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I’m not a comic book guy, but I like superman movies. Who’s Mr. Terrific?


Fun fact:

In Dutch, two o’s make a long o sound. Dode. “oe” makes the “oo” sound.


They figured a way to fabricate their own. Like the shuttles.

Cagi, (edited )

They could do it in the shuttle bay, they wouldn’t need much more space than a finished shuttle takes up. We know they have shipboard replimats for larger things, I figure replicating and building standard shuttle models on long voyages has standardized procedures and steps like Lego instructions. You only need to replicate one piece at a time saving on space. Gotta replace your shuttles somehow on those 5 years missions and the nearest Starbase is months away.

B.C. blows past country with new construction in April 2024 (

Building permits issued B.C. in April 2024 totalled 3.13 billion – up $1.4 billion from March – and created a record-high 7,521 residential units — up almost 78 per cent compared to the previous month. Based on these figures, B.C. accounted for almost 28 per cent of all new residential units in the country in April....


Conservatives hate construction workers and tenants.

Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW?

Hi all! Long time Star Trek fan here with my first post. I’m gonna start out by saying that I promise I’m not a hater of Discovery at all. It just has done nothing for me and from what I read, has not made any changes that would have solved my personal issues with it. I’m fine with others liking it and honestly wish that I...

Cagi, (edited )

Yes. Not all of it, just the first 2 seasons. People saying no are forgetting Pike learning something about himself in Discovery is basically his prime motivator throughout SNW. It is a fundamental pillar of his character.

Spock has some important backstory in Disco as well. Good for general star trek edification but not necessary to enjoy spock as a character in SNW.


It is a bad, cheesy, non-trek song that we ironically called good for so long we actually started liking it for real.


I get Brian Adams vibes myself.


I really liked that! It accurately demonstrates that when you are building a new team, leadership roles are especially challenging to fill. It made it feel like a believable workplace.


Not an extra, extras don’t have lines, they are just animate props whose photos were picked from a pile. This is a bit part played by a real actor who auditioned.

Star Trek shows come in varying degrees of quality, but one thing that has remained consistently good is the casting of Amanda Grayson, Spock's mom.

She’s always this small, fair skinned dark featured woman, but more importantly is her strength and gentleness, and how they empower eachother. The subtleties are differently from series to series, but they’re all good portrayals of a complex, interesting character.


They really nail him, yeah. Nimoy had many female admirers but was not your typical handsome man. But his portrayals have been getting more and more traditionally sexy. I’m a straight dude, but only when it’s humans. 🖖🍑🥕

Cagi, (edited )

Their justification is that they need the PSN to moderate the community; right now they can’t ban anyone, and only didn’t launch with this requirement because it wasn’t ready. But now the temporary grace period is ending. You need to agree to terms and services by signing up for PSN, including PSN codes of conduct they enforce in every game. Without that, they can’t ban you for conduct you didn’t agree to.

The counter argument is that they didn’t make it clear enough that this was an eventuality, and that they could and should find alternate means to moderate their PC community that doesn’t exclude so many players.

I suspect this is more about policing third party monetization than community moderation.


I loved the original, anyone here have it on Epic that can tell me if I should buy this?


I liked Guy Caron. A socialist and an economist.


I don’t drive, I’m too poor to live anywhere well connected, and I’m disabled. So I rely on delivery and need my groceries to be as cheap as possible. That means No Frills. I buy from there or starve, I’m afraid. I’d be more inclined towards a guillotine based solution for Loblaws and Pattison anyway.


The pilot episode script was for a single episode about Farpoint, the suits decided it should be a 2 parter pretty late in the game. The writers tacked on the Q plot in a bit of a rush. I’m not a fan of the next Qpisode either, that one is just classic season 1 TNG badness, riffing too hard on classic trek before they found their own voice. His appearances get better and better.


Here in BC, wine is one of our biggest industries. Winter killed off 99% of our vines. They have been given money to replant and survive, but we might be looking at the end of a major industry if these cold snaps are going to be an annual thing. And it’s not like you can just replant and go on as normal, this will take multiple growing seasons to recover. These are some of the best spots for summer seasonal work and a big part of BC tourism, it could all evaporate.

Cagi, (edited )

The client software is the big one. ModDB has the others but is all but dead save for a few old titles. Vortex really did Nexus a lot of favours; it’s turned into a great program, making modding easy for non-techie users.

Cagi, (edited )

This must have been before my time. My generation was all about Café Des Rêves.


This is the transporter dilemma, too. Disintegrating people kills them. Making a long range replicator spit out an exact duplicate with all their memories doesn’t mean they’ve moved.


No because you didn’t disintegrate my brain. Being disintegrated is a catastrophic, fatal injury that destroys the body, not just an imperceptible change like naturally ageing by one second.

Cagi, (edited )

This is not true. 7 years is the average, but some cells are with you for life. Others a few months. When you die, you’ve likely only replaced about 40% of the cells in your heart, the rest have been with you since birth. Same for many regions of the brain.


The end result is an identical entity, certainly. But in-between, your matter is broken apart, converted into energy, reconverted back into matter before it becomes the same again. Becoming a data-stream, or a jumble of particles is a very different thing than being a corporeal biological being, and that’s the state the concerns me.


She is a billionaire in her own right, she doesn’t need to be paid off, she’s rich enough to do what she wants without consequences. Like blatantly break hate crime laws solely to flaunt her legal immunity.

The only billions that corrupted her were her own, but all they did was expose who she is deep down.

Cagi, (edited )

She can also do what she wants without social consequences. Trans allies don’t mind gifting her another few million here and there in royalties for spin off products like Hogwarts Legacy. She has outright said she feels justified on being a bigot because people keep making her richer, “allies” included. Allies are only allies when they don’t have to contend with even the most minor temptation.

