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I guess they’re over hating Alec Baldwin…



Still, tho, I hope he gets a fair trial. It seems unfair that he should be held accountable for a mistake made by somebody else.


Even if

And I’m gonna stop right there. Your absurd, ridiculous, imaginary hypothetical has no meeting here. You are wrong, and if you cannot accept that you are wrong, I will always be here to keep telling you that you are wrong.

Your inability to deal with your own faults is a character flaw within yourself. That is not my responsibility to deal with, it is yours.

You will give up and stop commenting, or I will keep replying to you and telling you all of the way you are terribly terribly wrong.

You are doing this to yourself


The only bold thing here is your presumption that I bare any responsibility for your mental illness.

Get your shit together


Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery. Congratulations.


So, when you have no rational argument, you throw around lies and false accusations.

How does that usually work out for you?


I’m not sure

And that’s where you let your delusion take hold. See… you made up a fantasy world in which you invented a situation that didn’t exists but in which I was wrong in a way you could rationally counterargue— but this was only a fantasy.

In reality, you’re just a troll.

Take your seething rage back to Reddit. They love irrational trolls there. You might even get paid by Trump!


When you come down from your drug trip, let me know what you took. Clearly you had quite an extraordinary time.

gregorum, (edited )

Kira, Laas, and the Female Changeling would assert otherwise…

And considering that he linked with just about any Changeling he met (including, literally, all of them at once), I believe the best assessment of Odo is that he’s pansexual.


I am neither trans, nor would I ever presume to speak on behalf of trans people. The reason I posted this is because, over the years, this specific meme has been presented repeatedly as evidence that Klingons are excepting of trans folx.

As such, I think it’s safe to assume that, yes, it carries meaning of (at least some) importance.

In that, I hope my own presentation here is thusly interpreted as an expression of goodwill.


Of course, sure. Sorry, I just wanted to clarify my motivation for posting, not to pre-empt anyone else from sharing!


Awww ❤️

Except for the stan I seem to have picked up. Downvotes everything of mine. Given the posts/comments they dont hit, I suspect they’re on either or hexbear based on a pattern analysis of which instances I post in and which instances are defederated from them.


We never witnessed him change or express different genders himself.


Whatever they identify as. Who are you to question that?


you’re hallucinating. My name isn’t “Jimmy.” Try sobering up before you comment.

You may be fine with ignorance and bigotry. I will call it out when I see it.

If you don’t like that, leave.


Probably. I also believe that they would truly honor someone who went through a difficult, painful journey in order to realize - and become - who they really are.


Some day, we’ll get a Trek series that treats LGBTQ folx as people rather than set-pieces, and, perhaps, we will hear those songs…


It is. Dax was at one point in male when Kor met him then Dax got a new host that was female, and Kor, without hesitation, accepted her.

It may have been a bit oblique (it was the mid-90s), but this is the essence of accepting trans folk: accepting people for who they are, not your preconceptions of what they are.


Two different hosts— still Dax. Same 350+ years of memories and experiences… hardly a different person, just a new incarnation of that person in each host.


DAX was joined with the Jadzia for six years before she died. Surely a rich life, like that of Torias (1 1/2 years), but worthy and memorable nonetheless.

Ok, so, clearly you’ve never seen or heard of Star Trek before (if I’m wrong, I apologize), or you’d know and understand all of this, so I’ll explain:

Trill society has a subset who can be joined with Trill symbiots. These work/slug-like creatures can live for centuries, even longer. They “join” with the humanoid Trill and become a unified “person”, different and unique from either the host or symbiot which came before the Union.

So, once Dax (the symbiot) seperated from Curzon when he died and joined with Jadzia, was that a “new person”? Well… that’s debatable. Jadzia, the new host, was certainly changed, and Dax, the symbiot, certainly had some ”newness” to contend with. But… Jadzia was still Jadzia… plus Dax. It’s like having a new person, deeply nestled inside of your mind and soul. Does that, indeed, constitute a “new person”? Well… it would certainly demarcate many new and notable differences… but also much that remains the same.

It complicated. It’s not black-and-white, and it (probably) depends on individual experiences rather that a general rule.


I get where you’re coming from, but, anti-trans hate has been around for centuries. Probably longer.

Now, during the 90s, gay/lesbian advocacy was the big deal. And, honestly, the heteros got upsetteros over just that. So, trans issues were… well… unfairly delayed as an issue we all thought (at the time) should come after the mainstream could handle the simple idea of boys kissing in public without being immediately hate-crimed.

I’m on board with thinking that this was the wrong approach. There’s a little bit about this, but, I think we should’ve gone in a lot more fervently and headstrong, rather than pussyfooting around on, begging the bigots to like us, as we did at the time.

Nonetheless, here we are now.

And defining my age?

And I feel, when the dogs begin to smell her… will she smell alone?

gregorum, (edited )

Oh, no! The consequences of your actions!

Don’t blame me for that, lol

If you’re gonna be an awful psychotic nightmare, take it to Reddit. They love that there.

If you need to go on the Internet and make edgelord troll comments just to get hard, that’s also not my problem

When you come here to troll, you are entirely to blame for the consequences.

Don’t like it when people call you out for trolling? Then stop trolling.

Again, 100% your fault. The consequences of your actions do not constitute a state of victimhood.


Sincerely, who do you think you are speaking to?

