
wiki-user: car

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The game is a mess. I watch my kid play it and it’s so less graceful than smash. Framerates randomly drop, lag spikes happen a few times a minute, hit boxes seem nebulous compared to attack animations.

You can use maybe a quarter of the roster for free. You may be able to unlock everybody from in game currency, but I’m not too sure. They also just… removed a character that wasn’t free. If I paid any money for premium content I’d be pissed


A+ game development right there. I don’t like how Nintendo runs their online services (and actively opposes game tournaments), but you wouldn’t expect such a change in Smash.


Beautiful music. Looks like a more interactive take on Stardew Valley

Tuberville’s Stupid Response to Trump Conviction: “This is a War” (

“People in our caucus… to me, they’re not really taking this as serious as we should,” Tuberville said. “American people need to wake up. This is a war; this is a war on our Constitutional rights, our constitutional republic. This is not as much about Donald Trump as it is about the people in this country.”...


An NRA sticker and thin blue line somewhere on your pickup truck whisks that pesky statute away


Thank you for reminding me this exists


The proportions on the person to the left


They could have just:

“We’ve received customer feedback on our repair process and are reviewing how we conduct operations. We appreciate your concerns and strive to provide excellent computer products with reliable and trustworthy service.”

Doubling down on shitty behavior is never good business.


I look forward to a Backblaze analysis in a few years.


The real Microsoft was the studios we shut down along the way

Car, (edited )

It’s interesting to see these posts in contrast with posts showing that debt is soaring and that young people aren’t saving for retirement.

If median millennial wealth has greatly improved, then it’s not necessarily a “rich vs average and poor” scenario, but more likely “rich and average vs poor.” Add to that surveys that most people aren’t saving and now the data doesn’t agree with what people are saying.


Exactly. It’s not rocket appliances


I hope games will be able to hit 60fps stable or offer some type of 40hz minimums for the higher refresh rate TVs.

Resolution is important, but if the games still perform like they do now, I’d be disappointed.

Trump’s McDonald’s bill is big, but its prices have ballooned (

Donald Trump’s appearance in criminal court on Monday has raised many questions, constitutional and otherwise, but on the evidence of the first day I find myself most curious about the former president’s McDonald’s order. During jury selection last week, the Daily Mail reported on a $700 (£560) McDonald’s order put in...


The gravy seals will be having the last laugh


Starting at five? That’s too progressive!

Kids these days don’t respect a one, a two , a one two three four.


Hard R, referencing the N word. Not sure the shop is part of the reference


I’m imagining the GruWithGun.jpg meme with this slogan and I think it might just work.


I think you need to re-read the linked thread. Nobody’s as extreme as you’re making them out to be.

The complaints are fairly level headed. I’ve seen worse in Amazon product reviews.


These are great tips. Can we adapt them to other industries? Maintaining information directly related to your employment is just so difficult and inconvenient at times.


But these won’t have the Nintendo Seal of Quality

Russian soldiers who quit Putin’s war get no hero’s welcome abroad as asylum claims surge (

The Associated Press spoke with five officers and one soldier who deserted the Russian military. All have criminal cases against them in Russia, where they face 10 years or more in prison. Each is waiting for a welcome from the West that has never arrived. Instead, all but one live in hiding.


There’s a difference between surrender and defection.

Soldiers who surrender are afforded protections and retain ties to their countries. After hostilities resolve or if a prisoner transfer is arranged, they return to their country and generally do not face punishment. At least according to Geneva conventions on lawful war. It’s rarely this simple and clean.

Soldiers who defect have few, if any, protections and are in a weird place with nationality. They are typically considered fugitives by their home countries and may or may not be able to travel internationally as they may also be stateless.


By your home country sure. They’d have to extradite you for that to happen. Russia doesn’t have that many friends, so defectors may be able to get away with it as long as they never enter a Russian-friendly state ever again


Countries aren’t too fond of assassinations on their own turf. Russia seems to do these things more than any other country (at least as reported in the news), but it’s still pretty rare.


Old owner loses it in a boating accident to avoid explaining gross negligence, new owner gets to practice filing off serial numbers. Tale as classic as time itself


Those were so much fun!

Hoping to get a flak cannon of infinity and stacking up attack speed and vampire was my go to strategy.

10/10 would lag pc to win again


More often than not that has been the case :)


This is a great example of good intention and awful execution.

Getting that label on a child’s toy should provide a parent with useful information. What’s the harmful chemical and where on the product is it located? Is it acid in the battery? Is it the grease between some moving parts that can end up in a kids mouth? Is it the paint on a high-wear surface?

Instead, we have labels that are on half of everything sold in stores with no easy way to find out what exactly manufacturers are referring to. It’s worthless.


I would have really loved playing this game on my Steamdeck but looks like the only way that’s happening is with some sprinkles of what Nintendo calls piracy


Looks eerily similar to Fortnite.

