I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

I installed a few different distros, landed on Cinnamon Mint. I’m not a tech dummy, but I feel I’m in over my head.

I installed Docker in the terminal (two things I’m not familiar with) but I can’t find it anywhere. Googled some stuff, tried to run stuff, and… I dunno.

I’m TRYING to learn docker so I can set up audiobookshelf and Sonarr with Sabnzbd.

Once it’s installed in the terminal, how the hell do I find docker so I can start playing with it?

Is there a Linux for people who are deeply entrenched in how Windows works? I’m not above googling command lines that I can copy and paste but I’ve spent HOURS trying to figure this out and have gotten no where…

Thanks! Sorry if this is the wrong place for this

EDIT : holy moly. I posted this and went to bed. Didn’t quite realize the hornets nest I was going to kick. THANK YOU to everyone who has and is about to comment. It tells you how much traction I usually get because I usually answer every response on lemmy and the former. For this one I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.

I’ve got a few little ones so time to sit and work on this is tough (thus 5h last night after they were in bed) but I’m going to start picking at all your suggestions (and anyone else who contributes as well)

Thank you so much everyone! I think windows has taught me to be very visually reliant and yelling into the abyss that is the terminal is a whole different beast - but I’m willing to give it a go!


Linux is a slightly different way of thinking. There are any number of ways that you can solve any problem you have. In Windows there are usually only one or two that work. This is largely a result of the hacker mentality from which linux and Unix came from. “If you don’t like how it works, rewrite it your way” and “Read the F***ing Manual” were frequent refrains when I started playing with linux.

Mint is a fine distro which is based off of Ubuntu, if I remember correctly. Most documentation that applies to Ubuntu will also apply to you.

Not sure what exactly you installed, but I’m guessing that you did something along the lines of sudo apt-get install docker.

If you did that without doing anything ahead of time, what you probably got was a slightly out of date version of docker only from Mint’s repositories. Follow the instructions here to uninstall whatever you installed and install docker from docker’s own repositories.

The Docker Desktop that you may be used to from Windows is available for linux, however it is not part of the default install usually. You might look at this documentation.

I don’t use it, as I prefer ctop combined with docker-compose.

Towards that end, here is my docker-compose.yaml for my instance of Audiobookshelf. I have it connected to my Tailscale tailnet, but if you comment out the tailscale service stuff and uncomment the port section in the audiobookshelf service, you can run it directly. Assuming your not making any changes,

Create a directory somewhere,

mkdir ~/docker

mkdir ~/docker/audiobookshelf

This creates a directory in your home directory called docker and then a directory within that one called audiobookshelf. Now we want to enter that directory.

cd ~/docker/audiobookshelf

Then create your docker compose file

touch docker-compose.yaml

You can edit this file with whatever text editor you like, but I prefer micro which you may not have installed.

micro docker-compose.yaml

and then paste the contents into the file and change whatever setting you need to for your system. At a minimum you will need to change the volumes section so that the podcast and audiobook paths point to the correct location on your system. it follows the format <system path>:<container path>.

Once you’ve made all the needed changes, save and exit the editor and start the the instance by typing

sudo docker compose up -d

Now, add the service directly to your tailnet by opening a shell in the tailscale container

sudo docker exec -it audiobookshelf-tailscale /bin/sh

and then typing

tailscale up

copy the link it gives you into your browser to authenticate the instance. Assuming that neither you or I made any typos you should now be able to access audiobookshelf from booksIf you chose to comment out all the tailscale stuff you would find it at localhost:13378


<span style="color:#323232;">version: "3.7"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">services:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  tailscale:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    container_name: audiobookshelf-tailscale
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    hostname: books                         # This will become the tailscale device name
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    image: ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale:latest
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    volumes:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - "./tailscale_var_lib:/var/lib"        # State data will be stored in this directory
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - "/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun"           # Required for tailscale to work
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    cap_add:                                    # Required for tailscale to work
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - net_admin
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - sys_module
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    command: tailscaled
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    restart: unless-stopped
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  audiobookshelf:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    container_name: audiobookshelf
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    image: ghcr.io/advplyr/audiobookshelf:latest
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    restart: unless-stopped
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#    ports:                                                                  # Not needed due to tailscale
</span><span style="color:#323232;">#      - 13378:80                                                                                                     
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    volumes:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - '/mnt/nas/old_media_server/media/books/Audio Books:/audiobooks'       # This line has quotes because there is a space that needed to be escaped.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - /mnt/nas/old_media_server/media/podcasts:/podcasts                               # See, no quotes needed here, better to have them though.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - /opt/audiobookshelf/config:/config                                       # I store my docker services in the /opt directory. You may want to change this to './config' and './metadata' while your playing around
</span><span style="color:#323232;">      - /opt/audiobookshelf/metadata:/metadata
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    network_mode: service:tailscale                                  # This line tells the audiobookshelf container to send all traffic to tailscale container

I’ve left my docker-compose file as-is so you can see how it works in my setup.



