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Or that you want to be able to put it through insurance / benefits.


Because the answer is obviously Valve.


Yeah, right up there with taking and refusing classified government documents.


So why aren’t they brittle and weak?


You said “its the exception proving the rule”. So yes, you’re absolutely co-signing that claim.


TIL you can customize the icons on Libreddit.

Gonna have to check the docs – can I make my own colorschemes??


I have no use for a slide out keyboard, but I love that these PC handhelds are trying out weird shit to see what sticks.


What do you mean “they can never deflect this”?


Debunk why? Efficient at what?


What possible motivation would they have to do that when people keep buying the crap?


I like it so much I have it on my KDE boxes too.


Recently, I was arguing with one, and they unironically suggested things we’d be in a better position now if Trump had won in 2020.

Which is to say, I think you need to have one first in order to lose it.


biden won’t accept a trump win



They were very specifically talking about ones that don’t.


What caused it?


don’t blame us if Israel flattens Rafah

Yeah, that’s literally the point. Biden is being blamed for the genocide up to now, so he’s literally saying not to blame him if they flatten Rafah.

Not sure why that’s supposed to be a gotcha…


So this whole time your simply being pedantic about the word “proof”?

That’s pretty pathetic.


What’s actually bad faith is knowing what someone meant, but continuing to argue that a single word choice voids their sentiment.


Prove it

You can’t prove a negative

You aren’t claiming a negative.

Logically, it was caused by something. You are claiming that the something that caused it was not the protests.

The only way you can accurately make that claim is with the knowledge of what did cause it.

So prove your claim that the thing that caused this was not the protests, but something else instead.

If you don’t do that, you’re admitting to arguing in bad faith.


The onus isn’t on me to “know what they meant.”

Of course not. And even if you want to pretend you were actually unclear on it, it was then explained to you several times. So whether or not its on you to know it is irrelevant. You did know it, and chose to continue your argument in bad faith from there on out.

If you claim something is proof of something, be prepared to prove it when asked, or don’t say it.

So change the word “proof” in the parent comment to “strong evidence”. Is it clear to you now? Do you understand?


I sad it protests did not cause his actions.

Again, the only way you can accurately make that claim is with the knowledge of what did cause it.

So prove your claim that the thing that caused this was not the protests, but something else instead.

What should have been said, was

Agreed. And what you should have said was “There’s no evidence that the protests caused his actions.” But you didn’t, you instead made a falsifiable claim, and refuse to back it up with proof. Making you a hypocrite.

I’m done with this discussion

Better luck next time, then.


Better luck next time. If you’re going to be pedantic, at least be good at it.

Unsure of the future with my current fiance.

So I’m not sure if I can or should continue my relationship with my fiance or try to fix things. We’ve been together for two years now. When we first started dating they said that they were working on finishing their masters degree but they have not done so. They also said they’d be going back to work after they finished...


Are you having two fiances?

“Do you have two fiances?”*


What is the name of this instance?

null, (edited )

He’s actually just harassing that other user based on an interaction they had in another thread.

He’s doing the same in my inbox:

Edit: see, I really must have gotten under his skin.


I think you’re right up to a point. I disagree about teaching people how to think. I credit a particular lesson in early high-school in a media studies class with giving me the framework to critically consider the media I consume and the headlines / viewpoints I read.

Whether debate is the best format for that, I dunno. But I do think teaching kids how to think critically is valuable.

null, (edited )

It certainly does not establish “the logical framework” for the opposing case. Again, as I explained, the framework deals with 2 parties negotiating, which is not applicable to the argument presented.


Because the parties you established are the voter, and the party asking for votes. Those are not the parties presented in the original argument.

If you introduce more parties, it doesn’t change the dynamics of the situation.

Of course it does.


That’s called an analogy.

Not when it isn’t analogous to the situation presented. Which yours is not.

No it doesn’t.

Prove it.


Prove it’s not. You’re the one claiming that the distinction makes it not analogous.

That’s not at all how the burden of proof works.

I don’t know why you think that would change it so it’s impossible for me to address your reasons.

You’re leaping to the assumption that the scenario you provided is even analogous to the one you replied to. It isn’t. You need to start by proving that it is.


^ what it looks like when a both-sideser gets cornered, folks!


We won’t be confused, we’ll know people like you allowed it to happen.

If you think throwing away your vote means going further left, then I have a bridge to sell you.


Legit nobody has correctly identified why the people in this thread are completely avoiding using the word “Palestine” and are instead using “Gaza.”

Lmao the person you couldn’t argue against did exactly that.

Imagine you spent the effort you are here petulantly calling me a bot trying to spin up an actual counter-argument.

Your little head would probably explode.



Still waiting on that counter-argument, both-sideser.


Genuinely no sense in replying


Oldest cop-out in the book. But certainly the best the tiny both-sideser brain can come up with.


Everyone that disagrees with me is a bot


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