altima_neo, avatar

Last time I ironed something was for a job interview


It’s understandable they’d want to see your technique.

Resol, avatar

All my clothes have creases on them. I do not care unless it actually ruins the look. Only then do I use the iron.


I fuckin hate ironing clothes


My mom ironed everything that came out of the dryer (and everything that came out of the washer went in the dryer)


But I do like ironing. I do it so infrequently, I associate it with getting all fancied up to go out to a special event.

And everything about it is so relaxing… The sound of the water in the iron, the hiss of steam. That clean smell, rising with the hot steam. You’re forced to slow down and pay attention, if you want to get it right.

Whether you’re alone or sharing the moment with company, it’s a recipe for encoding a core memory, deep in there, pinned in place by multiple senses.


I came here to say this. I go into zen mode when ironing my clothes because I only have to do it when I’m either celebrating or doing something very important to me.

All these other things to worry about, but right now, my only enemy is this wrinkle next to the collar.


I just run anything wrinkled through the dryer for about 10 minutes.


Just like that grandma looks like she is 25 again


I’m Gen-X and I hate to break it to you, we had permanent press well before we had Millennials.


You guys don’t iron clothes?

I’m a millennial and I iron my clothes, how do you get the wrinkles out??? Teach me your secrets


My clothes have artisanal wrinkling.


Who said anything about getting wrinkles out?


Fold your clothes immediately after drying, while they are still warm. Also, dryers that can add steam really help if you’ve got a few things that need wrinkle removal. Also, handheld steamers are cheap.

Mostly, avoid needing to iron by avoiding wearing formal business attire.


I don’t get the wrinkles out


Hang your clothes in the closet.

capt_wolf, avatar

Step outside into the heat and your sweat will instantly steam them out. Thanks global warming!


Don’t use the dryer on shirts and the like. Shake them a bit then hang them up to dry and let gravity do the work.


Don’t shake them too hard or they stretch. But hang everything absofuckinglutely immediately after they’re outta the washer or dryer. Like rn.


Why? Clothes need thermal treatment to kill bacteria and other shit.


Well that’s the washing part. Hell, most people I know don’t have a dryer nor anywhere to put one.


Washing is not enough to kill bacteria.


Well they come out visibly clean and smell nice. It’s not like I need a sterile outfit.


The imperfections in the creases mirror my own uniqueness and imperfections


Learn to accept the wrinkles and wear them like a badge of honor!

Swedneck, avatar

why do wrinkly clothes matter in the least? who gives a flying fuck about it?

do you polish your shoes too? i personally don’t want to feel like a ken doll


why do wrinkly clothes matter in the least

  • Wedding
  • Graduation
  • Horse funeral
  • Workplace
  • Church
  • Horse funeral
  • School uniform
  • Anniversary (of horse funeral)

Church? Really? Isn’t religion on milenials’ to-kill-list?


Out of all the things I’ve listed, church is the one that grabs your attention?


That and school uniform.


You wear wrinkly clothes to the return of Jim?


I did our boy Jim dirty


I iron my tshirts and shorts otherwise they look crinkley


You could save yourself some time if you get your clothes out of both the washer and the dryer immediately after the cycles finish.


I don’t use the dryer except for towels, and I’m generally pretty good about taking them out when they’re done washing- can definitely tell when they’ve sat there a while!

rob_t_firefly, avatar

Do you fold your clothes right after taking them out of the dryer, while they’re still warm?




I don’t use the dryer


Is everyone walking around with crumpled clothes? Or am I missing some critical life hack?


Shake out, hang when wet, never iron again.


Take your clothes out of the washer immediately, untangle them if necessary, and put them in the dryer. Don’t just dump all the clothes from washer to dryer. Remove the clothes from the dryer as soon as it’s done while they’re still warm. Hang shirts on hangers and put away the pants. Lastly, only buy new shirts and pants that are iron-free.


I line dry everything but socks n towels. Stuff practically irons itself


Honestly most the advice I’m seeing is basically an answer to “how to avoid clothes looking absurdly crinkled” but nothing gets clothes as crinkle-free as an iron. Most people are just content with some crinkles.

Not even iron-free shirts are free from my iron.


Ironing is really only required for “dress up” clothing, casual cotton clothing is generally presentable if you wash, machine dry and fold/hang while still warm. You will have a crease and it will resolve itself in a few hours. Polyester blends also come in several utility blends like the stain free, moisture dispersing and wrinkle resistant. I’m realizing reading this thread that some people iron all of their clothing, but in my home we typically only iron our formal occasion attire (rare).


Ironing clothes died long before millennials. Grandma quit ironing before you were born. Wrinkle Free shirts and pants started showing up in the 1970’s and were common within the decade.

Source: I was there.


Yep, old shirts came out of the wash looking like a fucking Calabi-Yau manifold, even casual wear.


Hopefully none of you are using suits lol


Iron a wool suit?

Kusimulkku, (edited )

My wool suit pants can be ironed on low. And my shirt definitely needs to be ironed. Just check the label first


Suits and other “nice” clothes are designed to enforce class separation. Reject them. Although you should probably wear them to a funeral or wedding anyway, out of respect.


Idk I like to wear nice clothes. Right clothes for the right occasion of course


username checks out


paskon tällä hetkellä kirjaimmellisesti vettä. vittu mikä ribuls


Or wear them to kink spaces, because dominating class separation is part of the game.


Oh shut it. Wear whatever you like.


On the other hand, wear whatever the fuck you want.




In Silicon Valley it’s the the other way around. The wealthier someone is the sloppier they dress.


Suits are only for special occasions, and even then I’m going to get it dry cleaned and they can worry about ironing in the bastard.


On a tangent… Why are we still wearing ties? Buttons exist and are already included 95% of the time.


Tie haters unite!


Dyslexics untie!


We’ve got a collective fetish for being lightly choked all day while in an air conditioned space and attending meetings about “north star visions”.


I thought they were there to cover the unsightly and promiscuous buttons


Slutty Little Tramps


As a chubby middle aged sales guy who remembers when we used to wear suits, I miss them because a suit and tie is about the best thing you can wear as a chubby guy to look good.


Hey now, some of us like to iron patches onto our jackets of things we like!


There are fairly cheap handheld heat presses on amazon that have way more even heat distribution and are superb for patches and vinyl transfer.

knightly, avatar

I have to go back over and stitch in the edges on all my iron-on patches, might have to look into that if they’ll do a better job.


A proper hand held steamer all day.


Ok, can we talk about the hand held steamer for a hot second? I got convinced into getting one. Now, can you explain how we do:

  1. The collar
  2. The seam along the buttons

Because it doesn’t seem to do much for either



Yeah… I’m pretty sure you need an iron for those. A decent iron can probably do everything that a hand steamer can so, might as well just go with a nice iron.


We don’t talk about those 2 problems


I definitely have clothes I still need to iron. If I don’t iron some of my button downs, they have a lot of wrinkles and look bad.

Bruncvik, avatar

Ironing is the only time of the week where I have the time to watch TV or movies. Not that I don’t have free time, but I usually spend it in other ways. During ironing, I’m a captive audience. That said, I don’t iron all that much. I remember the last season of The Boys took me four months to finish…

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