

rob_t_firefly, avatar

Don’t ya think?

Resol, avatar

All my clothes have creases on them. I do not care unless it actually ruins the look. Only then do I use the iron.


I iron like a mother fucker. Its so satisfying smoothing everything out.

Fuck you wrinkles


The beauty industry hates this one trick to stop skin from aging.


You joke but my dad once fell face first into a bonfire and blistered most of his face. When the skin grew back his dermatologist told him that a lot of people would kill for a skin treatment as good as what he wound up with. He was almost entirely blemish and wrinkle free when he healed.

You could probably manage the same with enough hot steam from an iron but it may take a bit longer.


my dad once fell face first into a bonfire

Ouch! How does one manage to… do that?


Fuck yes it is. I think I’ve ironed more this century than my Boomer mother. And none of it was out of necessity.

After working as a farm hand one summer, it was like a switch flipped in my head and I really started to like button-ups and the like. Probably something along the lines of “this clothing is completely different from my work clothing and doesn’t have animal shit on it”.

No-iron shirts and slacks are still the way to go but, getting those wrinkles that escape is just so satisfying.


Me who still irons clothes

looks sideways


Iron sympathizers will be dealt with harshly.


You must be a millennial




Because you iron


The meme talks about how millennials DON’T iron anymore


Which is either a boomer talking about zoomers because they’re too young to own irons vs anything of higher priority or some random person confessed to not ironing and thinks everyone does

It has no merit


I fuckin hate ironing clothes


My mom ironed everything that came out of the dryer (and everything that came out of the washer went in the dryer)


Who is we



I’m one, and the SO is a Zillennial; neither of us own irons. Just don’t see the point. Dryers are fairly effective wrinkle removers, and any remaining creases will eventually come out simply by wearing the clothing.


I iron for the creases!! I understand why many people wouldn’t have use for them but I like having crisp collars on button downs and polos and a slight crease to certain khakis


By “creases” I meant wrinkles. I have this weird quirk where I don’t like reusing a word too many times in a paragraph, so I’ll try to find a synonym.


Did you even notice how many times you said ‘I’?




I knew what you meant by the context, no worries


RIP anything made of linen.


We don’t own anything made out of linen, lol

Regardless, delicates get air dried. I live in a “right to dry” state (i.e. it’s illegal to ban clotheslines here), but even if I didn’t, you can always hang them over the shower rod.


I own an iron because after washing fabric, it gets wrinkles.

Do you know how much a pain in the ass it is to sew wrinkled fabric? Flat and smooth is the easiest way to do that.


Sewing is the legit reason for irons.


I iron my tshirts and shorts otherwise they look crinkley


You could save yourself some time if you get your clothes out of both the washer and the dryer immediately after the cycles finish.


I don’t use the dryer except for towels, and I’m generally pretty good about taking them out when they’re done washing- can definitely tell when they’ve sat there a while!

rob_t_firefly, avatar

Do you fold your clothes right after taking them out of the dryer, while they’re still warm?




I don’t use the dryer


Is everyone walking around with crumpled clothes? Or am I missing some critical life hack?


Shake out, hang when wet, never iron again.


Take your clothes out of the washer immediately, untangle them if necessary, and put them in the dryer. Don’t just dump all the clothes from washer to dryer. Remove the clothes from the dryer as soon as it’s done while they’re still warm. Hang shirts on hangers and put away the pants. Lastly, only buy new shirts and pants that are iron-free.


I line dry everything but socks n towels. Stuff practically irons itself


Honestly most the advice I’m seeing is basically an answer to “how to avoid clothes looking absurdly crinkled” but nothing gets clothes as crinkle-free as an iron. Most people are just content with some crinkles.

Not even iron-free shirts are free from my iron.


Ironing is really only required for “dress up” clothing, casual cotton clothing is generally presentable if you wash, machine dry and fold/hang while still warm. You will have a crease and it will resolve itself in a few hours. Polyester blends also come in several utility blends like the stain free, moisture dispersing and wrinkle resistant. I’m realizing reading this thread that some people iron all of their clothing, but in my home we typically only iron our formal occasion attire (rare).


I bought an ironing board and an iron when I moved into my current home thinking “yeah, I have some shirts, I’ll iron them when I need them”.

