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Russia has been conducting strikes for over a year inside of Ukraine. It’s only fair that Ukraine can conduct strikes inside of Russia. Putin has done more to strengthen NATO than any other country’s leader in decades.


Everything the Republicans do is projection. One of the purest forms of “Rules For Thee but Not for Me”.


“an evergreen game in a sandbox platform, with an existing fan base, in which participants play a game that builds cognitive resilience to authoritarianism and promotes democratic norms and values.”

Already done, Helldivers 2.


That’s pretty much the joke, we don’t have democracy in the US.


They had an opportunity to make Fallout 5, but instead they chose this. It’s been 9 years Bethesda, 9 YEARS.


The way she speaks it’s like her words have no meaning. Nonsensical bullshit woman.


She is a part of the reason we got Trump in the first place. Could have had Sanders. The Democrat party is not all “good” in reality, and a growing part of me is starting to think they play into the Republican party’s hands.


This is also very likely due to older people seeing gaming as an affordable and enjoyable hobby, which would raise the average age. Gaming is the most accessible it has ever been, so it’d make sense.


It’s really simple. They realized they could make more money by never releasing it. That realization has made them more money than the vast majority of game studios. It’s a glorified ship showcase simulator, that’s about it, not really a game. If they set a release date they’d reduce the amount of money they make, why would they do that?


Hm, strange. I wonder if there’s anything we can do about it?


I’m done assessing whether I’m voting for Biden in November, that’s for sure. Bring on the orange man, so be it.


So, in other words, you want the Palestinians to just die, huh?

No, I don’t. Biden isn’t doing anything to stop it anyway. I want something to vote FOR rather than just voting against something I don’t want. Biden is not earning my vote right now.


We cannot make progress while still so many accept the situation. This system will not allow change while the electoral college still exists. We need ranked choice voting and popular vote. Voting for Biden did not prevent Palestinians from dying, clearly. I’ll never forget that we could have had Bernie Sanders as president, and we missed that opportunity due to greed.


Pretty stupid to compare a sedan and an SUV. Not a good way to get people to see your point.


Good news, I’m glad Minnesota is doing well. Banning books is for losers. Freedom of information must be kept strong.


Fuck that title. No such thing as too many solar panels. The only thing that is bad is how the energy is used or if it’s wasted. Free energy should mean algae production which would mean carbon negativity. Negative energy price should mean negative carbon emissions, get on it.


Do you mean that energy having no cost would mean that the electricity generated can be used to make algae?

Yes. Make algae with energy that produces no carbon dioxide = carbon sink.


Turn excess electricity back into heat and light.

Input heat, light, water, air, and nutrients.

Output oxygen and carbon (algae biomass).


This is a part of the beginning of it. Centralization results in layoffs and worse products. This is why we have antitrust laws, now they go unenforced because of corruption. AI is going to replace a lot of jobs and we’re going to get shittier products while the winning corporations continue to make more money. Winner take all system is bad for everyone.


If we get another 4 years of Trump, at least we’ll know why. The system just needs less people to vote for Trump to win. If we get another 4 years of Trump it’s going to be Biden’s fault, not mine.


You can’t judge PC gaming by cherry picking shit releases. I could easily make the argument that it’s the absolute best time for PC gaming.


GPUs are obscenely expensive

If you wrote this about 2 years ago I’d agree, but since then have crashed in price. You can get a 4060 for about $300 now.

a lot of game studios

I’d agree if you wrote “some AAA game studios”.


Old white career politician celebrates black leadership while cannabis is still federally illegal and is about to send more money to Israel.


The pivotal moment in American history was at some point in the 1970s. We’re experiencing the effects of bad decisions made 50 years ago. Sanders winning in 2016 was our last chance. Biden will never be a progressive. We need our votes to actually matter. We need ranked choice voting or STAR voting, and we need to end the electoral college, popular vote now. I’m cynical at this point. I’ve accepted the idea that things will need to get worse before meaningful change occurs, which has been happening regardless of what I believe anyway.


Is this a joke? He won without the popular vote in 2016, that already happened.


Ugh, as if we don’t have enough of this kind of game already. SMITE 2 and Marvel Rivals are coming soon. Valve for fucks sake, look at how well Half Life: Alyx did. I seriously hope they’re working on a future Half Life game or some new story driven style game at the very least. I’m calling it now, Deadlock is going to be another Artifact.


