umbrella, to movies in Yesterday when I went to see Inside Out 2, one of the trailers was for a "Mufasa" movie, in the style of the last live action remake. What the heck. avatar

is it really live action if its cgi?

FreudianCafe, to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

Im out of the loop here. Isnt beehaw a leftist community? Why are you supporting genocide joe?


As opposed to actual Genocider Putin and Bibi who prefer Trump openly?

You people cannot be this stupid

FreudianCafe, (edited )

Oh i get it. Its the imperialist leftists. Thanks for clearing things up

Edit: i get that you are imperialist identitarians, no need to keep reinforcing the point

Pandantic, avatar

Beehaw is more lib left. Try


Happy C day

Pandantic, (edited ) avatar

Thanks, you were the only one to tell me! 07 fellow leftist.

And If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a moment to try to start a new tradition:

**Each year on your Fediverse cake day, in response to the first person who wishes you happy cake day, you must tell the story of how you came to be here in the Fediverse.**Here is mine:

This is my first Cake Day as I started a year ago when I joined and Kbin and Mastodon all at the same time. I left from Reddit after the AMA with u/spez. I knew at that point he wasn’t relenting on the third-party apps and the loss of access for me personally, but mostly for the deaf and blind community, showed me that the CEO had no intention of putting accessibility over profit. I was an Apollo user and I was looking for an alternative while also browsing Reddit - using them as a resource, as I always had - and I was seeing censorship abound. Reddit was blocking mentions of alternative sites, blocking discussion about Spez, and the subs were rising up. I used those last few months of Apollo to help with the protests (John Oliver in /pics) and watched the proletariat attack the bourgeoisie for the rights of the people.

Then I started going full fediverse, posting Pokémon Cards on Kbin in a lovely group with three people in which I hope to return to some day when life settles. But Lemmy had the quantity and quality I was looking for. I joined .world at first because I didn’t know what was best, but switched to when .world blocked Hexbear. Went from pc to phone when the apps came out. Went from Memmy to Thunder because Thunder supported Hexbears stickers! And here I am, one year later!


Thats great bro. As much as you moved towards a more fediverse aproach to social media, i wish you can continue on a journey to go even further left. You told me to go to hexbear, im already there and i think they are good, but i do think they have some lib ideas in the community. Im also on Grad, wich is feel is even leftier, but still have steps to walk towards a real proletarian ideology. Funny fact, my application for the Grad got rejected. See you around mate

storksforlegs, avatar

Any leftist who doesn’t vote against a facist far-right candidate like Trump is pretty shit at being a leftist.


Oh no Biden the guy who I know what to expect from and will continue my experience for 30 years and not the one trying to get people to overthrow my government.

You’re just mad you don’t get a vote 💅


I’m surprised beehaw hasn’t defederated from the tankie instance.


Biden and Trump are not equivalent.

To convince us that Democrats and Republicans are equivalent, you must first explain why LGBT+ equality, workers’ rights, freedom of religion, the ability to vote, and the actual existence of science are all insignificant.

sxan, to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance avatar

The top YouTube comment hit the nail on the head, though: the problem is that 49 million people didn’t watch the Carolina rally.

averyminya, to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

It was far less bad than people make it out to be. I was on a stream watching and so many comments were talking about how he looked, and I’m sitting here thinking… y’all realize he’s listening to Trump speak right? Anyone actually listening to what that monster has to say is going to either look befuddled or dismayed. He looked both. He definitely had some weak spots, but compared to Trump who wouldn’t even answer a question and blatantly lying every other second.

It sucks. People were basically cheering him on online, the most against him comments I saw were “they’re both so old”. Not commenting on the insanity or the racism or the lies, just memeing on old Biden. Which yeah he deserves it but the rhetoric is reminding me of 2016 and it does not inspire hope.

z500, avatar

I watched it and it scares me only because of how many people didn’t notice or care that Biden was the only one saying anything of substance up there.


People who like Tump, by nature, must be easily hypnotized by word salad because there’s no other justification for his existence as a political candidate. I’ve never heard a coherent chain of sentences come out of the man’s mouth.


Yeah. This was the face of an old man having trouble believing what he was hearing.

He looks like a walking corpse, but he seemed to understand what he was hearing and was just amazed by it.

Hello_there, to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

I'd like to see another unscripted event - like an interview where he gets pushed

coffeetest, (edited ) to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

Biden had a bad debate night. But putting it in context, he’s had plenty of good or excellent speeches, its just that no one notices and media doesn’t care when things go well. Got to get those clicks.


It seemed to me that Biden was just in a state of shock at how much bullshit was coming out of Trump’s mouth


I think you are right on that. That was at least part of it. Biden’s mistake was expecting it to be a debate and not whatever that event was.