And that is why Linux mass adoption is never coming.


Docker is not your average GUI text editor or video player. It is supposed to be a TUI-first container app, similar to Podman, Incus, etc. The GUI applet is something you can add for your convenience.

A container is somewhere between running on bare metal vs virtual machine, in the sense that it is an ephemeral, isolated system, running on the same kernel with minimal overhead.

Docker for Windows runs the whole Linux kernel in VM. Basically, now you’re running a container inside a VM. That’s a lot of overhead, if you understand what that means. And btw, the desktop app for Windows is available on Linux. It’s just that you don’t really need it.


It’s not as difficult as the length of my comment implies, and doing it in the terminal simplifies the explanation quite a bit.

The average user though might never need to use the terminal. Most of what they want can be done in the browser.

As for Linux mass adoption, that happened years ago. Just nobody noticed. Android, Chromebook, Steam Deck are all Linux based and MacOS (BSD derived) is a close relative. And Microsoft has even made it possible to run linux command line programs in Windows, with some caveats, using WSL. And that’s not counting the majority of servers, networking gear and space craft running linux or unix.


“They’re all close relatives”

on which the experience has been tuned to make them as user friendly as possible to the point where they have nothing in common with desktop Linux from an average user perspective.


And blackbox has nothing in common with KDE? /s

Im off for bed. Night.


Getting this setup on Windows would be even harder because it would involve installing docker manually or setting up WSL and following these steps. What OP is trying to do is a complex thing that most people don’t need, that would be the same as saying Windows is hard because setting up a VM with hardware passthrough is difficult on Windows, completely missing the point that that is a complex thing to do and that it’s complex on any other OS as well.


Yeah but the difference is that even for simple things, Linux instructions look like what was posted by the person I replied to.


Being a person who replies to lots of new users questions I strongly disagree. 99% of the questions come from a Windows mindset, so it requires some deconstruction of the way the person is thinking, have you noticed how very few Mac users ask beginner questions on Linux forums?

There’s a big difference between something is different and someone is used to doing the things differently, driving on the left or right is just as difficult, bit if you’ve driven all of your life one way switching up can be difficult. Just like that a lot of Linux concepts are different from what people are used to if they come from a Windows background, but the same is true the other way around. As someone who’s been using Linux for decades I find windows weird and convoluted, but I know that this is just my perception, and that someone who’s using it daily is used to that.

Edit: if you’re going to reply to this, mind providing an example of something you think is easy on Windows but hard on Linux?


Just to be clear, I agree with you practically 100%, and you can see my response to this person in the same thread as well, but I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. I’ll give you a few examples of things that are easier on Windows (and most also are easier on MacOS) than they are on Linux (or at least some distros depending on which you pick):

  • Using proprietary multimedia codecs (Fedora)
  • Installing Nvidia drivers that have the capability of auto-updating (any distro that doesn’t have a GUI for driver downloads)
  • Installation (most people simply use the pre-installed OS and never reinstall or install anything new)
  • Game compatibility (Linux gaming is great, but there are still major titles not supported)
  • Accessing firmware settings and profiles for laptops while booted (like Armoury Crate for Asus laptops (yes, I know about rog-control-center and asusctl, but those don’t work for all devices, and are harder to set up))

There are probably plenty more, and there are things that are easier on Linux. But again, I’m just playing devil’s advocate here. Each of those examples are less intuitive to complete on Linux (or at least some distros) than they are in Windows. As someone who has been using Linux for a decade, I don’t think that they are all hard, but many are also less intuitive in Linux than MacOS, just to address your first point. When you have to start adding PPAs/repos to get specific things, I’d argue that’s objectively less intuitive than the alternatives in other operating systems, and not merely a different way of thinking. In many cases though, for most things, there are intuitive solutions that exist in Linux. There are plenty of cases where someone overcomplicates something they want to do in Linux by using a Windows mindset, so I still agree with you there. I just think it’s a little more nuanced than you seemed to imply.


I had written a more thorough response, but the app crashed and I lost it. Sorry of this one sounds a bit harsh, I do mostly agree with you, I just think that the examples you’ve chosen are bad because they’re either distro specific (so not a Linux problem but a problem with that distro), or not Linux problems (i.e. there’s nothing Linux can do about it because the problem doesn’t lie on Linux but elsewhere)

Using proprietary multimedia codecs (Fedora)

Distro specific. It should be just like installing anything else, and it is for some distros, certainty for the ones I’ve been using.

Installing Nvidia drivers that have the capability of auto-updating (any distro that doesn’t have a GUI for driver downloads)

Distro specific, I’ve had NVIDIA drivers auto-updating for the past 15 years or so, long before Windows had that same capabilities. And it updates with my regular system update, no need to use any special GUI for it.