Childish trolls with no self-control

Why do you feel the need to be an unmitigated jerk?

Just stop. It’s very easy. All you have to do is nothing.


How in the fuck

Ok, you’re clearly having an eye-popping, rage-reaction and aren’t rational. As such, I’m - quite rationally - ignoring every ridiculous thing you’ve said and hoping that a mental health professional can stabilize you.

May the fire in your mind light the path to your recovery.

Best of luck!


Oh joy. I’m saved by your magnamity.

There’s nothing magnanimous about pointing out your mental illness nor being gracious in the face of it. That’s just being decent.

I suggest you also be decent by dropping this ridiculous line of Irrationality that you seem committed to.


“No u!”

An argument that is the last recourse of the desperate.

Best wishes to your family and friends. I know how difficult it can be to deal with someone as disturbed as you.

I hope you live somewhere that provides free healthcare.

gregorum, (edited )

Well, when they only exist to die for plot points and their only character developent exists to service the convenience of the moment— yeah, clearly these characters are only important as a matter of plot convenience, not as actual people.

It’s cheap, shitty, and shallow. And if you don’t see that for what it is, I feel very bad for you. but I feel worse for all of the LGBTQ audience members who are fooled into thinking that this is progress. It’s fucking trash.

Trek has only evolved from “lgbtq people are invisible” to “lgbtq people are expendable for the sake of ratings”

They only acknowledge us to murder us horribly in order to yank tears.



Go gaslight someone else. I’m not as stupid as apparently you are.


Oh, so it’s gonna make up for 60 years of shitting on queer people as long as Seven gets her own command.

Thanks for clearing that up


Go take your insecurities out on someone else.


Also, Worf’s great-grandfather, Colonel Worf, who defended Kirk and McCoy when on trial in ST:VI!


Tantrums and insults do not a cogent argument make.


Change your diaper. I can smell it from here.


Then you shouldn’t project so much.

Or stop the childish name-calling just because someone presents facts that give you the BiG mAd.

President Biden has been absolute garbage towards the LGBTQ community during his term. That’s a fact.


More conservative projection.


Oh, look, you’re also a liar


I don’t care if it makes sense to you, and honestly, that doesn’t matter. You came in hot, invalidating my experiences, and the things I have seen with my own eyes, basically calling me a liar. and unless you were there, by my side at that moment, you cannot fucking say that. Because you don’t fucking know.

Check yourself


I think you’re projecting

No, you’re just blaming me for your inability to consider another point of view that may in fact be better supported by the evidence than your own.

That’s just called denial. Don’t blame me for your own ability to cope with the reality of the situation. That’s on you.


Weren’t you just criticizing someone for invalidating your experiences?

No, that’s what you’re doing. Hypocrite.

What I was doing is calling out obvious, self-serving bullshit that has no evidentiary basis. I am not to blame if you are in capable of differentiating those two things. The pain you feel from such mental gymnastics? That’s an indication that you’re doing something unfit and wrong.

Take your irrational anger out on someone else. Start with those who are the blame, not just who is in front of you. That’s what children do.


Would you be willing

I’m not interested in indulging your hallucinations or drug induced hypotheticals. I Live it here, today. And if you’re not willing (or capable of) to deal with reality, then you clearly are not capable of having a rational conversation.

Let me know when you’re out of rehab


You should take your own advice

You’re the one who came here, with your crybaby tantrums, and spread your dirty diaper mess all over a rational conversation. Don’t blame me for your actions.

I am not to blame for your mental illness. If you cannot exercise enough self-control to keep your mouth shut, I am not responsible for that.

But I will forever be here to dish out the consequences.


You should take your own advice

You’re the one who came here, with your crybaby tantrums, and spread your dirty diaper mess all over a rational conversation. Don’t blame me for your actions.

I am not to blame for your mental illness. If you cannot exercise enough self-control to keep your mouth shut, I am not responsible for that.

As such, it is your choice to reply with whatever delusional hallucinations you can muster, and I’ll respond by reminding you as such.

You started this thinking you could “win “some thing. I will end this, ensuring that you will learn a new definition of losing.


I’m sorry this may be the first time that someone finally stood up to you and told you that you’re bat shit fucking insane, but this is actually quite a normal reaction to the type of person you are, and the things you said.

If you wish to continue your behavior, expect more of this. I certainly am not going to stop calling you out.

Lmao at you blaming me for your actions. Wow

YOU choose to stop with your lies and hallucinations. YOU choose to stop replying with your mentally-ill suppositions. YOU alone are responsible for you actions.

And I will continue to hold you to account until you stop. Don’t like it?



You’re the one

Your obsessive compulsion to keep digging in to an argument you lost hours ago is your fault, not mine

And I will continue pointing out this absurd, childish mistake, every time you stupidly reply.

You lost this argument, the moment you commented. Every comment you make henceforth is just a piteous plea for both attention, and your own redemption, neither of which will ever come

gregorum, (edited )

It always strikes me a strange that mods, like you don’t consider the incessant trolling to be incivil, only the self-defense to be incivil.

How much victim blaming can you stomach before you acknowledge you’re a disgusting hypocrite?

You are a vile piece of fucking shit.

gregorum, (edited )

The only incivility is your blaming victims for defending themselves. And for that, your hypocrisy is glaringly, obvious, you massive piece of fucking shit.

How do you even live with yourself?

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