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I would definitely buy that. I usually keep my game volumes on low and click through the dialogue because I already read the subtitle, why wait around to finish having the line delivered verbally? (Interestingly enough I’ve never ever thought “hurry up, speak faster” in an in real life conversation, this impatience only exists in video games.) Because of the value of voice acting, but for me personally voice acting is just not a priority.


I’d even be fine with a bit of increase. Have to keep pace with inflation, make sure you’re making enough to keep all your workers’ wages worth the same this year as it was last year.

But they want MORE profit NOW NOW NOW at a much higher rate than needed to keep pace with inflation, and the money sure isn’t going to workers to keep their wages at pace with inflation.

They said kids who failed the marshmallow test (eat one marshmallow now or wait and get two? basically, a test of if you can do delayed gratification or not) were less likely to fail than kids who passed it. But it looks like the instant gratification MORE PROFIT NOW NOW NOW guys are winning. But only if you’re super rich.

Looking for games with unique core mechanics

I’m requesting for recommendations for games that stand out from the rest in their genre, and not in the sense of being the best game in that niche but actually bringing something new and innovative to the table. I’ve not had much experience in gaming, but I have a few games to give you a hint on what I am talking about:...


In a similar vein, Not For Broadcast. Pick what camera feed to show, what to censor, etc. Will admit I haven’t played it myself and am going off the Steam description page, but it seems pretty unique mechanics-wise.


For a certain type of person who heavily values utility, yeah, go with money. Most useful, the person you replied to has a point.

They’ll likely also appreciate that you know them well enough to know that they would like money the best instead of making the assumption (that would be correct for a lot of people, but not for this particular example person) that they’ll feel money is too impersonal. 😛 Sentiment probably would play a role, with the sentiment still being “you know me well enough to get me the gift I’d like the most.”

I like giving gifts because I feel it’s me showing the other person that I know what they like, that I see them and listen to them. I like receiving gifts that show that the person who got me it knows me well enough to know my likes. I would absolutely prefer money if you’re uncertain of my likes—I also value utility. Even if the gift of money was low-effort and not out of “I know you would prefer money over an incorrect guess at what you like,” I’d still prefer the money. More useful to me and would bring more joy than something I didn’t like.

So I mostly agree with you when it comes to gift-giving, but the person you replied to also has a point!


On one hand I accept casual gamers but on another hand I don’t want people to stop making non-casual games, so seeing casual games make much more money is a little alarming. I also don’t want casual gamers to get flooded with freemium trash that’s padded to the gills with microtransactions. They deserve more Animal Crossing and less Slot Machines Disguised As A Game.


Dragon’s Dogma, at least if you’re trying to play as a mage. How do I target my spells? How do I even switch to the new spells I bought? That was a trip to the wiki and then r/DragonsDogma for me.

The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.

Just thought I’d share something I thought was pretty interesting. I have a mother in law who is… well let’s just say she’s a stereotypical older mom who doesn’t own a computer, just an iPad. During the pandemic, she started getting into Nintendo games and bought herself a Switch. Fast forward a few years later and...

Evergreen5970, (edited )

I would really appreciate if we stopped doing the “if you disagree with my opinion you’re an [insult] and also must be out of touch with reality so I will say you need to go outside” thing. It’s really exhausting. This is Beehaw, the be(e) nice server and I’m kind of getting sick of seeing this kind of snark on a server where the expectation is people being nice to each other.

I was skeptical at “normies” but the overall tone of the post is inclusive, so I’m not the target of your rant because I figured it out. I was able to figure it out because I’m terminally online and have the experience with online posts to know that some people use it as a pejorative and some people use it as a self-deprecating catch-all for people who aren’t too into their hobby.

I also have autism and some people with the condition aren’t as good as me at putting together the connotations of words AND the overall post to figure out the poster’s intentions. And some people aren’t terminally online and have less exposure to seeing this word used. They’ve likely overwhelmingly seen it used as a pejorative, and end up very skeptical of this post. I don’t like the idea that people like me, or that people who might have reasonably arrived at a different conclusion about this, are being told that they’re huge dorks who need to go outside.