I’ll miss Timesplitters and those scenarios or whatever with almost impossible gold medal accomplishments. That and the music! Every other track was a banger


Imagine the feeling the straw begin to vibrate and get cold as liquid passes through your nose :(


Why should the interviewee assume that?

This could very well be a test to see if the applicant has an idea of how a project scales or how they need to interact with other departments or track down compliance information. It could also test the applicant’s ability to provide a sanity check to a boss’s idea before they pitch something that the team can’t actually do


My phone won’t let me arbitrarily transmit over its radios. My phone also won’t let me load custom forked firmware for even more control over its hardware functions which were barely locked down to begin with, but that’s more of a “choose the right tool for the job” kind of thing.


Ironically, there’s no easy way to block ads on a modern Apple device. You know, Google’s competition?


Yeah, I should have clarified IOS. Their phones and tablets are locked down with jailbreaks few and far between.

StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS (

While Blizzard is very much focussed on its big money-makers like its various Warcraft games, from WoW to Hearthstone to Warcraft Rumble, as well as Diablo and the much-maligned Overwatch 2, he’s still open to StarCraft making a comeback. That said, RTS fans shouldn’t get their hopes up. While the series might return, that...


I’d love for Blizzard to pursue a genuine passion project. Ask the Microsoft overlords for a few years to put out something not beholden to sales expectations or profit. They can devote a small team to make something that they want to while the rest of the company continues on with its soulless corporate entertainment fabricator to fund the creative projects. You need creative projects to keep the workforce engaged.

If nothing else, Activision Blizzard was seen as a greedy, profit-driven machine which continually pushed out semi-entertaining products with en emphasis on FOMO micro-transactions and monetization schemes. Blizzard is a shell of what it once was.

Let them get back to their roots. Let them focus on engagement and fun.


I remember being excited for Blizzard game expansions. They were so full of content


Packs of feral dogs seems like an unintentional gameplay feature, like nuke-happy Ghandi in Civ. They should really lean into it and offer some sort of science-based feral dog MMO


Thankfully it seems that encoding ads into the video stream is still too expensive for them to implement.

I’m assuming that asking CDNs to combine individualized ads with content and push the unique streams to hosts does not scale well.


This seems simple for one stream, but scale that up to how many unique streams that Youtube is servicing at any given second. 10k?

Google doesn’t own all of the hardware involved in this video serving process. They push videos to their local CDNs, which then push the videos to the end users. If we’re configuring streams on the fly with advertisements, we need to push the ads to the CDNs pushing out the content. They may already be collocated, but they may not. We need to factor in additional processing which costs time and money.

I can see this becoming an extremely ugly problem when you’re working with a decentralized service model like Youtube. Nothing is ever easy since they don’t own everything.


Can you post the image? I’m genuinely curious now, but I’m getting nothing shocking from google image search


I appreciate you doing the dirty work.

Who knew the Spyro community could compete with MLP and Sonic for… creative fanservice


It would be great if Sony would commit to its own creative endeavors.

The PSVR suite has some great potential, but outside of like… 3? first party games, it doesn’t have anything that you can’t find elsewhere. And for the titles that are available on other platforms, they tend to be updated more frequently or are otherwise more feature rich elsewhere. There’s a lot of power behind the platform, but almost nothing to use it for.

PSVR 2 is not compatible with PSVR1 from the PS4, so all of your accessories and games don’t carry over.

The newly updated Meta Quest 3 can run standalone or linked up to a computer. I don’t expect Sony to ever open up compatibility outside of its ecosystem, but history has shown that Sony is fine with abandoning ideas that don’t immediately print money.


I share your thoughts. Feels like for better or worse, this generation has exceedingly few true console exclusives. The Xbox ecosystem offers more sales in my corner of the world plus the option for gamepass if you’re so inclined, so it seems like a better value.

I finally picked up a PS5 on sale for a family holiday gift. I originally wanted to grab one for VR, but the longer I hold off, the more I’m seeing that it’s simply not a competitive package for that gaming space. I don’t have a gaming computer, so I’m limited to a few options, but for what my kids are interested in, a Quest 3 just offers more.

It’s kind of dumb. I want to spend my money on VR, but I don’t want to waste it. It’s a bit of a catch-22 where the ecosystem needs supporters now to grow, but people like myself don’t want to support it because it hasn’t grown (to meet the competition’s offerings, anyways)


I like their DLC policies.

The base game gets updated over a period of what, 10 years? Core gameplay mechanics which don’t work well or at least don’t make the developers happy are tweaked or revamped all the time. I only really play Stellaris, but the changes to the game throughout the years have kept things interesting.

The alternative is… not updating things which they don’t like? Perhaps that means mods never break, but then we’re shifting the onus of fixing the game to a third party, who can decide to quit whenever they want and let their (closed source) code deprecate. I’ve seen that kind of thing in Civ and I wasn’t a fan.

I guess with a studio that has demonstrated a pattern of long-term support for their games, this is what we get.

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