Five other House Republicans could resign after Ken Buck

Five more Republican representatives may join Ken Buck in resigning from the House of Representatives if they continue to be dissatisfied with the party’s nominee for the presidential election, Donald Trump.

On Tuesday, Buck, a Colorado congressman, suddenly resigned, leaving his seat vacant from next week and shrinking the Republican’s slim majority in the House to 218 to 213. Previously, he had announced his intention to retire from Congress at the end of his current term.

When asked by Axios whether he was coming under pressure from colleagues over his decision, Buck then hinted that more colleagues might resign, saying: “I think it’s the next three people that leave that they’re going to be worried about.”


this only really matters if they choose to resign before this term of congress ends otherwise these people are only going to be replaced by more maga cultist know nothings.


They should resign from earth.


Guys don’t worry, Mike Pence’s brother said he isn’t running again, so they’re counting him as one of the five…

And obviously the Pences are fine upstanding citizens…

If these asshats really wanted to stand against trump, all they gotta do is caucus with Dems.

But they won’t.

Also, why is Newsweek suddenly getting posted all the time now?


If these asshats really wanted to stand against trump

IMO that’s actually what they’re against. They’re against trump because they’re concerned about the damage he will do to the Republican Party. They are not against what the Republican Party is doing overall, and for the conservatives it is always Party Before Country, therefore they will not support the democrats.



Just look at Haley. She had practically all the same stances as trump except “trump can do any crime”.

And Biden ran around talking about how we need more republicans like her. Then about how great Mitch McConnell is…

trump is a problem, but he’s not the problem. He’s a symptom of modern republicans, if trump’s while family died in a plane crash tomorrow. They’d be replaced by Monday with people who want the same thing and just less blatant about.

Going back to the day of McConnel and Strom Thurmond like Biden wants wouldn’t solve anything except making it harder to get Dems elected, and impossible to get neoliberals elected.


“I think it’s the next three people that leave that they’re going to be worried about.”

This is awfully thin. Like I take this as deflection through speculation. I don’t think he knows three people planning to leave, he’s just saying anyone else doing the same would feel greater pressure and anger from the caucus, while not denying he has felt the same.

And what’s more, I suspect the author and editor are keenly aware of this and this is shameless bait just to fill the news cycle. I’d be thrilled to be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’m not.


I think Ken Buck, being a political insider, also probably knew that the media would run with that quote; and that the paranoia it would inspire would fuck with the republicans in the house who made him want to leave in the first place.

If the house republican leadership also starts exerting pressure to stay on those it perceives as weak links; it may drive some of them out, partially as a result of this statement.

Edit: spelling


That’s an interesting take, thanks!

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