
They’re waiting until they know the outcome of the election. If drumpf wins, then they’ll greenlight presidential immunity… immediately after Biden vacates office. For the love of god, vote for the sane choice.


it is in USA DNA: drama! trump is like a stupider britney…just without the skills or skin…and it will all cumulate to sth. bizarre. may convict trump will shave his head or drive down square garden DWI…we dont know yet but it will be bizarre.



CharlesDarwin, avatar

Yeah, it’s a real mystery.


Please USA, don’t go full Nazi. That would be quite inconvenient for your neighbors, and the world probably.


You have been permanently banned from c/Conservative.


Oh no, my life has become that much poorer


Lula’s Brazil had Bolsonaro handled within six months. Banned him from running until 2030 over his January 8th coup attempt in 2023.

The failure to respond in 2021 doomed us all.


Yeah. I expected nothing would happen until it was too late. I’m still disappointed, but I expected it.


The system doesn’t want to save it’s self, we are on a clear path towards fascism.

Linkerbaan, avatar

These trials could have started far sooner. But they were intentionally delayed by Democrats.

The Democrats purposely did not prosecute Trump in time because they do not want anyone else than Trump to be running.

Imagine if they couldn’t “But Trump” right now.


You give the Dems too much credit. It’s easier to believe they’re weak and ineffectual.


By design. The duopoly of American politics is firmly controlled by the rich, they stir up drama to get the public’s approval for their side hustles.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Huh no of course not. They literally propped up Trump in 2016

So to take Bush down, Clinton’s team drew up a plan to pump Trump up. Shortly after her kickoff, top aides organized a strategy call, whose agenda included a memo to the Democratic National Committee: “This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field,” it read.

“The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right. In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party,” read the memo.

“Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to: • Ted Cruz • Donald Trump • Ben Carson We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to [take] them seriously."


The Dems did fuck up, just not exactly as you describe. The Dems elected a neoliberal who appointed a conservative Attorney General. He did exactly what you’d expect a conservative AG to do and paved the way for Trump to return to power.


My guess is: pursuing bipartisanship with the right wing, relentlessly.


This is most probably what’s really happening. The same way Democrats try to get right wing extremists in Republican primaries to win because they see them as easier to win against.

FuglyDuck, avatar

It’s intentional specifically to buy the orange turd as much time as they possibly can, maybe delay the trial until after the election.

Which is incredibly stupid.


Yeah its their putrid brains chock full of far right fecal treacle


I don’t know why anyone is surprised. All of the court watchers who aren’t MAGA told us SCOTUS would sit on this as long as they possibly could. Which, assuming they’re still coloring inside the rules, means the last ruling of the season. And they’ll drag out all the other cases too so it doesn’t look weird. In fact on Strict Scrutiny they’ve been warning that the court is dropping a bunch of no contest decisions because they’re expecting one big drop with shitty partisan decisions that have no logic beyond the personal politics of the majority.


That the charges weren’t made until late last year is also a failure, the whole process has been unreasonable long.


That was part of the game though. If any part of that process was sped up for him the Republicans would have ammo in their accusations about the trial. And rich people have long made sure the justice system goes slowly.


I mean the reasons exist but if the system cannot rapidly respond to attempts to destroy it then those attempts will succeed.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Part of “the game” is to make sure that the trial would start far too late for it to end before the elections… To make sure that Trump can get elected before the ruling is over… And then give himself immunity?


Yes, but it’s important to remember that there are multiple players in this game. The Democrats and the prosecutors want the trial done before then but they can’t be seen to be speeding it up or even to be impatient. This gives the defense and the Republicans plenty of opening to show the trial down.

Linkerbaan, avatar

This was entirely predictable. There was no reason for the Democrats to wait so long to start the process. They wanted to make sure Trump could run for the Republicans so they can keep fearmongering everyone into voting for Biden.


They did start the process very early though. The problem is there’s a whole thing before bringing charges that they had to go through. They aren’t skipping any step because that could be grounds for an appeal. Even before officially opening an investigation they had to make sure they had the grounds to do that. So there was an investigation before the investigation, likely trying to get something less ephemeral than speech=riot; like direct ties to fake electors. Then they can start the official investigation where they get people on the record in meetings with the FBI. Finally when that’s gone far enough they can get a grand jury to look at everything. Then finally they can charge Trump and start preparing for a trial.

In both of the investigative phases anyone partial to Trump can slow them down by rescheduling repeatedly and lying to investigators. (Which has already resulted in charges for some of them because it’s much easier to prove.) Then the grand jury doesn’t usually meet every day, in fact they may only meet once a week.

Taking two years to figure out there was a connection, and another year to gather enough evidence for a grand jury isn’t unusual. Especially in cases involving rich and influential people.


Look at the lib escalate into a spiraling web of complexity in order to justify failure. No, the timeline here was unreasonable and will allow trump to win again. The Dems have served up a silver platter to the wealthy.


I agree that it’s unreasonable. But it’s how the system works with rich people. Meaning this isn’t abnormal.


Merrick Garland is a conservative. He did exactly what the world knew he would do when the neoliberal president appointed him.


Subpoena them one by one and confront them about specific issues. For instance Thomas and all those billionaire friends who keep dropping money in his lap. Congress committees have the power to do this.

Let sunlight into the dirty little acts of corruption and impeach. Hit them instead of just complaining all the damn time. Also, six or seven year term limits. Then every single president will get a chance to appoint a couple and the bench makeup will be more balanced.


