
I really like Prodigy.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I do too! I haven’t seen all of it yet, but the Kobiyashi Maru episode was amazing!


who knew you could beat the KM by going full chaos demon on it?

joel_feila, avatar

Picard should puncked Q. Pull a Sisko man, Q will get the message.


Where My Heart Will Take Me is actually an amazing theme song.


Strange New Worlds, the show that should have brought Star Trek back to it’s former glory is horrible and unwatchable. People that behave like teenagers, not professional Starfleet officers. And they made Spock an Emo kid.

KokusnussRitter, (edited )

I don’t get why the bringe of (at least Picard’s) Enterprise is located at the top of the ship. We often see ships suffering hull-damage, sometimes scraping each other and getting into all kinds of perilous situations. So why put the room with the most important people in such a vulnerable position when you could put it at the heart of the ship? Bridge would be less likely to suffer from hull damage and decompression. Also, why don’t enemy factions just go: Oh that’s the bridge. Jolly good. Aim torpedoes at it, watch their morale crumble to dust alongside the bridge crew and call it a day.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Not just the Enterprise-D. In fact, The Cage starts with a zoom from the outside of the ship into the bridge of the original 1701 at the top.


This may be apocryphal, but gene had originally planned for the bridge and subsequent space battles to reflect those of submarines - playing out entirely within closed rooms and getting feedback from sensors. This didn’t sit well with producers, who wanted windows and for kirk to look out directly at an enemy, hence the viewscreen and placement on top of the saucer section.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I’m okay with the candle

ummthatguy, avatar
_NetNomad, avatar

i never got where people thinking burnham is a mary sue comes from. the whole concept of her character is that she's a cowboy loose cannon without the competence to back it up. it's specifically a subversion of every time our hero breaks the rules and steals The Ship and it ends up being ok because they saved the day or stopped the big war or whatever. the series starts with her trying to do just that, bringing about what she wanted to prevent, and getting arrested for it!

ummthatguy, avatar
ininewcrow, avatar

If time travel is said to be impossible yet it is so easily achieved in so many story lines in Star Trek than why didn’t they just invent a safe way to travel between periods.

And if there is an eventual temporal war than everything gets destroyed and all life is wiped out in the galaxy. There would have eventually been an extremist group that would have taken the technology to it’s fullest limits and traveled back to a period when the galaxy was very young. They would have severely altered everything to the point of not making any future possible.

It always annoyed me that engineers, scientists and technicians could always find a way to travel back and forth through time “just this once because of this reason” … yet no one takes up the science to recreate the event and bake technology to purposely travel back and forth through time.

ummthatguy, avatar

How else do you explain Temporal Anomalies steering clear of Janeway (future/present/whenever) getting away with whatever? With exception to that incident with Sarah Silverman.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

just as long as we get to kill schopenhauer I’m in

ummthatguy, avatar

Well, you had me until Nietzsche. If only for the association of his rhetoric with the slog that was “The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoyevsky. As to the ongoing debate relating to each person’s influence may not be proven, I find it hard not to disassociate such a blathering tale with their mutual misguided ideals.


I think the shows have actually fielded this issue rather well. Temporal investigations was the start, then the timecops in Voyager and SNW. The Trek timeline is in a constant state of flux to the point that the TOS bridge and the SNW bridge are supposed to be the same place, and the fact that time travel is so easy is a great explanation for how everything in the 'past' and future keeps changing on the whims of producers at Paramount.

ummthatguy, avatar
spittingimage, avatar

There isn’t a single Trek time travel episode worth watching. Yes, including the DS9 tribbles episode.

FlyingSquid, avatar

What about ST IV or First Contact?

spittingimage, avatar

Hmm. I like both of those.

I’ll make an exception for the movies.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Fair enough.

