
It’s the alarm that’s wrong, keeping you in an unnatural corporate rhythm. Be free, return to birb, nap whenever.


that horn stab slaps


Robins and house wrens.


You see, they are not announcing the sun is back, they’re essentially screaming “I wanna fuck, anyone down?”


But when I do it suddenly I need to wear a disguise for the bouncer to let me in again


Nice before the sunny rain


What’s that?


Suddenly the walls fell



@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Have you tried spreading your arms, inflating your throat, and dancing around as you yell it, though?

@Bishma@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

What I do is wake up an hour before my alarm, say “that’s a ok amount of sleep time left.” Then, because I’m anticipating the alarm now, I wake up 10 minutes after that. Then 10 minutes after that. Then 10 minutes after that…

@tallricefarmer@sopuli.xyz avatar

there used to be a mockingbird that would sing in the early hours of the morning right outside my window. a couole nights i ran outside with a broom slapping the branches of the tree it was in to drive it off




I’ve purchased a fan for white noise and it works like a charm almost all the time :) I got used to having it going within a single night and now it seems to be a signal to my brain that it’s bedtime.


I love my sound machine and agree. A bit of nice white noise in a cool dark room and I'm out in a few minutes.


Did I read something about the silence earplugs offering not being ideal for sleeping over the long term?

Course if so may well be outweighed by consequences of interrupted sleep


It gives me anxiety feeling a sense I’m used to ‘input’ from go numb like that, i dunno how people do it.


It’s like a sensory deprivation tank for your bed.


That does make it sound cooler


Why didn’t they just kick Q out the airlock? That’s what the SGC did, worked a charm


Q doesn't just have powerful fake-god-like powers, he has actual god-level powers. He can simply decide to be totally unaffected by a simple pull of a vacuum. He'd laugh at your attempt while standing there stationary


He literally teleported the entire Enterprise across the galaxy with the snap of his fingers (or what ever it was, it’s been ages), waved to the borg, and went back. He might go out the airlock just to wave at you from outside to mock you before teleporting back in.

Though he did have a penchant for theatrics, so he’d probably send the captain out the airlock instead, literally let him die in front of the crew, and bring him back aware of the experience (at least early Q, before humans grew on him)…


As others have said, Q is an extra-dimensional being, airlocks and the ship and the vacuum of space only exist to him as a concept. There's not really anything any human could do to harm him; they're not our gods but the Continuum definitely has god-like powers and there's only a handful of species on-par with them.

@ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The fucking gulls nest on my roof kills me every morning. Pretty birds but dang do they like to yell.

I always assumed that Q opens with French with Picard because Picard is French. Although the close proximity of Spain to France, and the general similarity of romance languages, I agree, the Spanish would have worked better.


Weren't the French eradicated or something in their version of WW3 and whatever was left were just descendants going back to rebuild?
Or am I remembering it wrong?


All nations were eradicated.

People still kept language.

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