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In order to pocket it. He signed a budget deal that his wife got the lion’s share to the tune of over a hundred million. He’s for sure an anti woke christofascist that wants to harm a large number of people, but he’s also greedy as all hell. Anything he can defund by screaming “woke!” at it is more funds he can redirect to his cronies and his pockets. He’s playing his voters for fools and the rest of us are forced to deal as best we can.

I also doubt very seriously that this state will have a trustworthy election. He’s installed hick ass yes men all through our state government. I’m willing to bet Florida comes up deep red, but it won’t be accurate. This state is corrupt as fuck. It deserves the coming storms.



This is what I’m talking about. I don’t believe for a second that even a quarter of that money goes towards anyone but them. Looking at his insane cuts this year, it becomes even more clear. Brazen greed.


I play healer sometimes because it’s a fun gameplay challenge to keep bumbling idiots alive long enough to get a victory.


Rapists get to choose who will bear their children, including children. Thank republicans for that.


She serves as a dancing dipshit clown to gather attention. That’s about it as far as I’ve seen.


“beg” is reaching and shows bias. Still not great to make a comment like that, but hardly begging.

Trump Demands Biden Take a Drug Test Before Debating and Claims the President Was ‘High as a Kite’ During the State of the Union (

“I just wanna debate this guy, but you know– and I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said as the audience cheered. “I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite.”


Weak willed dementia patient trump trying to concoct a reason to back out. Of course he can’t come up with anything new because that part of his brain is mush.


Extremely cruel, short sighted stupidity that kills many as well as so much corruption and infighting that the US government collapses. Of course, climate change is also going to make everything start to collapse soon anyway. At least the fascist savages will burn right along with everyone else.


That’s a storage closet, very obviously so. That type of fan being located at that spot makes me also feel like this is a joke.


That’s why the bots use templates like that.


I’m looking forward to what they do with this little gem. I bought it knowing I would at least get a run through the story, but it ended up being my favorite arpg in a while.


You have no authority so stop acting like you have any. Do better, be better.


Finally beat Peaks of yore. Or rather, I saw credits. I still have three mountains to climb, the last of which I’ll probably never bother with.

For those curious, peaks of yore is a mountain climbing game taking place in the late 1800s. It’s not a frustration machine like getting over it, but it is challenging and occasionally unforgiving. You play in first person and you spend a lot of time looking up at your hands, but it really works and gameplay feels tight. If you fall, it was your fault.

At the start you have beginner peaks. Small hills more or less. Then you take on bouldering, and eventually the advanced peaks which take longer and are much more difficult. Beat enough and you get a ticket north to face a several mile high peak that takes hours to summit. You don’t need to summit everything to see credits.

If any of you are up for something of a unique game that can make you feel like a climbing god on an advanced peak summit, give peaks of yore a shot.


Lol, you support an obvious dementia patient.


Fraud republicans all up in here saying both sides and don’t vote. Obvious ass liars.

'Staring down little tyrants': Kristi Noem's book includes false anecdote about Kim Jong Un (

“I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un,” she wrote in the book set to be released Tuesday. “I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all).”...


She’s one of those non people. What I mean by that is that there isn’t a personality in her so much as just naked ambition and want which leads to doing and saying anything to “get ahead”. Do that long enough and you lose yourself along the way. Too many lies, too many crazy actions. She’s the same as Santos. Black hole people.


Oh look, a greedy dip shit with gambling issues fucks over the “flock”. I’m only surprised they didn’t get dinged for molesting a kid too.


Stupid assholes doing stupid asshole shit. I’m not as bloodthirsty as most here, but I do hope they really fucking hate their punishment. I hope it bothers them far more than any fun they had being dumb assholes. That’ll be enough for me.


Minishoot adventures. It’s a Zelda inspired shmup that really impressed me. It looks a bit simple, and feels familiar, which is normally a downside but is executed well here. I ended up getting all the achievements which is something I never really care to do.


The disabled community got that win. Bush was forcefed heaping piles of bad publicity by protesting disabled people. They worked damn hard to put that bill in front of him and apply the right kind of pressure to make sure he fucking signed. Sure, he took the win as the politicians always do but that win firmly belongs to the disabled community.

Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women, leaving one to miscarry in a lobby restroom (

“One woman miscarried in the restroom lobby of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to admit her. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency...


This is the value of Republican lawmaking right here folks. Human suffering is all they have to offer anyone.


Wow, this article sure did get the bot trash buzzing lol.


Most people know some broad stuff and understand the basic issue. When you start getting granular with just how bad it all really is, you find that most people don’t do that. It takes time and it’s a massive bummer, so I get it.


She’s trailer trash. Of course she over indulges and can’t handle her booze. That’s staple trailer trash behavior. This stupid jackass would fit right in on the real housewives of West Virginia. People like her are the face of the modern Republican party.


There are normal ass trailer parks where it’s mostly folks getting by like anyone else. Then there are trailer trash trailer parks with lots of disastrous people making the stereotype come to life.


Fakes as far as I’ve seen. Very “as a black man” energy.


I hope so, but I doubt it. Not because we don’t have the votes to turn it blue mind you. We do, but the state government is so corrupted at this point that a fair election is impossible.


Ended up grabbing Jupiter hell and wizordum. Jupiter hell is a Doom adjacent top down turn based rogue like. Wizordum is a retro fps of the hexen variety. Both games evoke nostalgia in different ways for me.


I got it for free and still felt disappointed and somehow ripped off.


If suffering was a teacher, humanity would have achieved utopia long ago.

Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term (

That was one of the more interesting SOTU addresses I’ve seen. Personally, I think he said most of the things that needed to be said, and he said them reasonably well. I’m sure he’s going to get some flack for attacking Trump directly (though not by name), but I was frankly glad to see it. Doing otherwise makes it seem...


As everyone starts dunking on the trolls, remember that a non zero number of them are less trolls and more agents of chaos for their government. Reporting and down voting might be a much more useful action.


Plenty of people disagree honestly and in good faith. Plenty of people pretend to disagree while using inflammatory language meant to spur reactions, commonly referred to as trolling. It’s also quite easy for small teams and bot nets to spread to basically anywhere people gather online in order to sow anger and division to further their ends. To pretend otherwise is extremely disingenuous.


Someone that lets them be stupid, violent assholes.


Typical corpo horseshit. The game is a failure. If it wasn’t, that would be the news.


Fuck AI and all. I’m on board with that, sure. Divine being though? Nope, we’re animals and divinity isnt a thing.

What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?

My girlfriend has never really gamed. But she’s now forced to move less than she would like to (health problem) and she’s getting bored. I was thinking of introducing her to a game or two that we could play together. She’s not the real action game type, and seeing as she has no experience with controller/mouse and keyboard...


My wife wanted to check out gaming and tried many of the games mentioned here. Only two landed in any real way. Unpacking and animal crossing. Neither need you to really understand how to game very much. Unpacking especially. If you know how to move elements on a desktop, you can fully play unpacking. She filled each save file on it and adores it.


Enshrouded is the same. Made for multiplayer, but most play single player.


I’ve been really enjoying Roboquest. It’s a solid movement shooter rogue like that really nails flow state. It’s got solid style, but the story is just kind of tacked on and can be ignored. You good bot. You kill bad bots. You kill bad bots gooder over time. Do again until bored. Good for genre fans.

Necesse has also been in my rotation. This is a weird one to pin down. Top down terraria / rimworld gets the basic idea across. It looks very newgrounds flash game but has some surprising depth and it gets its claws into you, eating away time. I’m only still in the beginnings, but I’m sure I’ll be putting more time into this one.


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  • Bobmighty,

    I’m with you. Even after checking out gameplay and everything. It just seems like lots of low effort shit jammed together.


    No need. I play a lot of games in that genre, and if I have the urge, I’ll dive back into one of them. The game is being pushed very hard for whom it came from. It feels very artificial to me. I’m perfectly happy missing out on what I’m told is the new hot shit. I’ll decide what’s hot shit on my own.


    I’ve seen the ads and watched quill18 play for awhile. I stand by what I said because I saw it with my own eyes. No need to spend a cent on that game.

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