Trump Told Pence Certifying Election Would Be ‘Career Killer,’ Valet Testified

In the valet’s account, laid out in a transcript obtained by The New York Times, an agitated Mr. Trump pressured Mr. Pence to overturn the election and stewed about Mr. Pence’s refusal for hours after violence engulfed Congress. Told that a civilian had been shot outside the House chamber amid the mob attack, he recalled, Mr. Trump appeared unconcerned.

“I just remember seeing it in front of him,” the valet said of a note card Mr. Trump was given bearing news of the casualty as he watched the riot unfold on television. “I don’t remember how it got there or whatever. But there was no, like, reaction.”


Jokes on Trump, being Mike Pence is already a ‘Career Killer’.


If they had gone further with the coup, it would have been life ending for him. Sounds like he came out ahead.

mozz, avatar

IDK, Pence has his gig with the Heritage Foundation at least. Trump as far as I can tell may actually need the president salary to live on, if he winds up declaring bankruptcy.

wagesj45, avatar

Well Trump wasn't wrong. Pence is cooked in politics as long as the MAGA crowd run the Republican party, which I think they will for the foreseeable future. I'm sure he'll find some kind of consulting gig or maybe a podcast or radio show that panders to the ultra religious evangelicals or something, but I can't imagine him getting elected anywhere for now.


All Pence had to do was go on the Sunday morning political shows and say that Biden had won and that there was no way that the Congress would do anything except put Biden in office.

Instead he put his family in danger because he didn’t want to be seen as disloyal to a man who despised him



Trump was not wrong that his career with republicans was basically ended. However, Pence was ideally setup to end Trump’s career. Had he testified in the impeachment hearing, it would have been DAMN hard for the republicans to spin that as “Oh, opsie, this was just a little crimin’”

Instead, the dipshit thought he’d be loved enough to get a presidential nomination this year (TF?!?!). He’s a moron.


I always think of Pence as Renfield to Trump’s Dracula. A worm serving a snake.

jordanlund, avatar
ArtVandelay, avatar

Damn now that’s the perfect description right there


Pence wishes he looked that good.


I bet mother won’t let him do that


I mean, whatever he did or didn’t do, he’s a “conservative”. Don’t expect them to grow a spine…


They have no problem declaring a war; or sending kids to school with a bulletproof backpack; or making a 10 year old have a baby, but don’t expect them to have to deal with consequences.

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