Really starting to feel like Beehaw is just like any other online space. I see the same amount of snark and negative assumptions of people who didn’t see something the commenter’s/poster’s way. Sure, it’s free of bigotry, but all the spaces I occupied were already bigotry-free. Even back when I was on Reddit, because in the small subreddits I looked at the few bigots were downvoted to hell and had their comments hidden. (I’m aware that not everyone was lucky enough to only be interested in topics that had easily accessible bigotry-free areas so Beehaw still serves a useful purpose for them.)


To say “this seems out of line. Could it be what I think it is, or am I assuming?” By process of elimination, a person either chooses to do that, or chooses to be assumptive.

I’m assuming you’re human right now, even though the possibility exists that you are an alien who hasn’t revealed themselves as such and that your alien self prioritizes engaging here instead of talking to the world’s governments. I’m choosing to be assumptive because I don’t care to track you down and try to match your identity to a human person in real life, because I find doing that distasteful even if I never end up exposing your identity to anyone else in the world, and because I am extremely confident that this assumption is correct. But it is still an unproven assumption.

Should I hold the possibility that on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog or alien or something in my head because it’s an assumption? Probably not. I should probably assume you are human. People will make assumptions they believe to be reasonable, and people will also call out what they believe to be bad behavior even if they’re wrong.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

For some people, talking about this is fun. Let them have it. For some people who are interested in this it’s not annoying at all.

I don’t click on articles I don’t care about and find pointless. I let the people who care about [insert interest I find boring here] talk about it without telling them they’re showcasing the most annoying parts of autistic people, or conversely showcasing the worst shallow impulses of humanity instead of caring about something really important. People are allowed to have interests that aren’t historymaking and activism, and interests that many others do not share.

I have autism and admittedly feel kind of on the defense because of your comment. I don’t go around talking about the most annoying aspects of neurotypicals or any other demographic, I thought that was kind of a jerkish and (sometimes low-key) discriminatory thing to do. Also, one social rule I learned is to live and let live and I tend not to handle the whole “it’s basically nothing, can’t believe someone cares about this” kind of comment well. Kind of disappointed your comment has this many upvotes.


As a person who isn’t too knowledgeable about the piracy scene, what’s sexist about “FitGirl”? Is there some story behind the username that makes it sexist in use? My outsider’s impression is that FitGirl is a woman who likes fitness, exercise, and releasing pirated stuff for people.

What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

For me it’s first person puzzle games. I can think of maybe a dozen off the top of my head that came out in the last decade. I especially enjoy when they’re open world. The ability to just quit a puzzle that’s stumped you and go try something else for a little bit is incredibly refreshing.


I love musical theatre but have been out of the loop for awhile. Surprised they managed to grab a Broadway guy. Pretty funny considering he sings “Two Player Game,” a song about playing video games with your best friend, in the musical Be More Chill.


You may have heard about this on Beehaw! There was just a post about it here, including thoughts about peoples’ experience with the game.



The way I did this was going to Communities, searching Gaming so I would get gaming@beehaw.org, and clicking Next until I found the post. That’s how I found the post on Beehaw, too.

There may be a more efficient way to do this. That’s just how I did this.


Relevant TVTropes link, Not the Way It Is Meant to Be Played.

I am generally a video hater but this is very entertaining: a tutorial on beating Skyrim without ever using the left stick. The actual video title is misleading and just claims it’s beating it without ever walking.

What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

Have you ever played a game and wondered what if you could do something that it doesn’t really allow you to do, for example being able to move around blocks in Minecraft fluidly instead of in sectors, edit the world in Hogwarts legacy with spells, be able to fly in a world like Elden Ring or Elder Scrolls with epic sky...


Have you seen www.themanequest.com? It’s aimed at people like you trying to find a high-quality horse game. Tons of reviews of horse games on that site. I’m not even into horses but the website captivated me anyways.

How bisexuality changed video games (www.youtube.com)

It’s a video about sexuality as a gaming mechanic. The same way you might play as a mage or a warrior, you can choose who your character is interested in. Except you don’t realize you have an option until someone else that played the game in a different way tells you. There’s a focus on bisexual erasure as well....


Thank you for the transcript! I hate watching videos when I can read their content faster, and I will usually not bother to go to youtubetranscript.com.