That’s probably why they chose to go without a live audience. I don’t wanna get conspiratorial, but all this shit seems to coincidental to not be on purpose.

randy, avatar

@bobs_monkey @coffeetest as we're we all


Really? You expected Trump to base his speech on facts?


That should have been expected from Trump. Biden should have memorized statistics to counter the predictable bullshit.

Not that memorizing stuff is important for the job but it would have been effective in the debate for viewers who just won’t fact check anything.

ShellMonkey, to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance avatar

Have to say that was a damn refreshing change from the vacant look and feel in the debate. May be far from perfect but I take that over the raving lunatic with an R by them any day.

Gamerman153, to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

How bout we just leave the position open? Let’s try that for four years.

Auzy, to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

The only policy anyone will remember Trump has, is that he’s racist.

He made sure everyone knew that and kept emphasizing it. And it was the only one that wasn’t made up on the spot. He seemed to have lots of ways to blame foreigners for everything

And he wanted everyone to know he’s better at golf. That I believe, considering he spent his 4 years in office playing it (the only thing he seemingly did was steal some paperwork and blame others).

Also, why didn’t CNN bring up stuff like the fact Trump told people to shove a lightbulb up their ass to cure covid? Or follow up on the lies. They should have had a ticker at the bottom with a fact check

Neato, avatar

He’s not better at golf. He cheats blatantly. People play with him just to claim trump cheated against them.


Trump cheated in more ways than one. So it’s hard to keep up

UKFilmNerd, to movies in Yesterday when I went to see Inside Out 2, one of the trailers was for a "Mufasa" movie, in the style of the last live action remake. What the heck. avatar

Have you seen the live action Snow White? YIKES!

Blaze, avatar



Ok I have to ask. Are you trolling and is it actually a porno cartoon parody?

UKFilmNerd, avatar

😆 Sorry no, thats the only officially released photo so far.

Blaze, avatar

Is it just me or does that look creepy AF?


surely this is straight to d+ because that has to be the worst cinematography i’ve seen before.


Straight to you, from the makers of Stagnetti’s Revenge…

woelkchen, to games in MODERN WARFARE: How Call of Duty 4 Changed a Genre Forever avatar

We’re eating good in 2024!

ampersandrew, to games in MODERN WARFARE: How Call of Duty 4 Changed a Genre Forever avatar

It’s a great game, but it’s hard to argue that it didn’t change the genre, and all of multiplayer video games, for the worse. Multiplayer games can no longer be designed to just be fun. They must also be addictive, they must retain players, they must keep them coming back, etc. using every manipulative trick in the book like XP bars and unlocks. You might say MMORPGs did this first, but this was the application of that feedback loop to a competitive action game.

ItalianSkeletonGaming, avatar

@ampersandrew @simple Whenever someone says that X ruined Y, I always hypothesize that it may be the opposite case: the reason why so many copied its addictive nature is because the publishers themselves were already searching for ways to maximize player engagement, and therefore increased revenue through monetization.

COD itself didn't ruin multiplayer games, it only showed an easy and replicable way

If you may forgive the metaphor: a weed can only spread if the soil itself is fertile

ampersandrew, avatar

Potentially true. Or it was an accident that proved more lucrative than they thought it would. At the very least, it got there first and showed everyone else how to ruin multiplayer games.


The RPG mechanics didn’t ruin the genre although I did prefer the mechanics of earlier CoDs where in multiplayer everything is unlocked and you just use whatever you want.

What ruined the genre was the free-to-play style monetization and season pass paid update model.

Black Ops 2 was the first CoD to have paid skins, but we would have no idea how bad things would become. By the time Fortnite came along the multiplayer FPS genre was already long ruined

uhN0id, to games in MODERN WARFARE: How Call of Duty 4 Changed a Genre Forever

When this game came out I hated it because I loved the original Call of Duty games that were super slow paced and more realistic. But eventually it became my main game playing till 4am on Xbox with friends. I miss the simplicity of COD MW.


While I preferred MW2 to MW, I still really liked MW and thought it was better than all others besides MW2. I just got really good at cheesing certain class combos in MW2, which was the only way for me to be good at those games. I’m only OK at FPS games and was able to make use of things like the riot shield for holding points or heartbeat sensor and reload perks for C4 to get good K/D ratios. In MW I got a decent percentage of my kills from Danger Close because I died a lot, and goddamn that was a funny way to kill someone. I also felt MW2 was less sniper-friendly, and I suck both as a sniper and against snipers.


The original Call of Duty was my favorite. I didn’t have a good computer so I played it at a LAN center for a good while. The game also kicked off a domino of events in my friends life when I gave him a CD key for it.

My friend got pretty good at the game and joined a competitive CAL-M team, and even played at a CPL championship tournament. Well after he graduated college one of the people he played with on the team and he started a company making websites. When he told me what he was doing, I told him just don’t blow too much money on it.