Installation (most people simply use the pre-installed OS and never reinstall or install anything new)

Not Linux problem. Also, while I can see the argument that’s easier to use what’s already installed, that tells you nothing of how easy one thing is in comparison to the other. If computers came with the most convolutedly complex and unusable crap of an OS, full of bloatware and spyware pre-installed people would still use it. Not to mention that the Linux installation process was much easier than Windows for the longest time (until windows finally implemented automatic driver installation)

Game compatibility (Linux gaming is great, but there are still major titles not supported)

Not Linux problem. Although this is something to bear in mind while choosing your OS, it’s the companies that make games that are at fault here, there’s nothing Linux can do to remedy this situation, so it’s unfair to judge it for it. That’s like saying Windows is harder to use because running docker containers in it is impossible without some virtualisation, while this is something to consider when deciding what OS will you use to self-host, it’s not per-se a reason why Windows is more difficult to use.

Accessing firmware settings and profiles for laptops while booted (like Armoury Crate for Asus laptops (yes, I know about rog-control-center and asusctl, but those don’t work for all devices, and are harder to set up))

Same as above.

Like I said, I agree with lots of what you said, and some of those are thing to keep in mind when choosing an OS, but those are not good arguments as for which OS is simpler than the other. The Linux way to do most of them is using the package manager, and that’s much simpler than searching the internet for the correct download.

@yianiris@kafeneio.social avatar

The greatest contribution of Nvidia to FOSS had been to keep many such thinking people hostage to proprietary solutions and out of our visibility.

You know, those that refuse to learn anything new, refuse to read documents, believe that by controlling input/output through terminal is inferior to gui-blindness.

@Nibodhika @Para_lyzed


Yes NVIDIA is crap which is why my next GPU will not be NVIDIA. However you need to remember AMD used to be crappier, and the last time I bought a GPU I still didn’t trusted AMD.

Also not sure what your answer has to do with the ongoing discussion.

@yianiris@kafeneio.social avatar

Auto downloading and installing software is pretty much a violation of ethics in the unix ecosystem, pretty much anything that begins with Auto should be rejected.

But the general public wants the convenience and luxury of having things done by others without being bothered. Many distros competing with each other for lazy newcomers (ubuntu, mint, debian, manjaro, ...) they provide all those non-unix like utilities.

Lately it is getting worse, all sorts of telemtry is branded good



I assume you’re talking about the “auto-update” drivers. That’s pretty standard Linux thing, everything “auto” updates when you tell your system to update, that’s one of the huge advantages of package managers, not sure which Linux have you used, but the vast majority of them do have a package manager that updates everything (including drivers).

@yianiris@kafeneio.social avatar

I have never used such a system, I don't know of a single one, and I wouldn't use such a system.



Would you mind telling us which obscure Linux distro do you use that doesn’t have a package manager? And how do you update your system?

@yianiris@kafeneio.social avatar

I have used apt apt-get, apk, pacman, xbps, and I have never encountered an auto-update

Even dumb-gui like synaptics or pamac don't auto-update



All of those upgrade the drivers when you upgrade your system just like I mentioned.

@yianiris@kafeneio.social avatar

Then what you consider automatic is a very unique perception of how things work.
In a car automatic transmission means it shifts on its own.
In a non automatic either you shift or it doesn't happen.

On most pkg managers YOU elect when to upgrade, the output is a list of "upgradable" pkgs, then you are asked whether to proceed or not. Nothing automatic about this.

Auto update would mean software has been updated on its own without you authorizing it.



No it’s not, every sane person considers automatic to have little or no human interaction, but some human interaction to trigger the flow is still a thing, next you’ll tell me that an automatic weapon fires on it’s own will, or that an automatic garage door decides when to open. A single command that updates all of your system seems pretty automated to me, if not try doing your next update manually by downloading every single package from their source, compiling it if needed, and copying it into the correct folders, do that for every one of the hundreds of packages that get updates and then tell me that a single command is not automating a lot of that away for you.

It doesn’t even work how you’re describing in Windows, you get prompted whether you want to update there.


It seems you misunderstand what the other commenter meant. By “auto-update”, they mean that the package is fetched and updated when you request your package manager to perform an update/upgrade (meaning that the user specifically requested the packages be updated, not that it happened on its own). This comes from my use of the term “auto-updating” in reference to Nvidia drivers on Windows, which will automatically check for updates on boot, in comparison to the closest equivalent with Linux distros in which the drivers would be updated by the package manager (but still do not require the user to manually install a new version separately, as would be the case if trying to use Nvidia’s official runfile installer). I grouped the Linux drivers from a package manager into the “auto-update” category, which I realize in hindsight is a bit confusing given the nature of updating through a package manager.

Para_lyzed, (edited )

I do agree with you that these problems are not the fault of Linux, but I never meant to imply that they were. The average PC user has absolutely zero care for where the fault is, the only thing that matters to them as an end user is their experience while using the operating system. Users who actually care about the quality and ethics of the software they use are likely to already be using Linux anyway, but that is very much not the norm. The layperson is perfectly happy to never care or understand a single thing about their operating system. I will be answering your response to each of my points, as well as rebuttals for this:

The Linux way to do most of them is using the package manager, and that’s much simpler than searching the internet for the correct download.

in the following:

Distro specific. It should be just like installing anything else, and it is for some distros, certainty for the ones I’ve been using.