Congressional subpoenas mean absolutely nothing after Trump’s term though. They’ll just ignore then and what, you expect Merrick Garland to arrest a Supreme Court Justice for contempt of Congress? If it even gets that far.


Not so, I believe that Steve Bannon is going to the lockup for ignoring his in a week or so. I don’t fancy that the supremes will want to risk that. It just takes will to apply the law. That’s it.

Of course, the Dems will huff and puff and do nothing.


Of course, the Dems will huff and puff and do nothing

That’s my point, Merrick Garland of all people, Mr I don’t want to appear political so I’ll slow walk trump, isnt going to arrest a Supreme Court Justice mere months before an election if he ever would in the first place.


I think that arresting a Supreme isn’t going to happen. For a start the legal machinations and appeals will take at least two years. But, a subpoena is at least fighting back, and a threat. What is the alternative? Hand wringing?

The Conservatives wake up each and every day actively trying to destroy the American republic. Do you think that overturning Roe was just luck? That was a 25 year process. I’m not advocating violence, but just not taking it when your balls get stomped. There are shocking things that can be done. Boosting the bench to overcome the current bias, bringing in terms limits, and subpoenas for corruption. The subpoena won’t necessarily lead to impeachment or arrest, but it will bring out every little dirty detail in public. Do you think that’s not a threat to a dirty bench?


People need to go listen to the confirmation hearings of the older judges where they said they considered Roe v Wade settled law that would take quite a lot to over turn. And then read the opinion that places medieval catholic church law above our Constitution. It should be required. With highlights and margin notes in comic sans red marker because apparently that’s fun and attention grabbing.


By which time they will have decided Trump v. Biden 2024 in a repeat of 2000. Or at least that’s what my depression brain is telling me. Logical me says it will definitely take years but they’ll end up impeached or having their seat stolen out form under them around about 2026. At which point they’ll claim they’re retiring and Sinclair news will blast every local news station with stories about how concerning it is to see politicians running judges out of office. But we’ll get through it.


Steve Bannon isn't an Important Person™ tho.


Never said he was. The constitution doesn’t have categories of importance.


If the constitution isn’t equally enforced, it might not have categories of importance written in, but it’s functionally no different.

The whole idea of the three different branches of government was supposed to be that each would keep the others in check. Once the Senate refused to convict Trump for contempt of Congress, I could see the writing on the wall. The houses are no longer co-equal, and one party likes it that way because it means they get to do shit like take away abortion from those godless libtards.




If Gym Jordan doesn’t have to comply with a congressional subpoena, what makes you think Clarence Thomas will?


I’m not sure of the person you refer to (sorry, not American) but surely that’s the problem. Not applying the law equally. Can a common murderer or thief decide that a legal direction doesn’t apply to them?


Jim Jordan (Gym is a nickname from years ago when he allowed students to get molested by a school doctor) is a representative from the state of Ohio who was involved with the January 6th plot to overthrow the government.
When they investigated it, they subpoenaed him and he refused to show up. So far it’s been 3 years and no action has been taken whatsoever.
He helped plot a coup, he’s STILL in power, and he ignored a subpoena from Congress with no consequences whatsoever.
He ranks considerably lower than the Supreme Court does in the grand scheme of things and if they’re not going to force him to comply, they won’t force any of the federal justices to comply.


Thank you for your detailed explanation.

The problem appears to be a lack of enforcement of already established law. Well, if you were permitted to ignore the law why the hell wouldn’t you? That is my entire thesis. Stop allowing “important” public figures flout the law.


The real issue is it’s too easy for Republicans to paint it as weaponizing of official powers against political rivals who are absolutely innocent. The fear from Democrats is that holding him accountable would damage their public image badly enough to lose them seats in the House/Senate, thus giving the Republicans more power. Imagine a Trump Presidency with both the House and Congress controlled by MAGA Republicans.

If you want to know how Republican voters could see it that way, just watch Faux News for a few days. I work for an ISP that delivers TV services, and it’s scary how many old people have Fox turned on 24/7.

Project 2024 scares the shit out of me. I’ve applied for passports for me and my two daughters, if Trump wins the next election I’m getting the fuck off this carnival ride.


I think that it’s Project 2025, but everything else you described is spot on.


if Trump wins the next election I’m getting the fuck off this carnival ride.

Where will you go that will allow you to stay?


MAGA SCOTUS justices in this case, MAGA judge in the classified docs case, MAGA prosecutor in the Georgia case … good thing we hit him with four cases at the same time.


Fucking seriously. How stupid are we that people would see exactly what you laid out and just say “hmmm, oh well the justice system is just slow or something.” Except its only with his cases that are in front of Republican appointed “judges.”


In the case of the supreme court it is painfully obvious. It’s because Thomas likes to live like a billionaire and Alito hates gays.

Badeendje, avatar

Isn’t this a common thing that before summer break they collect cases and defer judgements and dump it all on the day they leave for summer break?


Wow, I wonder what it could be? It couldn’t possibly be that fucking everything anyone who’s been paying attention to the judicial system has been saying in the last 8 years for the past 8 years is all true, could it…?

For real though I’m getting real fuckin sick of being proven right on this whole realm of issues.


Cause the coup has not ended yet.


It won’t end until they succeed. This isn’t stopping with trump they will continue until they have permanent control. They can see the writing on the wall and that the numbers don’t look good for their future in government so they need to solidify that control.


Yeah, typical fascists.


you spelled "as expected" wrong

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