
KISSmyOSFeddit, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

They want laws that follow ancient religious texts, to control women, force everyone into marriage, prosecute homosexuals, ban birth control and get rid of media that go against their narrative.

What I’m wondering is, why the fuck do they not like Islamists?


They’re brown


Because a different guy a few hundred years later said some of the same stuff while also saying some different stuff.


Most religions feel that anyone not in their religion is beneath them, or a lesser person. Believers are going to heaven, well meaning pious atheists are going to burn in hell.


The really bonkers ones get even more exclusive, where other Christians that aren’t their same little sect are going to hell, even Catholics.

@linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

That’s how religion keeps power. Only our group are righteous and are doing it right.


I think they largely do envy them and their social control and want the same, just for their religious beliefs instead.


So they should not shave, not eat prawns, not wear cotton, fuck their kids, … ?

Got_Bent, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Next up, mandatory marriage? Like if you’re single past age twenty one or so, you’re criminally charged? Maybe sent as cannon fodder in the colonies?

MehBlah, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Of course they are. The men and I use that term loosely are trying to make women chattel again. The next step for them after that is to make other chattel. They dream of the mid east style government.

t3rmit3, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Also expect them to argue that self defense laws don’t apply to women against their husbands.

jaspersgroove, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Sounds like a great way to make sure the number of marriages plummets even faster than it already has been


Next after that is “legalized discrimination against the unmarried”.


We already have that. You can spend your entire life in a loving relationship with somebody and still not have rights to medical information, power of attorney, or any of the numerous tax benefits that come along with marriage


Not to mention car insurance pricing.

Icarus, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

“arguing that it has harmed men and even destroyed the fabric of society.”

Ahh yes, the injustice of the millennium. Abusive, asshole men can’t keep their wives against their will…


Last year, the popular right-wing podcaster Steven Crowder announced his own unwilling split. “My then-wife decided that she didn’t want to be married anymore,” he complained, “and in the state of Texas, that is completely permitted.”

I mean, women only exist to be owned by their husbands, after all.

yessikg, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next
@yessikg@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


Cognitive_Dissident, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Of course they are. Trap women in abusive marriages. Then if they get their national ban on all birth control, men will force themselves on their wives, and they’ll have no choice but to become pregnant. The only way out for them will be suicide – and then the religious assholes will talk to the rest about how that woman will spend eternity in Hell because she killed herself. Meanwhile religious assholes will indoctrinate subsequent generations of girls into believing that “”“Gods plan”“” for them is to get married, have babies, and serve their husbands, and that only sinful selfish women have educations and careers.

In my younger days I’ve seen women have their lives destroyed by one church or another, either stifling their minds, or forcing them to stay in abusive marriages.

Fuck all religion, it ruins everything every single time.

RememberTheApollo_, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Why not? They live with an abusive god who constantly threatens them with punishment if they don’t follow a bunch of conflicting rules and won’t love you or reward you unless you kiss his ass. You can never leave the relationship or check out any other gods, or just be single, either. You’re trapped.

They want everyone else to be trapped in abusive relationships, too.

jjjalljs, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Conservatives have bad ideas about nearly everything. They should under no circumstances be allowed to have any power. I’d even say they’re an existential threat to the US and the rest of humanity.

It’s far past time to stop treating them as just folks with a different opinion. This is not “oh well they wanted to paint the bedroom walls green and I wanted blue.”

Someone announcing themselves a conservative should be taken as a declaration of a threat. Removing them from power is self defense.

sparkle, (edited )

I agree with what you’re getting at, but “conservative” is relative and doesn’t actually indicate specific beliefs, so “conservatives should never have any power” can be easily twisted once the conservatives we’d currently think of are gone.


What word would you prefer? I considered “Republicans” but that doesn’t catch people outside the US. “Contemporary Republicans or people who would vote for them” isn’t very catchy

sparkle, (edited )

I don’t think there’s an all-encompassing term for people who have “destructive”/harmful beliefs considered conservative. Most I can think of is “bigoted capitalists”, but even “bigoted” could be interpreted way differently. Plus, that excludes bigoted non-capitalists so it has a more narrow usage…

What I go with, though, is “fascists” and “collaborators”. Plain and simple, straight to the point, but most importantly no chance of confusion – that’s how I see our conservatives, their supporters, and their enablers. Ultra-socially-regressives (usually religious) who want a system that enforces/maintains a social hierarchy they deem “natural” (or having a religious justification for the hierarchy). Maybe “wannabe fascists” or “social fascists” would be more accurate, since generally people think of a dictatorship when they think of “fascism”.

“Oppressors” may also work, and it also can pair with “collaborators”. It’s more general, but I think here the flexibility may come be an advantage, and it isn’t tied to a specific set of political beliefs, it vaguely just means “those who use unjust force/threats of force to control others”. Of course, contemporary conservatives follow this definition.

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar



Regressives works too


My wife and I each give this two enthusiastic thumbs up.


The ‘Fascist Pig Party’.


We don’t have “”“conservatives”“” anymore, all we have is the Fascist Pig Party. Anti-democracy, anti-American, racist, sexist, and taking their orders from Moscow. THAT is what we’re fighting against.


The conservatives opinions bother me. But the authoritarianism is the bigger issue to me. This desire to force their opinions and wills on other people instead of living their lives as they want and leaving others alone is far more problematic.


And what really irks me is that there needs to be some semblance of authoritarianism to stop their authoritarianism. Otherwise they’ll keep pushing and pushing and won’t ever stop.


Yeah, it’s like the paradox of tolerance. Or “extreme situations call for extreme measures”.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

The “paradox” of tolerance isn’t a paradox, it’s a social contract. If you do not abide by the terms of the contract, you are not protected by it. It’s that simple.


Treating it as a social contract where tolerance is limited in certain situations is a resolution of the paradox. The paradox itself is just “if you try to tolerate everything, you’ll have to tolerate intolerance” or “you can’t maximize tolerance by tolerating everything”. Though that second one is more of an irony than a paradox.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

And that’s fair, I guess in that sense it is a true paradox. It just appears a little different in theory and in practice - the theory is the paradox, the practice is not.

Sorry, calling out that it’s a social contract is a bit of a knee-jerk response for me, after years of having people whip out the paradox of tolerance as some kind of “gotcha, LIBS!!!” because being tolerant of unfamiliar lifestyles doesn’t mean I won’t punch a nazi when it’s relevant. And that’s poorly understood. My rights end where yours begin, and vice versa, but if you start actively infringing on the rights of others and souring that contract, it is our duty as righteous citizens to put you back in your box. Sometimes that means “hey knock it off asshole”, sometimes that means hunting down bigots and deleting their kneecaps. Depends what you’re guilty of and where.


The problem though is tht once the conservative Republicans joined hand with the religious right decades ago, it’s been on a steady course towards authoritarianism


Agreed. It’s why I’ll always oppose them.

dumples, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Seems like the Republicans core voting block are men too terrible to be with unless you are forced to by the state. Winning strategy

jupyter_rain, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

Oh, so arsenic will be back on the table?


Arsenic? Oh no officer no poison here! Just a bottle of Aqua Tofana.

RotatingParts, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

You don’t need divorce if you never get married. 👍

Treczoks, to politics in The Christian right is coming for divorce next

The old “We are suffering (because we are stupid), so you should suffer, too!”

JeeBaiChow, to politics in Biden is on track to beat inflation and lose the presidency

God damnit america, it doesn’t matter. Go out and vote.

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