North Korea is such a let down for humanity, a sad disappointment. They’d be so much better off if they worked together with the world. I firmly believe the US military has a complete view of their imports/exports through spy satellites.


Whataboutism. Comparing the situation between Israel and Palestine to North Korea isn’t smart. And you say what “we’ve” done to Palestinians, I haven’t done anything to them, I didn’t vote for any of that shit.


Another step closer to getting an orange criminal as president from 2025 to 2029. What an absurd joke. Don’t make the majority feel like their voice isn’t being heard for too long, it’s never a good idea to do that.


Nah. There’s no way the orange man would get more than 4 years. If he tried, we would see a nation wide shut down, the riots would be beyond anything we’ve ever seen in this country. The people with money know they wouldn’t make more money trying that, so it won’t happen. Biden is already helping them enough.


Oh no she said a bad word… STOP ALL MONEY & WEAPONS TO ISRAEL


I tried switching to Wayland on Mint, it did not go well. Unfortunately I do not care to follow an hour long guide to figure out how to get it to run games properly.


Just move the factory to China. 🤡

Where are these protesters against all the coal power plants in Germany? Probably enjoying the warmth of their cozy houses in winter.


You nailed it with this comment, I agree completely. We have the technology, we’ve HAD the technology to solve the problem, and we’ve KNOWN what the problem is for a long time now. We have GREEDY fucks in high positions of power who wouldn’t make any money solving it though, that’s the problem.

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms (www.theguardian.com)

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....


Good, then let them fight with their fingernails. STOP ALL MONEY & WEAPONS TO ISRAEL.


Upvoted because I’m happy you’re right. Biden will lose to the orange criminal if he doesn’t stand up and stop money and weapons to Israel. America is fucked if it keeps supporting Israel.


Trump won without the popular vote. He won Michigan by ~10,000 votes in 2016. I’m not the one who decided this system, but this system doesn’t give a shit about the majority. It doesn’t take much to sway the balance.


Why is there a “but” in your statement? You’re effectively agreeing with my sentiment. The Democrats will indeed always lose without the majority.

Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants (english.elpais.com)

Europeans view immigration with increasing suspicion. Seven out of 10 Europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants, according to a survey carried out by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE and which EL PAÍS has participated in, as part of the countdown to...


Immigration is all about cheap labor. In the US there’s a reason why so many seasonal workers come in illegally. It’s because it’s cheaper for the agricultural overlords and they make greater profits needing to pay undocumented workers less. Remember the money, it’s always about the money.


The corporations want us to be xenophobic, they want us to hate “illegal aliens” for “stealing our jobs” because it allows them to continue to profit at record levels.


It is fueled by racism, that’s what I wrote in my original comment, the agricultural overlords want us to be xenophobic. The wealthy don’t want us to recognize the benefits of making temporary work visas easier to obtain because it would cost them more money.


I agree, let’s end subsidies for the industries that are fucking up the climate. Fuck all the weak snowflakes who don’t want to change their meat consumption. How hard is it to not eat beef? Not hard, people are just weak. So hit them in the wallet then, if that’s what it takes.


He should have resigned and endorsed someone who shared the same platform. He’s going to be 88 years old when he finishes his next term for fucks sake. We need term limits for congress ASAP (for both sides for whoever thinks this is a partisan issue, just don’t bother).


LOL this isn’t going to last much longer. It’s like comedy at this point, what a trend. The system will break before they’re taxed appropriately.


So what do you see changing any time in the near future regarding this issue?


AI and robotics are here, more people are seeing their futures stolen. If by “pretty much forever” you mean “about 5-10 years” then I agree. I said the system will break, I didn’t say I see them changing course.


Thankfully electric vehicles are becoming cheaper then ICE vehicles which is a very good sign that we don’t need as many rare earth metals. Unfortunately for renewable technology we still need rare earth metals, and they need to be mined using fossil fuels first. That’s the stage we’re at right now. We still need to get much better at recycling which I believe we will.


Oh and anyone that says electric vehicles are worse for the environment than ICE vehicles are idiots and shills. ICE vehicles also rely on rare earth metals and produce significant air pollution.

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