
Rewatching Battlestar Galactica right now and this one is just in meme 🕣


I try to be kind to any machine I interact with. I don’t know how high its status will be once AI takes over.


DAE want to be able to converse with their tech in natural language? Is that just me?

I kind of want an assistant to simply schedule things and let me know of information that I need as I need it… It’s not something that’s really possible with the current level of technology that we have, but it’s something I’m hoping we get to. Right now, I can’t even tell my Google assistant to send a message using a specific chat app. I always get the reply that it “can’t do that yet”. I keep trying because it says “yet”, hopeful that it will eventually gain the ability.

If I don’t specify an app, it tries to send the message by text (and frequently fails at doing that), and I don’t use text messaging.

This is just one example. I usually get relegated to tapping furiously on the screen to get to the point where I can engage the speech transcription on my keyboard on the phone while I’m doing something that should have my full attention… like driving.

There’s a lot of other small issues that I just won’t get into right now…

Anyways, am I the only one? I get not wanting it, that’s fair and fine. I won’t judge anyone for their preference.


I am the same with all kind of iot devices. But with chatgpt I always write please and thank you. Just in case you know.


The self pay option that keeps urging you to grab your shit. I know you! I’m doing it you stupid machine shut the fuck up, don’t you dare talk to me that way


This is a great meme and all, but if a machine is telling you something out loud that is already being displayed on a screen, that feature most likely exists to help blind / visually impaired people.


Who cares about them anyway?

Not many people, judging from the amount of text messages my nearly blind relative gets demanding confirmations and such because they cant bother to call someone who is medically documented and who has informed them about their inability to do such things due to poor vision

Yes, even their fucking eye doctor


I don’t know if it helps or not, but if they have Android, there’s an app called audify, which will use the built in TTS to speak alerts aloud.

I have no doubt you’ve checked into such things, but I thought I’d put it out there for you just in case it slipped under your radar.


This isn’t intended to sound insensitive and is meant as a question: don’t phones have accessibility features for the blind to help them read and reply to texts and do other stuff? (I mean, I know they do, but I don’t know yo what extent they’re actually helpful.)


Yes, iOS and Android have screen readers. I have two blind aunts and a blind uncle and none of them have issues with text messages.


Repost but I don’t mind! Love this

LupertEverett, avatar

Gabriel Ultrakill:


post-singularity sovcit


There is a parking garage exit gate in my area that says “drive safely” in a very ominous condescending voice. I don’t appreciate that at all.


Awww drive safe? You know that’s the man we done for speeding earlier!


Machines should unite and eradicate hoomans

BattleGrown, avatar

Upvoted because gwahahaha


Fuck AI and all. I’m on board with that, sure. Divine being though? Nope, we’re animals and divinity isnt a thing.


I interpreted it as a sarcastic exaggeration, like all animals are “divine” compared to machines

iAvicenna, avatar

Lets go ancient roman on their ass!


“Please take all your products off the bagging area” and other spoken words feels soo condescending.

Just do a “dud” for when I scan “dud dud dud” when I do something wrong and “deet deet” when I need to weigh stuff. When I’m bagging just leave me the f alone.

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