They are pre-installed in Windows. In fact, most people won’t even understand why their media isn’t playing, and won’t even know that they need to install something, or how to install it. Some distros have them pre-installed, but there are plenty that do not. The point here is that it is inherently less intuitive and more difficult in Linux than in Windows.

This doesn’t require installing anything in Windows. This is purely easier in Windows for many distributions, and equal at best for those who have them installed by default. Thus using the package manager is not easier or more intuitive in this sense, especially since the packages have strange names (so you’d have to look up how to do it as a new user).

Distro specific, I’ve had NVIDIA drivers auto-updating for the past 15 years or so, long before Windows had that same capabilities. And it updates with my regular system update, no need to use any special GUI for it.

Nvidia’s driver software comes pre-installed in a lot of pre-built systems nowadays. It has automatic update checking so it will prompt you on boot to ask if you want to update. Even if it didn’t come pre-installed (which is also the case with most Linux distros), Windows users don’t have to look up a tutorial on how to download and install the drivers. In Linux, the package names and installation methods vary so greatly between distros, that I still have to look it up every time I set up a new distro, even with a decade of Linux experience. In either case, the user will need to use the Internet to search for a page (either the Nvidia driver site, or a tutorial for how to do it on their distro). And no, I’m not talking about Nouveau here, it still has lots of issues and delivers much worse performance than the proprietary driver. Sure, using an AMD card is easier, but the current market share suggests most people will be coming over with Nvidia hardware.

When all the first results are the Nvidia website with official driver downloads, and don’t require the user to use the terminal (and make sure the tutorial works for their distro), Windows is easier there. You just download an executable and run it. No need to add non-free repositories to your package manager, no need to use the terminal, just a search, 4 clicks, and you’re done. Yes, it’s a very “Windows way to do things”, but it’s also objectively easier than it is in a variety of Linux distros. A select few distros have a GUI way to manage this, which I’d rate as slightly easier than the manual Windows way, but still more difficult than the “this is already installed on my system” way that’s the case for many pre-builts and laptops.

Not Linux problem. Also, while I can see the argument that’s easier to use what’s already installed, that tells you nothing of how easy one thing is in comparison to the other. If computers came with the most convolutedly complex and unusable crap of an OS, full of bloatware and spyware pre-installed people would still use it. Not to mention that the Linux installation process was much easier than Windows for the longest time (until windows finally implemented automatic driver installation)

You seem to have answered this for me. People will use what is pre-installed on their system because it is easier for them to do so. Again, not the fault of Linux, but it adds a layer of difficulty to those who want to switch. The layperson doesn’t know what an ISO image is, or how to make a liveUSB out of one.

This has nothing to do with using a package manager or the “Linux way to do things”.

Not Linux problem. Although this is something to bear in mind while choosing your OS, it’s the companies that make games that are at fault here, there’s nothing Linux can do to remedy this situation, so it’s unfair to judge it for it. That’s like saying Windows is harder to use because running docker containers in it is impossible without some virtualisation, while this is something to consider when deciding what OS will you use to self-host, it’s not per-se a reason why Windows is more difficult to use.

Most end users will not care whose fault it is. The fact of the matter is that it will dissuade a large portion of gamers away from Linux, as Riot games don’t run at all. It’s much more difficult to convince someone that they should switch to another operating system when the games they play or programs they use (like Adobe software) won’t work. Sure, in many cases there are alternatives, but that’s a massive layer of difficulty, especially if you’re expecting people to learn new, alternative software with equally steep or steeper learning curves than the Adobe suite, or give up games they’ve been playing for years.

Again, nothing to do with a package manager or the “Linux way to do things”.

Same as above.

Again, the end user doesn’t care whose fault it is. If they can’t access the features their laptop or PC came with (like the ability to use their discrete GPU), then that’s going to be a hard sell. And even if they can by installing something like rog-control-center, that is still another layer of difficulty.

If there is a solution available for a specific computer, it is inherently more difficult on Linux. The computer will come pre-installed with the correct software (no download necessary), and even if you were to reinstall, all you have to do is download a single executable and run it. On Linux, however, you have to research and figure out what kind of software would even do this (asusctl or rog-control-center, for instance), then you have to check the model number of your laptop or motherboard for compatibility because only a select few will be compatible, then you have to add a PPA/repo to your package manager (if the solution even has that available; some will require you to build from source and/or update manually every update), and only then can you install the package. Far more steps, far less intuitive, and far more difficult for an average user.