Cagi, (edited )

Semantic point:

Your two points are the same thing. In the old vernacular, a woman is someone who was born with the outward appearance of a biological female.

Biological sexes aren’t transphobic to acknowledge, it’s just transphobic to insist biological sex match expressed gender. Gender is purely the socially constructed identity side of things, so saying the feminine gender is the same thing as saying the societal constructed norms often seem as female.


Spying on your nudes with their illegal stingray vans between beatings of the mentally ill. The VPD SOP.


Jadzia- the nerdy girl from Recess, Dax- Slurms Mackenzie.


If we end the practice of giving away billions in oil and gas subsidies in exchange for millions in royalties, we would increase our net taxes and fight climate change more than any other decision a Liberal or Conservative government could make. But they won’t ever make it.


Yeah, carbon capture subsidies are important yet unsurprisingly the smallest federal expense in oil and gas subsidies.


Honestly, especially games made by big, publicly traded companies. They make games based on marketing algorithms. Buying good games only improves the algorithm.

Cagi, (edited )

There’s lots of info on the Kickstarter page, but yes, each role will have lots to do. In the tech demo, there’s a tutorial where you start the ship up from a cold start to give you a taste of the engineering role. It takes a long time, you gotta start up the main reactor and distribute power. The ship has kilometers of pipes and wires that deliver power and resources around the ship, all of which need maintenance and repairs over time. When they go down, the components they supply go with them. Every role will have tasks, except passengers. Every role will be fillable by NPCs. If you want to be the lone head chef player on a ship of NPCs, go for it! Just pick the job that has the right amount of task time and type for you.

Landing on planets will be achieved by using shuttles, the big starship doesn’t land. I’m very excited about flying shuttles.

Combat is definitely going to be a thing, ship to ship as well as small arms, repelling boarders or boarding something else yourself. Ship to ship combat is lasers and railguns, nothing that requires storing explosive chemicals for munitions.

Other races will be procedurally generated, as will their attitudes. They might want to hug you and give you cool technology to use or they might shoot strangers on sight, or something in between. If LLMs get their training sources sorted, costs down, and are able to run locally within the game client, then alien races might have lots to say. But those are big ifs.

Essentially, the story is we’re humanity’s first long range exploration vessel. We’ve only ever been to alpha centauri, and that took a long time. Now we need to go out and explore. Players will have the option to share game databases, so while we are in our own games and locally hosted servers, we can explore the galaxy together like it was an MMO.

This game isn’t intended to be wall to wall excitement, this is going for a simulation, which means immersion, roleplaying, believability, and atmosphere are more important than constantly engaging in gameloops. It’s going to be more exciting than flying a jet liner in flight simulator, but this isn’t a very arcady experience. There is downtime, so I prefer bigger multiplayer servers to fill that time with hanging out or making our own emergent fun. That makes it more niche, not for everyone. But it is for me :).

Cagi, (edited )

The ship is really Star Trek looking, truly, but it’s getting replaced with a much less infringy looking one. We can all see this is the off brand version of the Star Trek game we wish we had, but they are very safe from a lawsuit. Once you get into it, you see enough of a difference that it’s riffing on Star Trek, certainly, but it’s still enough of its own thing. The new ship will really do this game a lot of favours in setting it apart instead of leaning into it.


They’re already almost half funded on day 1, so they’ll at least get their shot, which is always nice.

I don’t think they plan the same level of fidelity as other games, the character models and rigs are pretty basic, the bulk of it just building content like art for planets. Going from ship to planet in a shuttle, for example, will have a loading screen and it will load you into to a flat word that uses trickery to appear to have a curved horizon. Procedural generation of terrain and stuff is actually pretty easy these days, engines have it all ready to go.

So I’m fairly optimistic! We may not get every feature, but I do think we’ll see a 1.0 in a few years if funding keeps going this well.


Poor old girls. I do love them though. And the constellation. Two small elderly ladies full of character.

Cagi, (edited )

I’m just a fan, I just have been following it for a while. The dev is very active in their discord, does weekly livestreams, lots of the game ideas have been discussed, and these aren’t new questions. These are the same questions everyone asks, so I know the answer. You can see on their discord I’m just a fanboy if you search my username, same one I use here.


I’m also a windbag.

Cagi, (edited )

But games journalists are the most ethical and truthful of all journalists and definitely haven’t been misrepresenting this project to drum up drama and clicks for years. It’s just a coincidence that Star Citizen drama makes their shareholders richer.

No need for an informed opinion here, I will keep the opinion The Escapist and the Reddit Hive Mind told me to have, they’re never wrong. Derek Smart? More like Derek Genius.


Enough of what?


Because of multiculturslism though? Seeing people doing things their immigrant heritage passed down to them irritates you, they should be doing the things your immigrant heritage passed down to you instead?

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!


Look at the number of comments on posts about hating star citizen. If you were an unscrupulous gaming news company, generating Star Citizen drama equals clicks and money. Go watch the weekly Inside Star Citizen episodes or dev livestreams, read the massive monthly reports, use the dev tracker to communicate with one of their thousand employees on the forums. This is a game being made in good faith. How is a constantly growing playerbase and financial success somehow considered a sign this game is bad? How does spending that money on development , pushing out massive quarterly updates and inventing new gaming tech mean this project is dead? How does the most openly developed game out there mean they are clandestine fraudsters? It’s the shareholders of gaming news who are trustworthy here? Think critically, don’t just feed your initial reaction.


Even if a satisfactory product come out the other end, it’ll still be an internet legend.

No doubt on that score, lol.


Have you ever played it?


Phew. Poe’s law.

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