Trump’s super PAC has helped foot his legal bills. That might end soon.

A PAC controlled by former President Donald Trump that has devoted tens of millions of dollars to his and his allies’ legal bills could be running out of cash after spending nearly $3.7 million on legal fees in March.

Save America, Trump’s leadership PAC, has now spent $59.5 million on legal consulting since the start of 2023. It also incurred $886,000 in new legal debt in March, according to a report filed with the Federal Election Commission late Saturday. More than $1.1 million of its March spending went toward two firms representing Trump in his New York criminal hush money trial.

The total spent on legal expenses for Save America was almost as much as Trump’s campaign committee in the month of March, highlighting how legal troubles have sucked up the cash of his political operation. Trump’s official campaign committee spent just over $3.7 million in March, with travel expenses, followed by payroll, occupying its biggest expenditure categories.


Hopefully, all moneys sent to the GOP for any candidate for any office ends up paying for Trump’s legal bills.


Oh please happen before election.



Let’s hope no Russia bail out.


I want China to bail them out… I really want to watch their flock of morons try to reconcile “china good” with the last 10 years of rhetoric.


What about the last 10 years would make you think that logic will be an effective way to expose their hypocrisy?


I was amazed that Trump’s Truth Media tanked as badly as it did. I figured some mysterious figures would be happy to inject a few billions into his coffers.

FenrirIII, avatar

And the idiotic masses will still obediently vote for the person with an ‘R’ next to their name. The tribalism and propaganda has brainwashed like 40% of the population into blindly trusting Republicans.


i wonder how many lawyers, in total, are currently representing Trump in his various legal proceedings. Does anyone have a tally? Does Trump, himself, even know?


He goes through them so fast it’s hard to keep track.


i don’t know how that could possibly look good on a resume


Given the ridiculous numbers thrown around I have to believe it’s a kickback scheme for Trump.

Trump takes $50 million in PAC money. Trump pays $50 million to Trump lawyers Inc of which Trump owns 90%. Lawyers get paid $5 million, Trump pockets $45 million.


You forgot the part where Trump reneges on paying the lawyer that $5 million, forcing that lawyer to spend his own money to sue Trump as Trump finds another lawyer to string along and defend him, until it’s time to turn his back on that lawyer, and so on…


The shoes and bibles didn’t work? Time to open up a casino. No one ever lost money owning a casino.


In Trump’s defense (not really), his casinos were likely just laundering money.


The way this article is written really annoys me. The headline talks about a super PAC, but it begins talking about Trump’s PAC. “Super PAC” is a specific term referring to organizations that are not allowed to directly coordinate with campaigns (and they can have large, anonymous donations, which is where a lot of the “dark money” in politics comes from).

Here’s the actual meat the headline is referring to:

Save America, Trump’s leadership PAC, was able to stay in the black in March due to another $5 million refund in March from Make America Great Again Inc., the Trump-backing super PAC. The super PAC has transferred $5 million to the leadership PAC each month going back to last July, with less regular transfers before then.

The leadership PAC initially seeded the super PAC with $60 million before he announced his candidacy. Now, MAGA Inc. can only send $2.75 million more back to Save America, raising questions about whether Save America will continue to be the vehicle to fund legal bills in several cases linked to Trump.

Basically, the only reason that the super PAC is involved with paying for Trump’s legal bills in the first place is because Trump’s PAC is paying for the legal bills, and the super PAC is returning the “startup loan” that was given to them originally.

The point is, the well is drying up fast and Trump’s PAC is going to be out of money real soon, and he’ll have to rely on super PACs to campaign for him entirely.


Wasn't he charging to use his plane? I bet most of the "travel" expenses went to his plane and his hotels.

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