Now someone coming in here saying they thought Star Trek IV was a terrible movie… flaming hot take!

sxan, avatar

First Contact was an amazing movie. It had flaws, but it succeeded for the first time (for me, at least) at translating the in-universe fear the characters had of the Borg to the audience. There’s a difference between routine invincibility and scary. Throughout TNG, the Borg were merely another overpowered threat enemy that you had to be tricksy to beat. But in FC, they were terrifying, and I think the production team did an outstanding job. At times, it was like watching the first Alien.

Impressed the heck out of me.


Does this include Q fucking w Picard?

spittingimage, avatar

Mmm… no.


I’m of the opinion that time travel stories are never good, at least when time travel is the focus rather than just an excuse to get to a fun setting.

Since time travel seems to be a physical impossibility, essentially any set of rules you create for it are just as valid/nonsensical. So you spend a bunch of time dealing with technobabble and paradox talk that has no hope of making sense outside of whatever the author needs for the story.


TNG is pretty meh. I grew up with it, I’ve watched every episode at least twice, but now that I’m as old as Patrick Steward was when TNG started, I have a hard time caring about most episodes.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I think this wins the award. Anyone want to challenge this one?


You have no idea how long I’ve been holding that hot take in.

sxan, avatar


JowlesMcGee, avatar

I've only seen a few episodes of TNG, but mine is Q is lame and unenjoyable. Maybe he gets better as the show goes on, but having the first episode involve him was a bad decision.


The pilot episode script was for a single episode about Farpoint, the suits decided it should be a 2 parter pretty late in the game. The writers tacked on the Q plot in a bit of a rush. I’m not a fan of the next Qpisode either, that one is just classic season 1 TNG badness, riffing too hard on classic trek before they found their own voice. His appearances get better and better.


TNG is one of my favorite shows of all time since I was a kid. I hate Q and Q episodes. And I hate that he is so important to the series.


The love the mythos of Q and I love John de Lancie’s portrayal of it.

And yet I hated every Q episode I ever watched and I’ll never watch them again.

Maybe it just works better as a thought experiment than sci-fi drama. 🤷


Q Civil War on Voy has always been my favorite. Suzie Plakson (and her hair) just overshadow everyone and everything else in that episode.


Au Contraire Mon Captian!


Making Sisko the Emissary added a lot of bad habits to Star Trek that went against a lot of the ideals of early Trek. Kirk and Picard were both supposed to be competent humans, but only that far. Sisko led to writers creating those whose paths were dictated by fate, like Archer and Pike.


I don’t know anything about Archer (what was his destiny thing?), but I like what they’ve done with Pike. His knowing how he’s going to die (more or less) doesn’t change his competency as a captain, imo, just gives him some pretty good personal issues to grapple with, in a pretty Trekkie way.


I tend to agree.

But I have always enjoyed the dual destiny - that time is irrelevant to the wormhole aliens, so Sisko is only destined to become the Emissary because of normal practical human choices that he was going to make anyway.

It’s fun to watch him wrestle with the way he was raised resulting in his actions turning into a kind of pillar of faith for an alien race.


Neelix and Kesssssss should have been shot out of a torpedo tube while still conscious before the end of Season 1.

Star Treck Disco was, is, and will always be a hot mess of spare parts boldly going nowhere.


Neelix and Kes should have been a father figure/orphaned little sister relationship. Neelix lost his sister in the metreon cascade. Kes lost her father not long before running away to the surface. Both should have played into those roles instead of the weird creepy relationship they went with. They wouldn't have needed to be shot out of a torpedo tube without Neelix's incessant jealously over every little thing.


Kes was a gross character whose entire appeal was fetishizing youth. Neelix and Kes was an even grosser relationship.

negativenull, avatar

Pulaski > Crusher

FlyingSquid, avatar

I am so with you on that.


My 2nd hot take in this comment section: I actually enjoy Star Trek V - The Final Frontier an awful lot. Roasting Marshmelons, singing Row Row Row Your Boat, being one with the horse, killing “God”… What’s not to like?


What’s not to like?

“I know this ship like the back of my hand.” bonk

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