to Android avatar

With the original Beeper app you made an Apple ID through Apples website to use for setting up iMessage. This does require folks having the email in order to use iMessage, so definetly worth setting up an alias. It still works, while Beeper Mini doesn’t apparently.


It still works

Yes and allowing beeper to MaInTheMiddle your messages does not present any security issues at all.


Their Matrix bridge is open source, and (at least they claim) everything is E2E encrypted. I love Beeper, and as unstable of a service as it is, it’s still really great and I fully trust it with my messages. Waited 2 years for this service and I’m gonna use it lol.

vfosnar, avatar

It is end to bridge encrypted. I trust them too but I still prefer to self-host this stuff.…


everything is E2E encrypted

not really. an E2E encrypted message is decrypted on their server, and then reencrypted before they sent it to the recipient.

Pratai, to technology in Apple cuts off Beeper Mini's access after launch of service that brought iMessage to Android

As they should.


Why? As the article states this actually lessens security for everyone (including iPhone users).

Pratai, (edited )

Imagine that! The founder of the company that was denied access to Apple for creating an app that essentially copped an app that is part of their proprietary OS, says it would have increased their security!

Well gosh!!! let them in then!


This is nothing to do with the OS.

He has a point though, you haven’t refuted that.


iMessages is part of iOS. How is this not common knowledge?


Because you’re confusing the difference between an OS, an application and a protocol.


I didn’t say it WAS the OS, I said it is part of it. Stop arguing semantics. We’re done here.


creating an app that essentially copped their proprietary OS

The OS hasn’t been ‘copped’. They emulated the protocol, and your lack of understanding and confusing the two has led us to having this conversation.


Stop arguing semantics. We’re done here.

Compare to Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass:

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master——that’s all.

Yeah, if you want to make up your own definitions to the words you use, and then order those around you to stop arguing semantics, then you’re basically not having a conversation at all.

Your comment was confusing because you don’t seem to understand what is or isn’t part of an operating system, and the mere mention of the operating system was pretty far removed from any relevance to your own point.

It’s a proprietary service, and if you want to argue that companies can run proprietary services in a closed manner, denying access to third party clients, cool, that can be your position, but it would be an incoherent position to claim that only OS developers should have that right.


and if you want to argue that companies can run proprietary services in a closed manner, denying access to third party clients, cool, that can be your position

Can it really? Cool! Thanks! That’s my position then.


I don’t really understand your argument.



jaschen, to technology in Apple cuts off Beeper Mini's access after launch of service that brought iMessage to Android

Fucking apple and it’s greedy service.


At this point it’s not even just that, it’s actually very petty and childish.

Michal, to technology in Apple cuts off Beeper Mini's access after launch of service that brought iMessage to Android

I’d like to see a game of cat and mouse until Apple fucks up and breaks their own imessage app


If Bleeper were opensource, I imagine there’d be more contributors willing to reverse engineer iMessage.


I thought it was. What a missed opportunity.


Then they’d have a harder time charging $2/month for it.

fixmycode, (edited ) avatar are the core processes used to connect to the iMessage service

belated_frog_pants, to technology in Fortnite maker Epic Games wins its antitrust fight against Google | TechCrunch

Fuck epic but honestly good. Closed app stores suck


Epic really hasn’t done anything bad. If their worse thing is exclusive deals that make indie studios lots of money, that’s not them being bad. The worst thing you can really pin against epic is Sweeney doesn’t like Linux. Which it’s not really an os for everyone.


Yeah sure, exclusive deals excluding even those who pre-ordered games on other platforms are “not bad”.

Taking games (looking at you, Fall Guys) which were available on other platforms for years off those platforms to make them exclusive after the fact is “not bad”.

Adding restrictive anti cheat measures to games which worked perfectly on Linux before is “not bad”.

ShaunaTheDead, avatar

My biggest concern with Epic is their insistence on kernel level anti-cheat which is just ridiculous overkill and probably being used as spyware let's be honest. They have many ties to China's Tencent which has a 40% stake in the company and is known to basically just be an extension of the Chinese government.

There's also the very odd fact that just having the Epic Games Store open in the background will deplete your laptops battery life by up to 20%. Is it just horribly optimized and uses all that battery even when idling, or is it doing something nefarious in the background? We don't know.

As for exclusives, they have bought exclusives that were mostly crowd funded from the start which is quite the kick in the teeth to the early investors that helped get the project off the ground. And there were even some exclusives that were already listed for pre-order through Steam, forcing everyone to need to get a refund.