They ended up pivoting from their original plan of making fitness blog sites, among other niche sites they felt could generate ad revenue to making flash game sites.

They did moderately well in their endeavors and scored some high ranking search results for a few categories of flash games. They were making hundreds of thousands each and he moved to another to save on income tax. In the new state he met a woman and they ended up getting married, so I was able to draw a direct path from me giving him a CD key for cod to him getting moderately wealthy and finding a wife.

Unfortunately the last domino hasn’t fallen, and it turned out she was a lieing, money grubbing, cheating whore. Flash games died out but my friend moved on to other things. He is doing great, happily remarried and we both had our first kid within about a month of each other.


Call of duty was never super slow paced. You must be confused with Operation Flashpoint or the likes.


Maybe not super slow paced like Squad but super slow paced compared to today’s COD.

Back when you’d hold positions and provide cover fire while someone would slowly push up or flank etc. It was a much different game before MW released.

I used to play this at gaming cafes in the early/mid 2000s with my buddies before we all had proper gaming computers alongside Battlefield 1942. Definitely not confusing it for Operation Flashpoint haha.

brsrklf, to games in Little Big Adventure – Twinsen's Quest – Reveal Trailer

I didn’t expect it to be that close to the original.

The way they’d presented the project I was expecting something more of a reimagining. This looks like the exact same game with revamped graphics.


On their blog they explain they initially went for a reboot, but their editor refused to finance it and wanted “just” a remaster.

So they choose to do a remake instead.



So they did plan more than that originally, that explains why I was confused about it.

It’s a shame though, a reboot would have been interesting. It’s not like you can’t play the original games anymore.

yuri, to movies in Yesterday when I went to see Inside Out 2, one of the trailers was for a "Mufasa" movie, in the style of the last live action remake. What the heck.

Literally the only person I know who liked the first one is a disney adult who also loved the new Mulan. Absolutely bonkers this is getting made.

Blaze, avatar

The Mufasa one will probably bomb at the box office. People are starting to get bored of the live action soulless remakes

DessertStorms, avatar

People are starting to get bored of the live action soulless remakes

Lol, you think the companies throwing billions at AI give a shit? It’s only going to get worse from here…

Blaze, avatar

I would hope that stakeholders care about the movies bombing


They’re just going to see bad numbers and fire everyone below them to use more AI and cheap rebrands or remakes and wonder why nothing is getting better

DessertStorms, avatar

Movies are bombing now, and they keep churning out the same, and consistently worsening, garbage.

Studios will fire their entire staff in exchange for an AI megafarm before they consider “wasting” any more of their time on quality. Why would they when quantity is enough to fill their pockets?

So called enshitifaction is taking hold everywhere, what makes you think the entertainment industry is any different?? Hoping for shareholders to give a shit, at this point in time, is laughable.


I have faith in some kind of course correction, if it becomes profitable in some way. Otherwise we’re watching the death of cinema in real time.

“We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make a statement. But to make money, it is often important to make history, to make art, or to make some significant statement. We must always make entertaining movies, and, if we make entertaining movies, at times, we will reliably make history, art, a statement or all three. We cannot expect numerous hits, but if every film has an original and imaginative concept, then we can be confident that something will break through.” -Michael Eisner

DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

I have faith in some kind of course correction,

Then neither you, nor Michael Eisner are paying attention (though LMFAO at you bringing a former Disney exec, not even a creative but a business man, as representation of someone who gives a shit about cinema. That’s like quoting Musk on environmental issues. Hint: People like that absolutely have been paying attention, things are going great for them, they just can’t not lie to make themselves feel important, and to make their shareholders, and people like you, believe in some white/greenwashed fairy tale they spin for you while they continue exploiting people and destroying industries out of sheer greed for money and power).

Also, the idea that if the big corporate propaganda machines fail, cinema fails, just goes to prove how well said propaganda works.


I thought your argument was that the movie industry isn’t immune to enshittification? I was pointing out how you’re correct by using a quote from a film exec that proves your point. Films are a business, and if businesses want to make money then they have to appeal to audiences, so course correction is possible. I’m allowed to live in my duality.


It is wild to me how well they have done at the box office. They just kept getting worse and people have only recently stopped going to see them. I wonder if hese do poorly after release, but are big events in the short term.


A huge amount of people go to see Disney stuff in theatres because they feel like they’re supposed to. Disney has done a great job creating a sense of their stuff being a mandatory experience to keep up with pop culture


They have had lots of misfires though. Has anyone even heard of strange world? Even going back to the original lion king, they used to release lots of straight to video sequels. Cheap to make, high margin.

As you say, they have monopolised children’s entertainment very successfully. Even with inside out 2, they have taken the character and made them older so the original target audience of viewers can follow the arc personally.


Kids these days wanna see them, parents want them to shut up already


Disney adult… Person… Make up your mind

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