@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar



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@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

It’s only an Oxford comma if it’s from the region of Oxford. Otherwise it’s just sparkling interpunction.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

I think they’d nominate Newsom over Clinton tbh.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

For platformers you’re right, but for twin-stick shooters you’re using the shoulder buttons/triggers far more than the front buttons, and you are constantly using both sticks. And those happen to be fairly popular on PlayStation consoles.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

My point is more that the sides aren’t symmetrical, but for twin-stick shooters it makes more sense if they are (which they are for DualSense).

ChairmanMeow, (edited )
@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

It does require invasive oversight. If I send a picture of my kid to my wife, I don’t want some AI algorithm to have a brainfart and instead upload the picture to Europol for strangers to see and to put me on some list I don’t belong.

People sharing CSAM are unlikely to use apps that force these scans anyway.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

The point is is that it should never, under no circumstances monitor and eavesdrop private chats. It’s an unacceptable breach of privacy.

Also, please explain what “specific circumstances” you are referring to. The current proposal doesn’t limit the scanning of messages in any way whatsoever.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar


Here’s the text. There are no limits on which messages should be scanned anywhere in this text. Even worse: to address false positives, point 28 specifies that each provider should have human oversight to check if what the system finds is indeed CSAM/grooming. So it’s not only the authorities reading your messages, but Meta/Google/etc… as well.

You might be referring to when the EU can issue a detection order. This is not what is meant with the continued scanning of messages, which providers are always required to do, as outlined by the text. So either you are confused, or you’re a liar.

Cite directly from the text where it imposes limits on the automated scanning of messages. I’ll wait.

ChairmanMeow, (edited )
@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Aaand here’s your misunderstanding.

All messages detected by whatever algorithm/AI the provider implemented are sent to the authorities. The proposal specifically says that even if there is some doubt, the messages should be sent. Family photo or CSAM? Send it. Is it a raunchy text to a partner or might one of them be underage? Not 100% sure? Send it. The proposal is very explicit in this.

Providers are additionally required to review a subset of the messages sent over, for tweaking w.r.t. false positives. They do not do a manual review as an additional check before the messages are sent to the authorities.

If I send a letter to someone, the law forbids anyone from opening the letter if they’re not the intended recipient. E2E encryption ensures the same for digital communication. It’s why I know that Zuckerberg can’t read my messages, and neither can the people from Signal (metadata analysis is a different thing of course). But with this chat control proposal, suddenly they, as well as the authorities, would be able to read a part of the messages. This is why it’s an unacceptable breach of privacy.

Thankfully this nonsensical proposal didn’t get a majority.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

It’s an inefficient form of food, requiring more nutrients than we get out of it. But we like eating meat (it’s delicious after all), so in theory it is purely for our enjoyment.

Though we also use it to feed our cats I suppose.

📄 rule (sh.itjust.works)

alt-textIt blows our hivemind that the United States doesn’t use the ISO 216 paper size standard (A4, A5 and the gang). Like, we consider ourselves worldly people and are aware of America’s little idiosyncrasies like mass incarceration, the widespread availability of assault weapons and not being able to transfer money via...

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Honestly with the 7950x3D being so powerful, you rarely notice it if a game isn’t fully utilizing it. I have one and I’m very pleased with it!

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

I only really notice stutters in heavily modded Minecraft, where it’s clearly linked to the garbage collector. In more demanding games I don’t notice any stuttering really. Or at least, none that I can’t easily link to something triggering in the game that is likely causing it.

Sure, perhaps I have slightly lower average FPS compared to a 7800x3D, but I also use this PC for productivity reasons so there the extra oompf really does help. Still, 97% of a framerate that’s already way higher than what my 144Hz monitors support is still well above what my monitors support. I don’t think the performance difference is really noticeable, other than in certain benchmarks or if you try really hard to see them.

It’s considerably faster than a 5800x3D though.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

The financial sector offers a magnitude more services than just “transactions”. It’s a stupid comparison.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

If you close a nuclear power plant before closing a coal one, you are effectively replacing the nuclear with coal.

That’s not how words work.

And coal use has been going up in Germany. So I don’t know where you are getting these ideas from.

Your data source is outdated. You’re looking at data up to 2022, whilst his data shows 2023-2024, which is more recent.

