@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar



Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.

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@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

I know it's pandering to my millennial nostalgia, but they're doing it so well.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

You'll have to forgive me, as I haven't tested this personally on Linux yet, but this webcam is a USB 3 device and doesn't have any special drivers. It should work plug-n-play.

The reason I bring it to your attention is that it has a nice physical lens for focusing, aperture, and zoom; all separate. It's 4k 30 fps and I can confirm that the picture is really nice.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Would this work


or would I have problems

Also yes.

I used to do this backing up my "servers". By that I mean some Raspberry Pis and random old PCs running Debian. I even did so successfully when needing to restore the images. But it was fragile and also failed at times, sometimes to great inconvenience when it was a machine serving something important.

I've since moved to a different backup strategy for servers, but if I were to do this with a bare-metal machine I want to preserve, I'd use something like Clonezilla. The maintainers of that project know a whole heck of a lot more than I do of the ins and outs of disk management, backup, and restoration than I do with my simple dd commands. If it is something you're just wanting to do for fun and experience, dd can work. If you're concerned with the security of your data/image, I'd use Clonezilla.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

I don't know off the top of my head. I think that Clonezilla can modify images in such a way as they can be booted on a different type of device. My knowledge of the black magic of boot sectors and partition stuff is lacking. Also, you'd have to make sure the motherboard/BIOS is properly configured for reading the device in the same way that the original device was read. UEFI/BIOS stuff can be a pain in the ass to get right.

So my short answer is probably, but I wouldn't be able to walk you through something like that. Wish I could be more helpful.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

The investors that matter, probably. I have little doubt it will be the "little guy" who has a 401k with Boeing investments that takes the hit. The C-suite executives will have golden parachutes, and anyone powerful/rich enough will either insider trade it away or get bailed out.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Don't we provide all the weapons? We could definitely stop doing that and at least force Israel to find another source for weaponry if they insist on continuing.

wagesj45, (edited )
@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

figured better to not bother than to “um, akchually” this one

gonna get the internet police sicked on you for sure.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Very disappointing. This is a politics group, not a news group. Politics is entirely about opinion and views on how to operate society. This is exactly the place for someone to post content that aligns with their political, moral, and philosophical views, even if that doesn't align with your own. There is no such thing as a neutral observer in politics, and trying to force it just biases this group toward what the moderators view as "neutral" through their own biases. While bad faith posting (spam, etc) is a concern, it needs to be clearly defined and distinguished from simply expressing strong political opinions. Silencing voices for perceived bias undermines the purpose of political discussion.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

"Both good and bad news about Biden is out there. I prefer to share the bad news. But you know that already." (Emphasis mine)

I cannot see how that is an admission of bad faith (or dishonest as the mod said in the original post) in any fair interpretation. Unless you are defining "bad faith" as "something I disagree with" or "something that hurts my argument".

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Plenty of non-white people here that aren't immigrants that are having children.

wagesj45, (edited )
@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Where is everyone calling you a Russian shill now, @return2ozma? LOL

edit: My point is that people only give @return2ozma shit when he post's anything mildly critical of Biden, but not when he posts anything else. Wasn't calling him a Russian shill.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Probably his own indifference. He clearly has no morals, and he'll be surrounded by even more comically evil villains, but I suspect they'll have a problem getting him to care about their pet evil plans. If it isn't making him money or jerking off his ego, he seems to have, traditionally at least, not cared.

Biden says ICC move on arrest warrants for Israeli leaders "outrageous" (www.reuters.com)

WASHINGTON, May 20 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday slammed the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling the move “outrageous”....

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Literally the meme where he's asking if he might be wrong, but decides that no, the it's everyone else that is wrong.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

I'm still salty that we never got a proper sequel to the original Prey.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar


House Approves $95 Billion Aid Bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan (www.nytimes.com)

The House voted resoundingly on Saturday to approve $95 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as Speaker Mike Johnson put his job on the line to advance the long-stalled aid package by marshaling support from mainstream Republicans and Democrats....

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

And I suspect a non-trivial number of young voters are going to be disappointed and less motivated to get out and vote. If democracy and Western Liberalism™ really is on the ballot this year, Biden and the democrats need to be a lot more careful about alienating voters.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Usually any ideological overlap I have with the GOP is made in bath faith on their part. That, or the reason they arrive at the "right" conclusion involves reasoning much different than my own.

But hey, sometimes you just gotta take the win in life.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

I don't give a shit what fascists do. If you give in to them, they'll "appropriate" everything you love. Don't give in to them.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Racism trumps self interest, it seems.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Honestly it isn't looking good for any of us.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Because his lawyer said that he was allowed to do it lol.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Got himself stuck between a rock and a hard place.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

The RNC and conservatives in general haven't done a single thing for as long as I've been alive that hasn't raised alarms.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

This is something I've been shouting from the rooftops every time people online cheer on the idea of "cracking down" on hate speech. It eventually will be used against you because some dipshits will redefine what "hateful" means.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar


@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

I'm talking about the state, not whatever it is you choose to do in your personal capacity. I don't care what you call me. I care if the state labels me something that they can jail me for. This article is about the state labeling pro-Palestine solidarity as extremist. I can't speak for you, but I don't think that the state should have the right to quell that speech. If you do, then I think we have fundamentally different philosophies.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

I'm not convinced he actually read them. Seems to not be his "thing".

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Should probably disable PHP and HTML as well. I know Facebook uses both.

Trump Told Pence Certifying Election Would Be ‘Career Killer,’ Valet Testified (www.nytimes.com)

In the valet’s account, laid out in a transcript obtained by The New York Times, an agitated Mr. Trump pressured Mr. Pence to overturn the election and stewed about Mr. Pence’s refusal for hours after violence engulfed Congress. Told that a civilian had been shot outside the House chamber amid the mob attack, he recalled,...

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

Well Trump wasn't wrong. Pence is cooked in politics as long as the MAGA crowd run the Republican party, which I think they will for the foreseeable future. I'm sure he'll find some kind of consulting gig or maybe a podcast or radio show that panders to the ultra religious evangelicals or something, but I can't imagine him getting elected anywhere for now.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

He fell ass-backward into a good idea.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

You'd rather stay ignorant in your Biden bubble and not know that he's doing really bad across most demographics?

Absolutely this is the case. A lot of democrats are going to think that they've got this in the bag because "Trump is worse!" They're want to live in echo chambers and think that Biden is doing great because the other option is too scary for them to admit to themselves. And anyone that prods that cognitive dissonance will be yelled at and shouted down with cries of "Russian bot" and "You're helping the fascists".

Meanwhile, Trump republicans and "normal" republicans (is there such a thing now?) are all rallying behind their God King, and everyone "in the middle" (i.e. uninformed people that don't keep up with the news, and what they do know is surface level at best) just sees a doddering old grandpa vs a charismatic flimflam salesman.

I want to enthusiastically support Biden. It would be great if he were earning my support. But his behavior and campaigning are forcing me to merely reluctantly hold my nose to vote for him.

@wagesj45@kbin.run avatar

When I was in middle school the girl I was crushing on and went on proto-dates with had a dad that was a political science teacher for the high school. He asked me my political leanings and I said "conservative" and my only reasoning was that I didn't dress "weird" or dye my hair.

I think about that a lot and I don't even know why.

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