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“Her favorite was, she’d be in proximity to me — either near the elevator, or in the lunch line, or at one of the ice cream socials — and she’d say, ‘What is that smell?’ and she’d recoil from me,” Carroll said. “She would say it in front of other legislators, and it was humiliating.”

I love this move. Should I stop doing it to people?


You’re not wrong but the subject of the article is smog


Sounds like a lefty


My point is >8 years ago only the left seemed to notice inappropriate NATO operations. Now that there’s an actual threat at stake where NATO is extremely important, the right is losing their mind about NATO. It’s fucking wild.


It’s a two way street. I’m not a veteran but I do not care if my political opponent displays an inverted flag. It’s meant to be a signal of recognition of distress. It’s not even necessarily unpatriotic.


Take the high road, we’re all supposed to be neighbors first.


Honestly, I am probably exactly the right age for this and I just learned what it was a couple months ago. Because the format is so bland it just blends in with the doom scrolling, I never bothered to find out what it came from and most certainly never even noticed any of its derivatives were trying to be the loss meme instead of making some mediocre point or art.




That’s a nice cover story, but you know what you did to me with your head cannon.


In this thread, a fine demonstration of how hatred stems from fear which stems from ignorance and lack of experience, and a general lack of grasp on probs and stats. Par for the course.


I’m only here to help support an opinion counter to the masses. I’m not a professor. If I were, I wouldn’t be in the comment section.


I hope you don’t talk to the people in your actual personal life this way.


Then slammed, and flattened again, and then kneaded, rolled, blasted, and risen. Then he’s gonna get SLICED.


Please do elaborate


Well, the great news is these forums are vastly inconsequential.


I think you’re overestimating how many voters are deeply against Israel’s assault on Palestine, while also underestimating the ability of those virtuous people to understand the landslide of harmful outcomes that would come with another trump presidency.


Yeah I mean I could have qualified my statement better but you know if they are voters, and they go to the polls, and Palestine is on their mind instead of domestic matters, they’re not going to pick the other guy.


Please define illegitimate electoral college.


I agree with you that it’s outdated and a terrible fit.

Until we effectively replace it in law, unfortunately, it’s literally not illegitimate.


Don’t interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established (

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.


Can indepent mean independent from Hamas (which was basically crafted by Israel)?


Ohhh long John… Ohhhhh long Johnson… Why I eyes ya… All the live long day…


Seriously. The wake up call is that our friends might do something really dumb and rope us into some absolute BS. Who needs enemies


Why does everyone flock to the shitpost comment section to show off how smart they are about social problems


They’ll just fizzle out and go back to unengaged before you know it. This is really the best case scenario for the death of the cult. The best thing we can do is not draw attention to them and let them go quietly.


They y-type screw is obnoxious.

I’ve only encountered those on Nintendo products, they are the worst.


“Crowfiend blasts author of article about prosecution slamming idea”


Yeah sure. Maybe the Christians that didn’t already love him.


And a lot of “eigh”'s where y’s should be


One day we will get to tell our great grandchildren about the time that the den-of-theives card was played on Trump… By a motherfucking Cheney!


How do you push back on the narrative while not elevating it? I honestly vaguely remember hearing about this years ago and had forgotten it completely until now.

Of course it should be called out as false, but do it on the spot without making a new spotlight for it.

I guess I’m not sure the best way to clarify my point, but in general I think that it’s fine to catalog all the falsehoods together and publicize that, or it’s fine to combat them as needed, but going out of the way to bring one random lie to attention I think is just going to revitalize it while giving the wing nuts reign over “controlling the narrative”.

I think so few reasonable people are preoccupied by this lie that it may just be detracting from more important issues to elevate it.


How amusing. A preachy male is trying dominate a culture with no point other than complaining that women talked about issues. WTF is the call to action supposed to be here, just steam and be a fucking baby like this man?


Who is “we”?

What is a “popular candidate”?

There were actually elections, you know.

Biden isn’t exactly my cup of tea but he’s more or less reasonable on the national field. And people should understand when you elect a president (despite what Trump would tell you), you are actually electing an administration, a structure of workforce based on certain values. As long as something crazy doesn’t happen that puts the speaker up there, for the most part it’s those ideas that are winning the elections.


You might not have realized it yet, but you personally don’t need to understand something for it to be true

Literally one of the shittiest ways to talk to a person and ensure they won’t take you seriously.


I don’t think I like this. But, I spent a bunch of time looking at it. I guess that means maybe I like it. I don’t want to up vote it, but I will just to be safe.

I guess this means it’s art.


Obviously the Ukrainian Islamist Nazis are responsible for Russia ignoring national security intelligence.


Ok here’s the information: stop being imperialist fascist fucks and start prioritizing your domestic security in a responsible way. Signed, USA


The only one that really grabs me is Eggcelerate for some reason.


In my personal experience I haven’t really heard or seen Americans from any common viewpoint praising China, but maybe I’m just in a fortunate bubble.

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