Lawmakers pass milestone privacy bill overshadowed by TikTok fever

The data-privacy bill passed Wednesday, the Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act, H.R. 7520, is highly targeted: It prevents any companies considered data brokers — third-party buyers and sellers of personal information — from selling that information to China, Russia or other “foreign adversaries.”

The data law passed the House on Wednesday, 414-0


This is not a privacy bill. Anyone referring to it as a privacy bill is lying. Not even the bill title claims to be about privacy. It is the “Protecting Americans’4 Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024”.


Does that not create a layer of privacy?


Imagine a landmark privacy bill that’s basically the US screaming “Only we’re allowed to harvest our citizens private information” and then imagine being expected to be happy about it.

leanleft, avatar

even if politicians change their tune and seem to want to be more privacy conscious…
we should hold their feet to the fire.
make sure they have 110% followthrough across all platforms. not just a one-off to diss tiktok.


If you don’t want your bills to be overshadowed by bullshit, stop passing bullshit.


It’s still just a baby step. Police, corporations, and non-adversary nations will still be able to buy all the information they want about you from these data brokers. We need laws that make our information ours, and not the property of anyone who is able to skim it off the net or phone apps.



Congress can’t agree that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but this gets a unanimous vote?

I think they got some classified info we didn’t

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