That was 3 years ago. The ironing board was put into a corner out of sight and the iron is still in its original packaging, unopened to this day. I’m trying to justify my purchase with “better to have it and not need it than the other way around”.


I justify any purchase that I regret as “investment”. In 50 years, it will sure be worth at least 10x!


My parents bought me one when I moved out. Kept it around boxed for 5 years before throwing it out unused. If you care my clothing is wrinkled, I will never respect you.


Hopefully you donated it, instead of just throwing it directly in the dumpster.

There’s still people who use them and not all of those people can afford one.


Bragging about wasting a perfectly good tool (and a gift) that you were too stupid to figure out how to use. Then, to mask your embarrassment, you try to put blame onto those who do understand the purpose of an iron.

Grow up.


They’re good for Hama beads.


I at least got one of those little cheap half size ironing boards that I can hide by the dryer. I iron special occasion clothes and that one silk shirt I love to straighten the button strip whatever if it is egregious… Otherwise it sits unused 99.5% of the year.


Ironing kills bacteria, but if you somehow else do thermal treatment of clothes, then fine.


Hang them in the sun, the UV radiation kills most of the germs


Wash them with normal detergent and put them in your wardrobe. The lack of nutrients and water kills them.


Ironing clothes died long before millennials. Grandma quit ironing before you were born. Wrinkle Free shirts and pants started showing up in the 1970’s and were common within the decade.

Source: I was there.


Yep, old shirts came out of the wash looking like a fucking Calabi-Yau manifold, even casual wear.


I just run anything wrinkled through the dryer for about 10 minutes.


Just like that grandma looks like she is 25 again


Hopefully none of you are using suits lol


Iron a wool suit?

Kusimulkku, (edited )

My wool suit pants can be ironed on low. And my shirt definitely needs to be ironed. Just check the label first


Suits and other “nice” clothes are designed to enforce class separation. Reject them. Although you should probably wear them to a funeral or wedding anyway, out of respect.


Idk I like to wear nice clothes. Right clothes for the right occasion of course


username checks out


paskon tällä hetkellä kirjaimmellisesti vettä. vittu mikä ribuls


Or wear them to kink spaces, because dominating class separation is part of the game.


Oh shut it. Wear whatever you like.


On the other hand, wear whatever the fuck you want.




In Silicon Valley it’s the the other way around. The wealthier someone is the sloppier they dress.


Suits are only for special occasions, and even then I’m going to get it dry cleaned and they can worry about ironing in the bastard.


I have an iron but no ironing board so I used to do it on my desks when trousers were really too wrinkled, but it’s been over a year since my desk has had enough room for it, I just don’t know where to put the stuff and don’t have time for that.


The number of times I find myself plugging the iron in behind the TV and then holding an old Amazon box against the wall and juggling my pants while I iron because I’m in a rush and that’s the available outlet plug and space.


Sometimes I iron. Someone mentioned school uniform and yes.

But mainly I look at say a t-shirt and go “Meh” shrug and throw it on. Bang a leather jacket on and nobody knows it’s wrinkled and they fall out.

Now we’re having our 1 week of summer in the UK I’m having to iron my t-shirts because it’s too hot for my jacket, but it’s only a week.


Try hanging them and watch the wrinkles fall away. Other ways you could always get some of those sport tops that breath. Should help with the heat.

Swedneck, avatar

as a swede i am legally obligated to vomit at the idea of school uniforms


I hate them too but unfortunately the vast majority of schools require them. It pisses me off how much time and energy is spent enforcing meaningless rules.


I am not Swedish, but I would like to join you in the procedure of vomiting at the idea.

Nothing like making the masses complacent since childhood by controlling nonessential fashion choices.


The good thing is that you don’t have all these toxic, wealth-dependent, brand-indoctrinating capitalist, environmentally destructive fast fashion pressures for kids.


Choosing to wear my favourite color to school isn’t “brand indoctrination”. It is called being a free individual. If parents can refuse to buy their kids non essential, unaffordable electronics they can refuse to buy them fast fashion branded clothing. The solution to capitalism being shit isn’t simply eliminating choice.


Can you do precision vomiting into Putin’s bunker? Asking for a friend.

I very much agree with you.

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