2022 also saw problems like the Ukraine war frustrating gas supply, forcing the use of more coal. And there was covid throwing a wrench into things as well.

Nuclear powerplants in Germany were beyond their lifespan and fixing and modernizing them was not economically feasible. Just too expensive compared to other forms of energy.

Germany certainly hasn’t been “replacing nuclear with coal”.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

The nuclear plants in Germany were too old and too expensive to maintain. At some point a reactor is just end-of-life. They get operational issues causing semi-frequent shutdowns. The reliability issues become a problem that skyrockets the costs further.

Closing a nuclear plant like that puts enough money back in the budget to afford a faster transition to renewables, which ultimately closes down the coal plants faster too. It’s about the big picture, it’s not as simple as simply saying “we’ll do less coal” or “we’ll do less nuclear”.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Merkel and Schroeder gambled on Russian gas imports as a holdover to transition from the aging nuclear plants and coal plants towards renewables. They did so because according to Merkel “it made sense at the time” and she did not really see the larger geopolitical picture. When Russian gas suddenly dried up due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they had to delay the closure of several coal plants to keep the power on.

So they’re trying to replace nuclear and coal with gas.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

XD is Dubai (separate from the United Arab Emirates).

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

It’s rather the opposite. Big oil pushes nuclear because nuclear directly competes with renewables, and because nuclear is a centralised power generation solution that they can fully own, in contrast with stuff like rooftop solar or onshore wind. Shell has a share in General Atomics, BP is eyeing investments into nuclear energy.

Nuclear fusion might truly be an answer, but there is nothing that nuclear does that renewables can also do, but cheaper and faster.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

If you Google “is a nuclear baseload required” you’ll find plenty of articles clearly demonstrating why this isn’t true. Renewables + storage solutions can provide the base load just fine. The biggest issues have been worked out already, it just needs to be built (which is expensive, but so would nuclear be).

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Money spent building nuclear is money not spent on renewables. I didn’t say you said to stop building solar, but deciding to build nuclear does mean building less solar, simple allocation of resources.

Solar energy particularly has been becoming increasingly efficient and cheap. In fact, it’s ahead of even the most optimistic expectations price-wise.

There’s been plenty of studies showing that nuclear is not theoretically required to achieve 100% fossil-fuel free energy generation. And we’ve known this since 2009: frontiergroup.org/…/do-we-really-need-nuclear-pow….

Wind, solar, geothermal, hydro and energy storage solutions are perfectly capable of providing the full energy demand whenever we require it. The only issue is building sufficient amounts of it.

In fact, nuclear is particularly bad at providing base power. The reason is that renewables are so cheap (and becoming cheaper), that one of the main issues has turned into having too much power on the grid. Nuclear unfortunately doesn’t turn off and on very quickly. Many old reactors take a couple hours to do so, and even if it’s technically possible it’s financially impossible because the reactor would be running at too large a loss. When dealing with fluctuating power (mostly caused by the day/night cycle of solar, other effects mostly even out if the grid is large enough), you need a backup system that can also easily turn on and off. Energy storage and hydrogen can do this, nuclear can’t.

Then there’s the energy security argument. 40% of uranium imports come from Russia. Kazakhstan is an alternative, but even that is largely controlled by Rosatom.

Literal fucking oil shill.

Please stay civil. I’m happy to debate you but you can keep the insults to yourself. I’m very much against the oil industry. I’m not even necessarily against nuclear as a technology (I think it’s safe and don’t think the waste will be too big of an issue, also fusion is really cool science), but I have to conclude that it doesn’t make financial sense to go for nuclear, there’s practical problems integrating it with a renewable grid and we just have better alternatives.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Nobody is pushing nuclear? Strange, I wonder why in my country numerous parties have been pushing for nuclear then (mostly right-wing pro-corporation parties with fossil fuel donors).

Here’s an article if you don’t believe me: dutchnews.nl/…/let-the-state-build-new-nuclear-po…

There’s plenty of parties pushing nuclear. The fact that it’s hard to actually build doesn’t mean that there’s no lobbying effort being made. And even then, a lobbying effort now will only really result in a net nuclear gain in 10-20 years time when the reactors actually finish.