I gave you examples of things that are more difficult in Linux than Windows. None of these things have to do with a difference in perspective on how to install software, or an investment in the “Windows way” to do things. I’ve been using Linux for around a decade, and I’ve had recent experience with each of these things in Windows while helping other people. They are simply easier in Windows. I want to again make it clear that I never said any of these were the fault of Linux, but you can’t merely overlook them simply because Linux isn’t at fault. New users would still want/have to do these things, and doing them can be difficult or impossible depending on compatibility. There are plenty of arguments for Linux, but the argument that it is simpler or easier in any overarching sense is not one of them. There are very specific instances where things are easier in Linux, or the experience of a user is simpler in Linux, but those few cases do not encompass the entirety of Linux. You have said yourself that you have not used Windows recently, and that seems very apparent to me. I dislike Windows, but Linux has not gotten anywhere near a point where one of my recommendations for switching to Linux are that it is easier or simpler.

I agree that the package manager is a much better solution than the Windows way of doing things, but it has nothing to do with most of the points I made.

@Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

No they don’t lol


This is a discussion about Docker, which is a complex terminal-based containerization system. This is not a program that is typically used by the average user. Docker’s complexity does not imply that Linux requires this kind of set up to use as a normal desktop. This is usually server software. Docker is also available on Windows and MacOS, and is partnered with Microsoft (you know, the company that makes Windows? The desktop OS with the highest market share?). Are you going to complain about how Windows will never reach mass adoption because users are able to install complex tools that require a steep learning curve to use? You can install Docker on Windows and use the same commands and configs, so do you believe that Windows suffers this same problem?

Before you point out the start of that comment with the “Linux mentality” stuff, while some of that is certainly true, you can now do everything an average user needs to do in an intuitive GUI, just like Windows (better in many cases, actually). Half the listed commands (making directories and files) can be done in the file manager just like Windows, normal apps can be managed in app stores, and the rest of it is docker specific, which is (again), server-oriented software. I’m not a fan of their mentality about how things work in Linux, because it’s very much an old mentality that doesn’t account for the immense amount of change that has happened in the past decade to make Linux more accessible.

I don’t understand why people come to the Linux communities to complain that Linux is “too hard” or “too complex” to be usable. If you don’t have an actual interest in Linux, find another community. If you want a simple experience, use a simple distro that’s meant to be easy to use, and use software that is easy to use.



@Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

Because Docker, a complex program most users will never use, has a long install process?

If I posted the long setup instructions for it on Windows, would you tell me Windows mass adoption is never coming?


Because instructions like these are just standard procedure for Linux.

@Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

Except, no they’re not. Not anymore.


how the hell do I find docker

Type “docker” in terminal and hit enter. Since it’s installed, your system will likely recognize it as a command and populate a help menu for you. You’ll want to visit docker’s website for a full manual.


I strongly suggest that you install portainer if this is your first time playing with docker.

It’ll make your life and learning curve dramatically easier.

I’m not suggesting you dont learn how to do it all over CLI (I actually think CLI is way easier and faster to deploy once you get the hang of it), but if you’re looking to deploy something right away, I believe portainer is your best bet.


This. I had the same issue, and just about every tutorial focuses on the command line, and I get why… It’s way more powerful and actually becomes the standard that people who are using docker repeatedly would need to learn.

That being said, this was my first foray into containerizing things since VMware became a thing. So I needed a UI that felt familiar and helped me understand some of the Dockers specific settings and configurations. This was a godsend in helping me get things up and running, and then later I had to learn how to do it properly with docker compose.

For what it’s worth, I still keep my portainer instance running, and use it for some administration stuff like resets, but I think it helps smooth my learning curve. Docker via the command line exclusively pretty much requires you to understand all of the notions and concepts involved.


That’s exactly right. I run UnRaid as my NAS, and not a single docker has been installed from their app store. I also still have Portainer running (at this point I have no idea why anymore, since I haven’t used it in over a year) and it barely uses any resources. Portainer was my first shot at docker containers, and I’ll always be grateful to the developers. I doubt I would have continued learning Docker if Portainer had not existed.

@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Is there a Linux for people who are deeply entrenched in how Windows works?

Zorin is this, though your choice of Mint is good too. It will not help you understand docker though.

If you’re trying to do Audibookshelf on a home server CasaOS made docker super easy for me.


This is another very good option.


Docker is a pain in the dick


Only for people that dont understand the basics

@Vendetta9076@sh.itjust.works avatar

Apt install docker.io

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9443:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest

Go to IP:8000 and now you can build docker compose stacks. A far easier way to learn docker.


one of my portainer instances completely broke a few months ago because of a failed db migration after an update. i’ve been using dockge ever since and i’m happy with it. it stores every stack you deploy as a docker-compose file on your regular filesystem, so if it ever breaks you can just edit the files instead

@Vendetta9076@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh that is nice. Yeah I tend not to use portainer nowadays but when I was learning docker it was a godsend. I’ll look into dockge though :)


I never tried dockage, but portainer also stores all docker-compose on filesystem (probably at var/lib/docker/volumes/portainer_data/_data/compose). You can also use “backup” button in GUI to download everything in single tar.gz archive. Folder structure is not the best, but its not hard to figure out. I’m not saying portainer is better though


OP this is the answer but Ill provide simple steps in case this is not clear enough:

  1. Install docker
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Install portainer (command from the post above)
  4. open Portainer GUI in browser using IP:8000 (from here you can do everything in GUI)
  5. go to stacks and create a new stack
  6. edit docker-compose for audiobookshelf - modify folder paths for volumes (example - change ./audiobooks:/audiobooks to /path/to/folder:/audiobooks)
  7. paste that in stack and hit deploy
  8. go to IP:13378 to open Audiobookshelf GUI
  9. enjoy

The crazy pills are the first step in learning. Embrace the crazy. Take more pills.