You can read the transcript here: youtubetranscript.com/?v=iZGkxUTbDqw

OP mentioned it first. I’m just thanking them for giving me that so I don’t have to do any work to search it out myself. I’m not paid to do any advertising for this website.

This is probably my first accusation of being an advertiser. I’ve seen other people get accused of advertising or being shills before and saw that it was pretty difficult for the person to convince others they were just a regular human person without any profit motives. I’d prefer if you thought I was a normal human, considering I bothered to defend myself, but feel free to think I’m an advertiser I guess?


As a person who likes that kind of music and knew it before playing Fallout, it was such a pleasant surprise to me to hear this older music pop up in a much-more-modern video game.

Think it’s worth saying that I hate FPSes but I have and enjoy Fallout anyways.

Instead of "casual" or "ranked" they should just have "play to win" or "play for fun."

Because it doesn’t seem to matter currently if you play ranked games or casual games, the general experience tends to be the same. But one has numbers and things to go with it. You still get people playing to win in casual games and you get people dicking around having fun in ranked games, and the ranks don’t necessarily...


Something that really doesn’t help is that although I am a gamer, I hear about how toxic many multiplayer environments are, so I never join them. I’ll only play with my real life friends, who aren’t going to call me a racial slur if I make a mistake or am honest-to-goodness bad at the game.

A toxic environment leads to droves of people who won’t tolerate it fleeing. Most people who won’t tolerate toxicity also would not perpetuate a toxic environment themselves—in other words, the toxicity drives out lots of non-toxic people. Now the proportion of toxic to non-toxic people is much more slanted towards the toxic.

Recommendations for open world games with focus on interaction instead of exploration or survival

I would like recommendations for open world games where the player has abundant ways to interact with the world, be it with the NPCs or buildings, and does not have to worry about survival aspects of the character or spending time exploring a static world. I would not mind if it comes at the cost of a smaller sized world, as...


Finger slipped and accidentally deleted my comment instead of editing a comma in. Here we go again:

Someone made a mod for Sims 3 where you could grill and eat a baby

I remember this! It was the OMGWTFBBQ. I only remember a Sims 2 version, though. The Sims 2 version can still be downloaded here, it’s just not on modthesims.info anymore.


I think it was intended to be OMGWTFBarbecue, because you barbecue the baby.

Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

Just an open world survival game, only you’re a cat, dealing with regular cat problems. You have to hunt, avoid larger animals, compete with other cats, figure out which humans are dangerous and which will give you treats, judiciously spray things to maintain your territory, maybe mate and reproduce (your sex and fertility...


You’re correct about the start of the game. They’re also planning a sequel!

How often have games made you do a double take in real life? (i.imgur.com)

Maybe you see a plant you have to collect in game or a rock wall that looks different. What items have you caught out of the corner of your eye that you realized was just your brain so focused on looking for things in a game that you saw it IRL and made you double take?


I played Uplink: Hacker Elite awhile back. One part of the game was that the in-game hacking software you could download had to be managed. One piece of software could take up 4 continuous slots of your computer “memory,” and I don’t think you could move it after installation without buying a piece of software that allowed movement, but you could delete it. Another could take up 2 continuous slots, another 6. I thought this was just a cool inventory system. Manage the space we gave you carefully and all that.

A decade later, in a computer science class, I learn that this is really part of how computers store stuff, including software, in memory. Aside from the fact that our modern computers do move stuff in memory without you having to buy something special to do it.

Was really not expecting the cool inventory system to come back into my life or be anything but a cool made-up inventory system.


I think it’s a fun coincidence you brought that game up as something obscure nobody will care about, because I just learned about it because of your post and will probably emulate it for myself lol. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! 😊


I don’t like roguelikes, I got it for the character interactions and what do you know, the gameplay is fun too!

Still not going to change my mind on roguelikes though. Just this one is nice.


Now this is luck and not skill, but I traded Pokémon in Pokémon GO with a friend. When you do this, the Pokémon you send to your friend rerolls its IVs. The Duskull I sent him rerolled its IVs, the Buneary he sent me rerolled its IVs, and we both ended up with perfect-IV Pokémon.

(I’m a 100-IV aka perfect-IV hunter in Pokémon GO. In the mainline games, I tend not to care as much.)

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