And for the record, “big oil” , does invest in nuclear. Chevron, Duke Energy, Eni, Shell and BP all investments in some nuclear research or nuclear company. The reason they don’t really invest much more is simple: it’s barely profitable, if at all. And renewables threaten the financial picture even more.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Conservative undertones? I’m curious why you think that. Could you elaborate?

There’s strong tones of anti-corporatism and a clear favour towards communal living. And the obvious “care-for-the-Earth” stuff. But I don’t think those are necessarily conservative. I could see the argument for Christian undertones, but more in the traditional “love thy neighbour” and “custodianship” sense.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

There are a lot of people who are in favour of sending aid to Israel as well. Biden can’t afford to piss off either group too much. But he does know that if Trump gets elected, one of those groups gets the opposite of what they want. So he’s naturally banking on that group of people still picking him over the alternative.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Yes, it doesn’t rely on online services afaik.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Democrats are unable to go further left because that risks losing votes to the GOP.

In a 2-party system, you don’t get the choice you want to make. Instead, you have to vote against what you like least, in order to motivate that party to move. You vote dem, so the GOP is forced to change. The parties grow closer together, giving the democrats room to move further left.

It’s a terrible system. The first candidate that wants to do election reform should be voted in ASAP.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Obama was not exactly a progressive, was he? The GOP moved right because Trump pulled them there, and there was a voter base to use. They also had the opportunity, given that Clinton was not as popular as hoped. The media has been shifting rightwards as well. And they will keep moving right as long as they believe it will win them elections.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

I tried this but can’t reproduce your results. AdGuard doesn’t seem to be sending any weird DNS or tracking requests on my phone.

I’m fairly certain you’re seeing some kind of false positive, but I don’t quite know what’s going on exactly.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

“Cox ring” sounds like “cock ring”, which is a sex toy.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

If your code takes up so much horizontal space with 4-space tabs, you’re putting too much on one line or indenting too deep. 4-space tabs keeps your line length manageable.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Lovecraft’s racism is very much a product of fear, not racial superiority. Dude was extraordinarily terrified of everything remotely foreign. It’s why “strange creatures that are vaguely human but completely incomprehensible” is the generic terror in his stories.

In that sense, I find the motivations for his racism far less terrible than the motivations a racial supremacist has.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Enormous Elizabeth could also work I guess.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Minority rights should be protected by a strong constitution, which is what is lacking in Israel.

The Netherlands also has proportional representation but with a strong constitution, and minority rights are perfectly protected.

First exp with a split ANSI keyboard (lemmy.world)

Working as a developer, I spend quite some time in front of my keyboard. So after years of lurking and checking out keebs, I am finally typing these sentences on my first mechanical keyboard - a Mistel Barocco MD770 RGB BT Glaze Blue ANSI. I want to use this post to share some of my thoughts and experienc, to maybe help others...

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

On most keyboards the 6 is physically closer to the F key than it is to the J key, making it closer to the resting position of the left index finger.

If you search online though it seems to be a bit 50/50 which finger you were taught to use though.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Vic3 certainly isn’t a shell of Vic2. It’s a considerably more complex and interesting game.

There are however some frustrating and obtuse mechanics, particularly related to warfare. It’s not even that bad once you get into it properly, but as a new player it’s definitely a bit frustrating and it’s definitely different from what players were used to from Vic2.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

I recommend watching some YouTubers playing the game (not reviewing them). One Proud Bavarian has some fun playthroughs, and Laith is one I quite like too. Those videos give good impressions of what the game is like I think.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

Hope you have fun with it!

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

That’s why he’s a terrible burger flipper.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

You’re missing the part where Apple initially wanted to partner with Masimo and when they refused, decided to poach several employees from Masimo to develop the competing product.

Masimo seems to have a legitimate case here, and Apple is definitely in the wrong, as they knowingly attempted to copy Masimo’s product. The late publication of the patents could be due to literally anything, but it doesn’t seem to be done willfully to ‘trap’ Apple into this lawsuit. Because of that, I’d argue that this is a bit of a fault in the broken patent system, but that Masimo is not deliberately patent trolling here.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

… Are they? I’ve never had issues cleaning them at all.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

In the movies, iirc some kids manage to trick a velociraptor to go inside, after which they trap it there.

@ChairmanMeow@programming.dev avatar

That was always in there, but the degree of optimization varied of course.

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