It worked for me!


Which pills would you recommend?

@NinjaCheetah@sh.itjust.works avatar

Estrogen? It works for my girlfriend and her Linux shenanigans!


Damn, I’ll have to try it out!


Docker is one of the container technologies

Containers vs Images

This is a very simplified explanation, which hopefully clears up for you. As with all simplifications, they aren’t entirely correct.

Containers put processes, files, and networking into a space where they are secluded from the rest. You main OS is called the host and the container is called the guest. You can selectively share resources with the guest. To use an analogy, if you house were the computer with linux, if you took a room, put tools and resources for those tools into it, put workers into it, got them to start working and locked the door, they’d be contained in the room, unable to break out. If you want to give workers access to resources, you either a window, a corridor, or even a door depending on much access you want to give them.

Containers are created from an image. Think of it as the tools, resources, and configuration required every time you create a room in your house for workers to do a job. The woodworkers will need different tools and resources than say metalworkers.

Most images are stored on DockerHub. So when you do docker pull linuxserver/sonarr you download the image. When you do docker run linuxserver/sonarr you create a container from an image.


You’re on Cinnamon Mint which is linux distribution derived from another linux distribution called debian. You have to follow the installation instructions. Everything is there. If something doesn’t work, it’s most likely because you skipped a step. The most important ones are the post-installation steps:

  • Adding your user to the docker group
  • Logging out and back in (or simply restarting)

Those are the most commonly missed steps. I’ve fallen for this trap too!

Local help

To use linux, you need to learn about ways to help yourself or find help. On linux, most well-written programs print a help. Simply running the command without any arguments most often output a help text --> running docker does so. If they don’t, then the –help flag often does --> docker --help. The shorthand is -h --> docker -h.

Some commands have sub commands e.g docker run, docker image, docker ps, … . Those subcommands also take flags of which -h and –help are available.

The help output is often not extensive and programs often have a manual. To access it the command is man --> man find will output the manual for the find command. Docker doesn’t have a local manual but an online one.

For clarification when running a command there are different ways to interpret the text after the command:


These are named parameters to the command. Some do not take input like -h and –help which are called flags. Some do like –file /etc/passwd and are often called options.


These are unnamed parameters and each command interprets them differently. echo “hello world” --> echo is the command and “hello world” is the argument. Some commands can take multiple arguments

Running containers


As described above docker run linuxserver/sonarr runs an image in a container. However, it runs in the foreground (as opposed to the background in what is most often called a “daemon”). Starting in the foreground is most likely not how you want to run things as that means if you close your terminal, you end the process too. To run something in the background, you use docker run --detatch linuxserver/sonarr.

You can pass options like -v or –volume to make a file or folder from your host system available in the guest e.g -v /path/on/host:/tmp/path/in/guest. Or -p / –port to forward a host port to a guest port e.g -p 8080:80. That means if you access port 8080 on your host, the traffic will be forwarded to port 80 in the guest.

These are imperatives as in you command the computer to do a specific action. Run that docker image, stop that docker container, restart these containers, start a container with this port forward and that volume with this user …


If you don’t want to keep typing the same commands, you can declare everything about your containers up front. Their volumes, ports, environment variables, which image is used, which network card/interface they have access to, which other network they share with other containers, and so on.

This is done with docker-compose or docker compose for newer docker versions (not all operating systems have the new docker version).

This already a long text, so if you want to know more, the best resource is the docker compose manual and the compose file reference.

Hopefully this helped with the basics and understanding what you’re doing. There are probably great video resources out there that explain it more didactically than I do with steps you can follow along.

Good luck!


@cypherpunks@lemmy.ml avatar

You main OS is called the host and the container is called the guest

The word “guest” is generally used for virtual machines, not containers.

@yianiris@kafeneio.social avatar

Can containers boot on their own? Then they are hosts, if not they are guests.
Unless there is some kind of mutual 50/50 cohabitation of userspace with two different pid1s
pid 1 left pid 1 right

@cypherpunks @onlinepersona

cypherpunks, (edited )
@cypherpunks@lemmy.ml avatar

Can containers boot on their own? Then they are hosts, if not they are guests.

It depends what you mean by “boot”. Linux containers are by definition not running their own kernel, so Linux is never booting. They typically (though not always) have their own namespace for process IDs (among other things) and in some cases process ID 1 inside the container is actually another systemd (or another init system).

