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“What does the word “delay” even mean…? Amirite?”, asked Judge Qanon.


Not only is he not facing charges, he is currently being paid by U.S. taxpayers.


He cannot be dishonorably discharged.

Only uncommissioned warrant officers (W-1) and enlisted members can be sentenced by a general court-martial to a punitive dishonorable discharge.

All commissioned officers, from W-2 up to O-10, as well as cadets and midshipmen, can only be dismissed by the punitive sentence of a general court-martial.

There is a distinct legal difference between the two types of punitive discharges, although for practical purposes the effects of both are very similar.

The only way to dismiss any commissioned officer, cadet, or midshipman from their Office is to convene a general court-martial, and obtain a conviction at trial that survives appeals until the convening authority is able to take final actions.

In theory, it can be done. And perhaps it will be, in spite of the difficulties of recalling a retired officer to stand trial by general court-martial; but probably not in this political climate.

He’s just cruising on his U.S. taxpayer provided pension, taking money from Putin, planning coups, and spreading the Q-Anon ideology.

What a guy.




“Lip service, lip service and then the opposite action later”, stated Trump.


Steve Bannon’s recent Google searches:

—how do I make toilet wine

—how do I get a bribe to Alito & Thomas

—What is Harlan Crow’s phone number

Putin says Russia and North Korea will help each other if attacked, taking ties to a ‘new level’ (

Vladimir Putin said Russia and North Korea have ramped up ties to a “new level,” pledging to help each other if either nation is attacked in a “breakthrough” new partnership announced during the Russian president’s rare visit to the reclusive state....


They are manufacturing lifts for eachother’s shoes


The House Ethics Committee is delaying as long as humanly possible in hopes of preventing loss of “Republican” (Russian) control of the House…


Yes. I am quite sure Matt Gaetz is very thankful for his exorbitantly wealthy father leaning on the scales ⚖️ of “justice”.

And let’s not forget his 2008 DUI arrest that Matt Gaetz also escaped Scot-Free.


Trump and his orbiting goons are like Batman villains


Jesus Christ. I didn’t think anyone could be shorter than little Don.


Tech bros don’t want to pay their taxes.

DogPeePoo, (edited )

He’ll sue ProPublica, the case will go to court and he’ll payout the witnesses 🤣


The Proud Boys are the ones in the kilts who like to video themselves inserting buttplugs into their own assholes if memory serves


🌈The Proud Boys🌈


It definitely had nothing to do with Elon Musk or Ken Griffin. Definitely not.


I’m buying stock in Depend owner Kimberly-Clark

DogPeePoo, (edited )

But there’s considerable uncertainty in those numbers

Our averages also show Trump leading in most swing states, though there is enough uncertainty that Biden could easily be ahead in enough to win the Electoral College.

TLDR: polls schmolls


“I thought Ghislaine said you were cool… my bad”


FSD available in “a couple of weeks”

DogPeePoo, (edited )

Meanwhile in America, convicted assholes like Steve Cohen and Michael Milken walk free; and pieces of shit like Ken Griffin and Doug Cifu are free to literally counterfeit shares in the name of “LiQuiDitY” while naked shorting and fucking retail investors— for decades on end.


The party of “sMaLL gOvErnMeNt” would like full control of your mother’s and daughter’s vagina and uterus.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Trump is already gagging on Putin’s meat


She’s doing a shit job, then.

All she is doing is going to split the Republican vote.

Stay in school kids; don’t wind up like Rita Palma.


“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain…”

“I know what I’m doing, and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people, and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are,” Trump said.

“But I speak to a lot of people, but my primary consultant is myself, and I have a good instinct for this stuff”

“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning— because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.”


Ohio has accrued an exceptional collection of very fat bespectacled middle aged white fascists


He should definitely subpoena them😂😆

Jim is a fucking clown 🤡

Congress is an entirely unserious entity because of members like him.


“tHerE wiLL bE a ciViL wAr…”

Sure Jan


His daily hormone therapy/ketamine/cocaine cocktail have fucked up his little racist brain beyond repair


Yes, it’s definitely possible.

How Dangerous Is a Ketamine Overdose?

Taking a sizeable amount or consuming any amount from a strong batch of ketamine could lead to an overdose. According to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation3, the risk of death from ketamine alone is not high. However, a toxic amount of ketamine can still cause health problems. Most ketamine-related problems are due to mixing ketamine with other drugs, such as alcohol, GHB, and MDMA. People who have done this report symptoms like experiencing an altered consciousness, dizziness, stomach pain, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and even urinary tract issues. People who have existing cardiac conditions or hypertension are at greater risk when consuming too much ketamine. The reason for this is that ketamine increases cardiac output, raises blood pressure, and can cause your heart to race. If you are already struggling with an existing cardiac or heart condition, it is best to avoid consuming ketamine or other mind-altering substances. When overdoses do occur, it’s typically when ketamine levels are too high in the bloodstream. If the body cannot safely break down the toxins, it will start to shut down. This could lead to a dangerous reaction, and it could even be fatal if there isn’t immediate medical intervention. We aren’t completely sure what could lead to a toxic buildup or overdose of ketamine. Factors, as we mentioned before, vary from person to person. Toxic buildup can occur because of the body’s inability to break down the ketamine due to an individual’s body mass, age, underlying medical or mental health conditions, and other genetic factors that could play a role. As mentioned earlier, those who have cardiac or heart issues should stay away from ketamine since complications can occur. The way ketamine is ingested can also increase the odds of an overdose. Snorting a copious amount of ketamine can send the substance into the bloodstream faster and raise the risk for an overdose. Toxicology reports from individuals who died after using ketamine for recreational purposes found that doses between 0.1 and 7 mgl/l were present in the bloodstream when they died, according to the Emerging Health Threats4 Journal5.


There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

Greg Abbot is a little piss baby.


That’s it- exactly 👍


The Congressional Republicans and their Fox News swallowing ilk, who have all decided they love Russia so much, should simply move there.

Trump and GOP use a fake panic about a "trans" Easter to justify their Christian nationalism (

It’s easy to roll one’s eyes as the self-serving dramatics of MAGA voters using false claims of victimhood as cover for their ugly views. But, as the threatening language in Greene’s tweet shows, this “woe is us” act is deeply dangerous. The hyperbolic conspiracy theories and dehumanizing language serve to convince...


If Trump is anti trans then why he have a vajayjay on his neck?

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