Plus, any good will that they've purchased so far is just in service of making a good name for themselves. They've been losing around $400 million per year since 2019 just to bring in new users. They're going to suddenly turn around and start being cut-throat as soon as they think they can.

They are not consumer friendly, they want to dictate trends in gaming. Valve is already the king of that throne and they're fairly benevolent and have pushed trends that are good for gaming and consumers overall. I have serious doubt that Epic would be anywhere near as good for gaming as Valve has been if they should actually become profitable, and an industry leader. Especially when it's projected that they won't be profitable until 2027, which means they'll need to recoup their investment of nearly $3.2 billion since 2019.

domi, avatar

Epic really hasn’t done anything bad.

You don’t consider bribing game publishers to only release on their platform instead of actually competing bad?

I don’t mind if they fund development and then release only on their platform. I do mind of they snatch up games that could have seen a broader release, if they weren’t so lazy and actually developed a store worth using.


Almost poetic that Google’s default settings campaign lost them a case against a store that pays for exclusivity.

MJBrune, (edited )

You don’t consider bribing game publishers to only release on their platform instead of actually competing bad?

No, not really. Sony, Microsoft, Stadia, and most storefronts have exclusives with benefits. There are 30,000 exclusives on steam.…/List_of_games_exclusive_to_Ste…

Overall, you should be made at the studios that accept the offer instead of Epic. Epic is just trying to fund indie teams, typically already using their game engine.

I agree though, their storefront sucks and their client is pretty bad too. Although that doesn’t make them “bad”. That just means they have different priorities. I don’t find Linux DEs usable either. They aren’t bad, they just have different priorities.

domi, avatar

There are 30,000 exclusives on steam.

There’s a huge difference between paying a publisher to only publish on your platform and publishers picking their distribution platform themselves. Valve pays 0 dollars for publishers to be exclusive to Steam.

No, not really. Sony, Microsoft, Stadia, and most storefronts have exclusives with benefits.

I never said any of them are any better, just because it’s industry standard doesn’t make it good. If you pay publishers to release games exclusively on your platform and you are not actively funding development you are anti-competitive in my eyes. (Also Stadia doesn’t exist anymore)

Overall, you should be made at the studios that accept the offer instead of Epic.

I am mad at both and I do not support either.

Epic is just trying to fund indie teams

If only that were true I would be less mad. Most of the time they try to snatch up games that are already finished or were already planning to release on Steam/GOG. Sometimes they even pull games from other stores (Rocket League and Fall Guys) after they released or just before they release (Metro). That’s not the practices of someone who wants to compete but someone who wants to get into the market by force without actively doing anything good for the industry.


Valve pays 0 dollars for publishers to be exclusive to Steam.

Being on Steam has always been a benefit to publishers. Even in 2004, people wanted on the platform because it’s the platform that Half-Life 2 launched. That is a built-in install base that will have advertising right in their face about your game. Valve pays 0 dollars because Valve doesn’t have to pay money, they already have other ways of paying.

I never said any of them are any better, just because it’s industry standard doesn’t make it good. If you pay publishers to release games exclusively on your platform and you are not actively funding development you are anti-competitive in my eyes. (Also Stadia doesn’t exist anymore)

EA partnered with Valve to bring EA games to Steam. (…/82538-ea-confirms-rumors-partnersh…) This was a direct agreement made with Steam. Not only has money changed hands but Valve has adjusted their revenue rates to get people to release on their platform because of this. Steam has built-in exclusivity clauses. You can release on other platforms but you can’t price your game differently on other platforms. Additionally, if you have a store page on Steam, you must release it on Steam at the same time or sooner than everyone else. Valve does anti-competitive stuff like this all of the time. People just make excuses or accept it but this is Valve driving away competition.

Most of the time they try to snatch up games that are already finished or were already planning to release on Steam/GOG. Sometimes they even pull games from other stores (Rocket League and Fall Guys) after they released or just before they release (Metro). That’s not the practices of someone who wants to compete but someone who wants to get into the market by force without actively doing anything good for the industry.

You should look up where most of the Valve games come from. Counter-Strike, Dota 2, L4D, Portal, Team Fortress, etc were all game studios bought up and told they’d only get to make games for Valve. Remember In the Valley of Gods? Valve bought the team under the promise they’d continue making a game and just put the dev team on Half-Life: Alyx. I’d say Valve is almost worse because they don’t make publishing deals, they’ll buy and adsorb you into their collective.

OsrsNeedsF2P, to technology in Fortnite maker Epic Games wins its antitrust fight against Google | TechCrunch

“We plan to challenge the verdict. […]"


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