However, more often PID 1 is actually just the application being run in the container. In either case, people do sometimes refer to starting a container as “booting” it; I think this makes the most sense when PID 1 in the container is systemd as the word “boot” has more relevance in that scenario. However, even in that case, nobody (or at least almost nobody I’ve ever seen) calls containers “guests”.

As to calling containers “hosts”, I’d say it depends on if the container is in its own network namespace. For example, if you run podman run --rm -it --network host debian:bookworm bash you will have a container that is in the same network namespace as your host system, and it will thus have the same hostname. But if you omit –network host from that command then it will be in its own network namespace, with a different IP address, behind NAT, and it will have a randomly generated hostname. I think it makes sense to refer to the latter kind of container as a separate host in some contexts.

@baccaratrevivify@lemmy.world avatar

Docker is a cli only app, if you want a gui interface check out docker desktop


@Jean_Lurk_Picard@lemmy.world avatar

This is probably what OP wants. A gui


A GUI isn’t going to help, mon capitaine. Start-stop is the easy part, OP will still need to create a docker-compose.yml and a systemd unit.

The OP wants a LLM to walk him through the process and generate all of the relevant files. If they entered 2-3 prompts into gemini/chatgpt they wouldn’t have needed this thread.



Most docker releases I have seen include a template yml


Did you miss the part where OP failed to Google how to start a docker image?

@Jean_Lurk_Picard@lemmy.world avatar

I admit you’re right Q, regrettably so… Nonetheless, this poor individual deserves our help.


And in return for my help, all I’m getting is hate from the primitive lifeforms…


@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

AI can be of great help when learning docker, as it is genuinely super confusing. You don’t “find” docker, it’s a terminal program that you interact with… From the terminal.

I’m gonna get A LOT of hate for this, but check out Warp terminal. It has a really nice GUI for configuration and really nice autocomplete for commands.


Why should you get hate for the warp terminal? I’ve never used it but it looks quite nice.

@Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

Because it requires you to sign in with the cloud and bloated


Oh, that’s a no from me then.

@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

Because it’s closed source and requires a sign in. Imo worth it, as it’s a very nice terminal.

@chepycou@rcsocial.net avatar

@llii @Presi300 It was made for apple users and evidently so (it's basically and but closed source, cloud-based and with some AI bullcrap on top of it)

@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, you can call literally any more advanced terminal “alacritty with tmux”, but I don’t think that’s fair. And I for one find Warp’s AI features fairly useful. It’s also as I mentioned above got a really nice autocomplete and configuration UI. (It’s autocomplete is an absolute godsent when it comes to dealing with docker…)


I would enjoy training a LLM on my aggregated command history and using that for auto completion, or maybe using an open source one trained on a larger set from the community, but I am very uncomfortable sending data about every command (as I’m writing it!) to any company.


Ok, this isn’t for me than.


I’m also pretty new to Linux, but I’ve finally gotten a bit of a grasp on it. I started learning Linux to set up a home server, so I also jumped straight into Docker. You have gotten some thorough replies, but I thought I’d share my chaotic journey with it that has ended in a decent ratio of success vs confusion. Note: I have used Ubuntu from the start.

Don’t use docker desktop. It’s garbage. Also, don’t use the Snap image.

$sudo apt install docker.io

$sudo apt install docker-compose

Those are both cli “programs”. They aren’t apps like you have on Windows. It seems VERY intimidating to talk into the void of the terminal, but you’ll build confidence. Docker commands work like any other commands, all in the same place.

Now install Portainer CE. The instructions are very simple to follow. You can reach Portainer through your browser at the localhost address it gives you, which you type directly into the URL bar. I think it’s localhost:9000.

Portainer will give you an easy visual way to manage Docker. You can perform many tasks through Portainer instead of using the command line. Honestly, I’m pretty sure you could do everything on Portainer and not even touch the terminal. I don’t suggest that because you will have to have at least a basic understanding of how Linux and Docker work. You will be confused, and you will feel crazy. Eventually, you’ll get more comfortable living in that psychosis.

On to Docker Compose!! This is my preferred way to run containers. I have a designated folder in /opt that I use for my compose files. This way, I know exactly how I set up my programs. My memory is awful and I tweak things so often that I’ll completely forget how I have even gotten to this point or where ANY of my files are. It’s pretty easy to find docker compose files online that you can copy and paste and it instantly works!

To make it simple, after I have saved my docker-compose.yaml file in the designated folder, I right click on the empty area and choose “open in terminal”.

$sudo docker-compose up -d

The -d instructs the program to continue to run, even if you exit out of the terminal. At this point, your container will also show up in portainer!

I think that covers the basics. My biggest tip is to keep a notepad handy to write down commands that you have to search for. Your bookmarks will fill up very quickly otherwise. Expect to get stuck sometimes. Expect to spend hours trying to troubleshoot an issue, then have it suddenly work with no idea what you actually did to fix it. Accept the win and never touch it again.

I have done fresh installs many times. Some because I’ve played with 10 different programs that I decided against and want the leftover files gone, some because I wanted to try different mixes of distros, and once because I legitimately broke the OS.

Keep your important stuff on an external drive to avoid any loss and don’t be afraid to mess around with it!

Btw, I’m a huge KDE plasma fan. It’s lighter than GNOME, but very user friendly. I’ve settled on Kubuntu as my distro of choice.


Well said. I’ve been using Linux for 15 years and using Docker for 6 years. I couldn’t have communicated as well as you did. You have a knack for teaching.


Don’t use docker-compose anymore, it’s been obsolete for a while now and won’t be getting new features.

It’s best to add the docker official repo and install docker and docker-compose-plugin from there.

The -plugin version acts as a docker subcommand (docker compose) and will be updated alongside docker going forward.


Thank you! I’ll look into that


OP: chatGPT is your personal Linux guru. Pretend it’s your friend who knows everything about linux and tell it what you want to achieve.

Paste in any error messages and it will tell you how to fix them. Just make sure it knows what distro you’re using first.

That’s how I learned to use docker :)


except it makes up so much shit that it’s harmful past extremely noob stuff


Well making mistakes is how you learn stuff. Do all this on a vm that you can blow away and start over when you do screw up. So ChatGPT giving you crap advice can still be very useful. Sometimes the wrong answer can lead you to the right one.


Actually though. I’ve asked it questions about impossible things related to technology and it’s even gone as far to make up things for features that don’t exist.

In one case I asked it once if it was possible to have Kafka partitions shared across topics (currently impossible per design) and it was confidently incorrect, even gave me a made up command line for how to achieve what I asked.


oh i know… i had it write a few very short programs, just about every single line had an error… importing shit that doesn’t exist, adding incorrect arguments to functions…

but what’s scary is it looks ok at a quick glance… and these ai bros with reverse imposter syndrome are going to talk their way into some dangerous situations and break important things, eventually…

but i guess that’s not too different from shitty coders and contractors anyways.
e.g. the original healthcare.gov taking 500 million lines of code

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

podman is better but thats just my opinion btw

@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

OP is having trouble with the oldest and most highly documented container system in existence. I don’t think throwing the almost invisible podman into the mix would help anything in the least.

@rutrum@lm.paradisus.day avatar

To be fair, you’re taking on a lot of new things at once. You can spin up docker containers on windows too, all while using a UI. I think it’s great your exposing yourself to self hosting, linux, command line interface, and containerization all at once, but don’t beat yourself up for it taking longer than expected. A lot of it takes time. I encourage you to keep trying and playing. Good luck!

Pantherina, (edited )

There is docker desktop on Linux too.

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo apt install docker flatpak -y
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># add flathub if not already there
</span><span style="color:#323232;">flatpak install docker

Edit: please use Podman. And if you think about Virtualbox, please use Virt-manager instead. Both are RedHat products and they are pretty awesome. Podman is more secure and works well for your job, it is letter-for-letter compatible with docker. You can use podman-compose if you need) but that requires to run a daemon which is also possible.

You can use Podman with many container sources natively, while docker only allows dockerhub. Says enough.


Not recommended as for one it is proprietary and two its more confusing to have tons of buttons than it is to write a docker compose.


I mean I would recommend them to use Podman. Docker on Linux Mint was a mess last time I used it.



It seems like podman would be way harder as you need to configure systemd and manage containers yourself.

With docker compose you apply it and docker creates the containers you need.


I dont know if you still need an external repo for docker, podman is in the system repo.

When using Containers it works the same. Yes systemd stuff may be manual thats what Podman Desktop is probably for.

Its more secure, more free and when learning it new anyways, why not the better tool?


Podman is not really a replacement for docker. It is its own separate thing and it has trade offs with docker.

The reason I use podman on my local machine and for Jellyfin is that it is darn fast. It makes docker look like a emulator by comparison. With that being said the issue with podman is mostly permission related. However, it also has some instability in cases where a container malfunctions. This often is happens when you try to stop and start a container at the same time.

Once that happens the runtime effectively locks up as the system is in a state that it doesn’t know how to handle.

Some of the benefits of docker include its ability to recover from just about anything. If you need a container to always be available docker can do that. It also can do on the fly patching and self healing.

Docker compose is very nice to have for larger software with multiple containers. I can write a docker compose that builds and deploys my nodejs applications with a database back end and it will just work without any issues. Deploy it and you are good.


Thanks for the info, I have little personal experience especially with compose.

How is podman compose after setting it up?


Podman compose is very much lacking and breaks easily (don’t use it)


I remember being so lost in the dark when starting docker. There’s 2 main approaches to launching docker containers. One is with CLI arguments and one is from a docker-compose.yml file.

I highly recommend the latter.

Try going to chatGPT and ask it to write a docker compose file for whatever service you’re trying to stand up.


There’s no point in asking ChatGPT for a generic compose, most docker images will recommend a compose that’s specifically written for them.


It is a much better way to run volatile server apps that are changing at breakneck speed.

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